2014 Admissions Decisions RD

<p>Accepted from NOVA!</p>

<p>If I call up next week asking about the reason for my denial will I get an answer?</p>

<p>@81perkins Did you get denied for admission or just Engineering?</p>

<p>Just engineering. Accepted to my second choice of college of sciences</p>

<p>I have the same problem as @81perkins and fairly surprised</p>

<p>I was put into the college of sciences for my second choice major
I have a 2290 SAT (770 M and 740 R) as well a 4.0 weighted GPA (my grades first semester were all As). I’ve taken/will be taking a total of seven APs. I’ve been accepted into UIUC and Purdue but didn’t get into VT’s College of Engineering. I am also in-state</p>

<p>Would it be worthwhile to call and ask why I got rejected from the College of Engineering? In addition, how easy is it to transfer into engineering? I’m trying to figure out if it would be worth going to VT afterall… </p>

<p>@katx29 can’t believe you didn’t get in with that SAT. I got into GMU honors and rejected from UVA. I was wondering too about transferring cause I’ve heard from some that’s it easier to get in as a high schooler for engineering than to transfer in once already there</p>

<p>Check the below links which describes the process for changing your major to GE while a VT student. I know they have made it more difficult in the last year with respect to the min. GPA needed. I am jealous you got my requested major as your second choice. Hope this helps. </p>

<p><a href=“http://www.enge.vt.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-changing-majors.htmlhttp://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies.pdf”>http://www.enge.vt.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-changing-majors.htmlhttp://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@gnippaf - You should not feel Penn State is second place. It is a great school - very similar to VT in campus and students. I have a senior there and it has been the best experience for him. Getting into PSU is very difficult, so congrats!</p>

<p>Sorry, should have added a space between the two.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.enge.vt.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-changing-majors.html”>http://www.enge.vt.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-changing-majors.html&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies.pdf”>http://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies.pdf&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>@ImAnIBMer Thank you! This soothes the pain. Even though Tech was my first choice, this makes me realize that Penn State is a great alternative.</p>

<p>May I mind asking everybody what their stats are??? I plan on applying to COE next year and all these waitlists/deferrals are REALLY scaring me. I also want to wish everybody the be best of luck… Thanks!!!</p>

<p>Accepted to College of Business! 1210/1890 SAT, 3.81 GPA. I was deferred early so this is the best news in the world to me!</p>

<p>@wchristen89 3.79 GPA, 1190/1740 SAT</p>

<p>I opted for University Studies which may have hurt my chances.</p>

<p>@gnippaf do you think that i should stay on the wait list? I was deferred ED and now this…uhh
3.59, 1220/1820</p>

<p>@123redskins You might as well try. You’ll never know, we might get lucky.</p>

<p>Maybe e-mail admissions and let them know VT remains your number one choice. Don’t mention your disappointment about being waitlisted, just keep the e-mail positive, provide any new accomplishments and add specific information as to why you want to attend. Just a suggestion. I truly wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>@gnippaf - got into VTech in COE and Penn State in COE. Choosing Penn State. Both schools are great, but Penn State is a better fit. </p>

<p>GPA -3.715, 1890 SAT, 30 ACT</p>

<p>Not to burst anyone’s bubble, but my son was waitlisted too (3.7, 35 ACT). We looked at VT’s “waitlist FAQs” that we found through Google <a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/form-pdf/WaitListFAQ.pdf”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/form-pdf/WaitListFAQ.pdf&lt;/a&gt;. No students were admitted from the waitlist last year. My DS is definitely going elsewhere. VT is a fantastic school - but there are other fantastic schools out there. Best of luck to everyone in their decision making process.</p>

<p>Son was offered admission - Liberal Arts & Human Sciences. </p>