2014-2015 Freshman Room Selection

<p>I notice the Freshman room selection schedule for next year has just been posted on the housing website. Based on my son’s contract date,(1/25/14) it looks like he will be selecting third from the bottom(5/8 7:30PM CDT).My son is non-honors. Is there anyone who has been thru this process previously able to say if they were able to get a non-honors suite picking around this same position? He knows nobody going to UA and is not at all particular who his suitemates are, only that he gets a suite!(preferably in a 4 bedroom). Thanks in advance for any feedback that may be given!!!</p>

<p>That’s around when I picked, and I never got to actually pick, rather I listed my top three dorm preferences. I had honors first (Ridgecrest) but I ended up in Blount, which is still technically a honors dorm but is mainly full of students participating in a special liberal arts program. I think your son will be better off than I was though since I never got to physically select my room, especially since he isn’t trying to room with somebody specific.</p>

<p>Sunshine, I don’t quite understand. How is it that you never got to pick? Did Housing tell you all the choices were already taken? I thought everybody who signed and paid their housing contract before a certain date(this year 2/1/14) got to pick?</p>

<p>^^ Last year the date was earlier.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what my chances are of getting my first choice of Somerville? I submitted my form in late January, and I know most girls hoping to live in a traditional female dorm choose Tut.</p>