2013 Singer/Stamps Weekend Decisions

<p>Thanks, Biocellar. This has been a much longer, more arduous process than any of us imagined it would be… And we get to do it again next year with child #2!</p>

<p>my children are all 4 years apart… :)</p>

<p>Where else did your son receive acceptance from?</p>

<p>what exactly is foote fellows, and how do you get it?</p>

<p>Foote Fellows:</p>

<p><<the foote="" fellows="" program,="" established="" in="" honor="" of="" former="" university="" miami="" president,="" edward="" t.="" ii,="" each="" year="" gives="" a="" highly="" selected="" group="" incoming="" first-year="" undergraduate="" students="" an="" opportunity="" to="" explore="" wide="" range="" academic="" pursuits="" and="" interests="" across="" the="" curriculum.="" fellows,="" who="" are="" required="" fulfill="" certain="" areas="" study="" determined="" by="" their="" individual="" school="" or="" college,="" exempted="" from="" completing="" general="" education="" requirements.="" they="" also="" receive="" special="" advising="" mentoring="" as="" well="" participate="" cultural,="" social,="" educational="" events.="">></the></p>

<p>I believe they select Foote Fellows from the students who attend the Stamps and Singer weekends.</p>

<p>@Biocellar: he received acceptances from Tulane, WUSTL, Pitt, Case, Boston College, and a direct admit to the Kelly School of Business at Indiana University in addition to Miami. Have yet to hear from USC, Vanderbilt, Brown, and Cornell. As we visited as many campuses as we could (did not get to Brown, USC, BC, or Tulane), his top choices were Miami, Tulane, and Vanderbilt. Vandy is likely to be an economic no-go. Tulane has been…quirky…with their communication with us (possibly because we hadn’t visited?), and he loves the fit and feel of the Miami campus. The Singer Scholarship has likely sealed the deal for him. How about your son?</p>

<p>Biocellar: Congrats to your son and your family!! DS has not decided yet but I believe Miami is in the running.</p>

<p>Sonofasailor: Did your son receive substantial merit aid or perhaps one of the tuition scholarships from Tulane? The reason I say that is because I know you haven’t seen Tulane, and it might be worth a trip…even this late in the game. From what I understand, it is similar to UM academically, but there is definitely a very different “vibe” there. I can’t explain it. Perhaps it’s a little more relaxed and laid back than UM. There is also a very strong emphasis on community service which I know my son liked. Personally, I think he’d choose UM over Tulane, but mainly because of the major at UM. While both have the bme program, UM’s bme program offers a concentration in pre-med and an emphasis on tissue engineering which is something that he is interested in. We also visited Vandy which was way too much money and just seemed a little too “stuffy” and formal for my son.</p>

<p>@Sonofasailor My son is in at UM honors program, WUSTL, Univ. of Wash-Seattle. His passion is chemical oceanography. We are waiting on UPenn, Princeton, Duke, BU and Johns Hopkins. []_[] and Univ. of Wash are the best 2 in marine /oceanography so the others would really be for him to major in bio/chem etc. He likes WUSTL alot too. All will become clear in 15 days</p>

<p>@debra19: in short, I’m not sure where he stands as far as the premier merit scholarships at Tulane. We neither received a confirmation packet on the DHS or PTA or the rejection e-mail. The DHS notifications have all gone out, I believe, but the PTA is supposedly notified in a rolling fashion. I booked time off in late April to visit Tulane with him if he received the PTA. If he did not, Tulane is not economically competitive with other schools, particularly UM. At this point, we really need to know the financial aspect to know if a visit would be fruitful, yet Tulane likely views our lack of a visit as lack of interest and are reluctant to give such a premier award to a seemingly Luke-warm applicant. I don’t know. My son said that after visiting Miami again for the Stamps/Singer interview, he felt UM had become his top choice…even above Vanderbilt, which had been his top choice previously, just ahead of UM and Tulane. So when he received the Singer notification, he was (and is) ecstatic.</p>

<p>@Biocellar: good luck with the decision. He has some great options! I think my son wants to see all the options open to him after April 1 to formalize his decision, but I would be SHOCKED if it wasn’t UM. And yes, all will become clear in 15 days…</p>

<p>Sonofasailor: I think you should call Tulane and find out what is going on. Your son has some amazing stats, and I am a little surprised he didn’t receive the Paul Tulane scholarship right away. If they knew you were planning to visit in April (if he had received the Paul Tulane or DHS,) then perhaps they would be more receptive. It couldn’t hurt. If your son is seriously considering UM, then I think Tulane is a good school to compare it to. In short, Tulane reminded me of a laid back, community-service oriented version of Vandy. Again, with those stats, your son should have received one of the top scholarships with those stats.</p>

<p>I got Singer and I’m a Florida resident so I got bright futures and the Florida access grant and it still costs $16,000 a year for me to attend. If I had known this going into the weekend I would not have attended.</p>

<p>How are you getting that number? Room and board and fees amount to $13k, and since Singer is full tuition, the only other costs would be those for books and transportation (which the estimate online is grossly over what it actually costs). How much were your bright futures and access grants?</p>

<p>Debra19: my son doesn’t want to call or have me call. Ultimately, he can only accept one scholarship offer. After visiting all the schools we have seen, he feels UM is right for him. Retrospectively, it would have been nice if we could have arranged a Tulane visit earlier in the process, but with cross country and swimming seasons taking up virtually every weekend since late August, it just wasn’t feasible. I think there is a part of him that doesn’t want to “feign” interest in Tulane, given that he feels so strongly that Miami is his choice, to obtain a scholarship that he is likely to have to turn down anyway. For me, I’m willing to make the call and take the trip, but I respect his decision.</p>

<p>congratulations all future 'canes! can’t wait to see y’all on campus!</p>

<p>With full tuition at both Tulane and Miami, even with different “vibes”, the schools have many similarities. The Foote Fellows at Miami (this is a very big plus), the unique abroad programs (check out UGalapagos, etc…) make Miami more attractive if everything else being equal in one’s opinion.</p>

<p>Thoughts on the weekend?</p>

<p>just back with my D from the 2nd singer weekend. heard that results will be out by the 29th if possible as they dont want to go too far into April with all other schools coming in then too. we were impressed with the Deans, especially the Marine Science guy with the helicopter, but thought Green and Gillis both did a nice job and answered questions well.</p>

<p>It was a nice weekend. Informative, well run and many great prospective students. My son felt he got a much better picture of UM and what it has to offer. For those wondering, I asked if the new “cognate” system would affect Foote Fellows and there will be no impact or change to the Foote Fellow program.
For those that don’t get Foote Fellowship it sounds like the cognate program will be a better approach to the General Ed. requirements.
@bulldoggator, thanks for the insight on the March 29th notification date for weekend #2 Singers. Great if they can get the word out that quickly!</p>

<p>Wow the 29th that’s pretty fast. It was a very informative weekend…impressed by the students, deans, and staff. All around a great picture of life at Miami. Heard one mom comment that the decisions on Singer were predetermined and that all the kids recognized it. I did not get that feeling at and neither did my daughter. She’s hoping to get the scholarship of course it would seal the deal.</p>