2013 Clean Official Boarding Decisions and Applicant Stats/ECs

<p>I wish buddy. But waitlist is practically a rejection and I wouldn’t count on it too much.</p>

<p> Decision: ACCEPTED AT NMH
Decision: Denied at Loomis,Taft,Choate,Andover </p>

GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 3.5/4 (I would guess?)
Rank: N/A
Other stats: URM
[<em>] Essays: The ones for Taft were the very first ones and not exactly my favorites, I liked the other ones, and personally I think the best ones were for Choate and Andover
[</em>] Math Rec: I think very good he likes me
[<em>] English Rec: Excellent, my teacher loves me!
[</em>] Other Rec Rec: THE VERY BEST ONE, made me soud as a really unique candidate
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: I think it was good
[</em>] Sports (if any): Tennis,Martial Arts, Swimmer (though, not planning to swim)
[<em>] Instruments (if any): Piano
[</em>] Other ECs (if any): Speak: Spanish, English and German, Tons of community service
[li] Hook (if any): Lego Builder(yes, its a hook when you build 5000+pieces) and URM [/li][/ul]Location/Person:
State or Country: Mexico
Current School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Latin
Gender: Male
Grade: 11th (Repeating)
**Other Factors: Full Pay, Did all interviews at schools, I think all my interviewers liked me! NMH interview was the best, Paid off!!! **</p>

<p>@Mexstudent2013: See? NHM was the winner! :smiley: Congrats!</p>

<p>@PxAlaska: Don’t give up! You still have Groton to look forward to! :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>

<p>@GoldenRatio! I woke up my parents at 12:10 to tell them, they literally jumped in their bed :smiley: Im so happy!</p>

<p>@Mexstudent2013: Which just goes to show, never give up hope, because there’s always the silver lining in every cloud! :slight_smile: <em>continues to throw out old sayings</em></p>

<p>Hahahah congrats guys! I think i will give up. It would ultimately be a let down to keep hoping for Groton. I’m applying to colleges in the fall. See you all!</p>

<p>@GoldenRatio hahahaaha yes you’re right! :)</p>

<p>@PxAlaska: I wish you the best at your local private school! Hopefully, you’ll get into your dream college (karma owes you big time!)</p>

<p>** Decision: Accepted - Blair Academy (Day Student), The Pingry School (Day), Pope John XXIII High School (Day), Seton Hall Prep (Day) **</p>

<p>**Decision: Waitlist - Delbarton School (Day) **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 49% Math, 69% Vocab, 87% Reading - 69% Overall
[</em>] Grades: All A’s/A+'s, one A- in Religion
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[/ul][ b]Subjective:**[ul]
[</em>] Essays: Good for most places, average for Blair
[<em>] Math Rec: Great, also debate coach
[</em>] English Rec: Good
[<em>] Other Rec Rec:Really good
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Excellent, knows me well
[<em>] Sports (if any): Football, Basketball, Baseball
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Guitar
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Debate: 1st place winner (Got a perfect score) in county tournament
Football: 2 Time League Champions
Basketball: Reigning League Champions
Junior Model UN: Best Delegate Award
World of Free Enterprise: Won 5 out of 7 Categories
School Newspaper Editor and front page article writer
Trivia Bowl: Two Time Champion
Lead role in school play
Winner of the “What Prejudice Means to Me” essay contest by the National Council of Jewish Women
Computer Coding/Development Classes
Cosmology: Attended a study of Venus at town library
National Junior Honor Society
[</em>] Hook (if any): Full pay
[<em>] State or Country: New Jersey
[</em>] Current School Type: Small Catholic Blue Ribbon School
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Male
[li] Grade: 8[/li][/ul]**Other Factors: Great interview at Blair, Pingry, and Delbarton **</p>

<p>General Comments: I’m really happy I got into my top two! (Blair and Pingry) I’m grateful to have the opportunity to choose where I will go next year. Good luck everyone, for wherever you will be going!</p>

<p>@NikDangles: Quick! Edit your post and delete the spaces! It’s very hard to read right now, due to the awkward formatting! ;)</p>

<p>@GoldenRatio enjoys formatting. Thanks man for your words.</p>

<p>@PxAlaska: Hahaha, yes I do! Why do you think my Applicant Stats post was so overly formatted? :slight_smile: Even though you aren’t betting anything on Groton, tell us how it goes, okay?</p>

<p>@GoldenRatio Just for you. I’ll let you know how colleges go as well. Oh crap. Did any of us ever go to that google hangout? I totally forgot about it</p>

<p>@PxAlaska: Thanks! No, I didn’t go to the Hangout; I had dance class. I don’t know if anyone else did, though. Everyone seems to have disappeared from CC and Google Plus! :(</p>

<p>**Decision: Waitlisted at Exeter and Andover **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 93rd Percentile
[</em>] GPA Weighted: 4
[<em>] Rank: NO ranks
[</em>] Other stats: Taking gr.10 classes
[<em>] Essays: Good
[</em>] Math Rec: Good
[<em>] English Rec: Good
[</em>] Other Rec Rec: AMAZING
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Good
[</em>] Sports (if any): Dance
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Writing, Singing, a LOT of volunteering
[</em>] Hook (if any): published poet, ranked top 10 poems in North America, MANY debate awards
[<em>] State or Country: Canada
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[li] Grade: 9[/li][/ul]Other Factors: Full Financial Aid, AMAZING interviews
General Comments: I fully expected to get waitlisted.</p>

<p>** Decision: Accepted at Choate & Hotchkiss **</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: N/A
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats: N/A
[<em>] Essays: Pretty good, but most were written last minute. I finished my Hotchkiss essays the night before the due date, but Choate’s were by far my best ones.
[</em>] Math Rec: Alright.
[<em>] English Rec: Hopefully, pretty good.
[</em>] Other Rec Rec: Really good, I think.
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Alright, she doesn’t really know me.
[</em>] Sports (if any): Swimming, basketball, running, tennis & softball
[<em>] Instruments (if any): classical guitar & piano
[</em>] Other ECs (if any): quite a bit of community service + debate
[<em>] Hook (if any): N/A
[</em>] State or Country: Somewhere in Asia.
[<em>] Current School Type: Private
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] Grade: Applying for 10th grade
[/ul]Other Factors:
General Comments: Pretty amazing interviews at both schools :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>@CellyZ: :frowning: But a waitlist is better than rejection! Take heart-you might still get off! :)</p>

I believe that’s only if I cure cancer.</p>

<p>@CellyZ: Well, one of my friends got off a waitlist for qualifying for the AIME. It’s not that bad!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted at Choate Rosemary Hall
Decision: Waitlisted at The Hotchkiss School, Phillips Andover Academy
Decision: Rejected at The Taft School</p>


[ul][li]SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT/SAT: SSAT 2247 (95 percentile), SAT 1800 (80 percentile)[/li][li]GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 3.804 UW, 3.998 W[/li][li]Rank: Top 10%[/li]Subjective:
[li]Essays: My Hotchkiss ones were over 500 words, so Gateway kindly chopped off the most important parts; I’m actually very surprised at getting a waitlist! My Choate essays were all rather monotonous and threw in various hackneyed terms that I now cringe at, so I have no idea how I got in. Likewise, my Taft essays had nothing special in them. However, my Andover essays were glowing-they actually represented what I was like and what I stood for.[/li][li]Math Recommendation: My Math teacher knows that I’m hard-working and committed, since I’ve been going in early every day for extra-help sessions. Teacher has also applauded my grade increase from a B to a B+.[/li][li]English Recommendation: My English teacher loves my poetic style, but frowns slightly at how my expository writing. Told me before that I have an innate writing talent that I should definitely delve in further into in high school.[/li][li]Other Recommendation: My dancing coach has known me for years, so really professed about my artistic talents and my drive and passion.[/li][li]Principal Recommendation: My principal didn’t even know me, and didn’t even want to fill in the recommendation forms. It took two weeks of lobbying for it to even pass, and the principal is also famous for being apathetic. So, in other words, it was most likely lackluster.[/ul]</p>[/li]

[ul][li]Sports: Dance: Ballet-5 years, Modern-3 years, Ethnic-1 year[/li][li]Instruments: Cello-4 years, Flute-2 years, Piano-1 year[/li][li]Other Extracirriculars: School Newspaper-1 year[/li][li]Hooks: Does having a compelling personal story count?[/ul][/li]Location/Person:

  • [li]State or Country: Northeastern United States[/li][li]Current School Type: Public Middle School[/li][li]Ethnicity: Asian[/li][li]Gender: Female[/li][li]Grade: 8th, applied for 9th[/li][li]Boarding or Day: Boarding


  • [li]Choate: My interviewer and I really connected, and started meadering off to talk about Arts and discuss various topics. There were really no questions posed, and it wasn’t very productive.[/li][li]Hotchkiss: I had an amazing interview at Hotchkiss! The interviewer brought me to the Art Salon, where students were showcasing their work; I got to ask some of them about the art at Hotchkiss. Consequently, I was really open and upbeat in answering questions. However, I did not get to meet Mr. Noyes, the art department head.[/li][li]Andover: The interview was mundane and followed an interrogation format. I stumbled over some questions, and mumbled out others. In one, I completely bluffed. The interviewer was not impressed, and seemed to scent out my skepticism for the school (I wasn’t really sure if I could fit in at Andover or not. The reputation and multitude of the student body all scared me.)[/li][li]Taft: I got a sports coach as an interviewer, and I don’t even play sports! Gym is my least favorite-and my worst-subject. Thus, we did not get to talk about my passion for Arts. I also had to veer off-course and ramble about the sense of community and how I appreciated that. We were both at a disconnect, and I did not do well there.

<p>Other Factors: Needed 50+ percent of Financial Aid to “make the magic happen!”</p>

<p>General Comments: </p>

<p>I had called FedEx on March 8, and they had said that I had no packages coming my way. Thus, I was already pretty certain that I was denied at Hotchkiss and Andover, since both schools sent out acceptance packages through FedEx. To get a waitlist was a nice reliever; this told me that yes, I was a good enough applicant. After all, being on the waitlist meant that I couldn’t get rejected! It meant that I was admissible, and that warmed my heart. </p>

<p>Overall, this application process told me that an Asian girl who is a B student can make it into a top boarding school (Choate Rosemary Hall), and with 80% financial aid to boot! So to all future applicants-don’t give up if you don’t have the most perfect of statistics! There is still hope, that iridescent, intangible emotion that hijacks our heart and never lets go.</p>

<p>Remember, though the statistics get you into the ballpark, it’s the personality that drives you home. ;)</p>