2013 Waitlist

<p>Hey guys! Just wondering if any of you have gotten off the waitlist yet or heard anything back from TEch. And if you have what college did you apply for? Oh yea and if anyone has ever been waitlisted and ended with a happy ending I'll be glad to hear it.</p>

<p>There’s another thread going on this that I responded to. A girl at my son’s school got notified on May 3rd. Not sure what college she applied to. She turned her waitlist offer down.</p>

<p>I heard a couple different things from admissions. One person said we’d probably find out latest June 1st and by phone call, another said first rounds come out the 15th and that they haven’t released any offers yet. This came from two different people from admissions when j called so we just have to wait and see. But I heard of a lot of kids who committed to tech, got off the wait from other schools, and have now decided to leave tech so there could be hope!</p>

<p>That’s good to hear. My son is doubting the honesty of his schoolmate’s statement about getting notified. Your info sounds a bit more reliable. We did a search of previous years posts on this subject and it appeared that some people were notified the third week of May.</p>

<p>Yeah because when I had asked admissions if they already let kids know the woman was really confused and said she hadn’t heard of anyone being notified. But then again they may not be able to release that information. I hope everything works out!</p>

<p>I just called VT to check on the status of my waitlisted application and the guy on the phone told me that nobody on the waitlist is being offered admission.</p>

<p>I called as well and got the same news. He said waitlisters should be getting a letter in the mail in the next few days letting them know that there are no offers. Oh well…</p>

<p>My son got his letter from VT today. No offers being made off the waitlist.</p>