<p>I hope there's not another one of these out there. I can't seem to find one for this year.</p>
<p>Is anyone else here taking the AP Stat exam in a few days?</p>
<p>I'm actually terrified. I feel like I know everything and I have no idea what to study, but I'm always confused on 2-3 multiple choice questions and FRQs are a struggle sometimes...</p>
<p>I’m taking the test on friday too. I’m not too worried about the exam except for the frq’s where I feel I will know how to do the problem and answer it, but I’ll leave out one small bit that will get me a 3 instead of a 4 on the question. This has been happening to me all year. As for you, if you only are confused on 2-3mc questions you should be able to get a 5 easy if you’re getting above 30’s on multiple choice part
<p>for free response questions, i actually have to show my work right? I can’t just show what i put into the calculator? ):</p>
<p>@TheAlim - Yeah, I’m getting above 30s on all the released APs/practice exams, but I’m so worried that I’m going to screw something up on the actual AP because I’ve never practiced under actual testing conditions. D: Agh I’m just so nervous…also, I’m scared that I’ll accidentally choose the wrong test and just end up getting zero points. ):</p>
<p>@thegreatasian - I’m pretty sure you can write down what you put in the calculator (e.g. normalcdf), you just have to label EVERYTHING. So, if you’re going to use normalcdf, you have to indicate what the lower bound is, what the upper bound is, etc.</p>
<p>DO NOT WRITE DOWN CALCULATOR FUNCTIONS! You can use normalcdf and binomial etc. , but never write them with your answer. It is even on the instructions to not write down those types of calculator functions. </p>
<p>Based on what is says on this website, I think you can write down what you put into the calculator. You just shouldn’t only put that.</p>
<p>“Do not rely on calculator syntax. If you write down calculator syntax, clearly label each number.”
<a href=“AP Statistics Exam Tips – AP Students | College Board”>Get the Most Out of AP – AP Students | College Board;
<p>@nflhomeboy86 - They don’t want “calc speak” as your only work, but it’s okay if you write them down AND indicate what each number means.</p>
<p>yeah, they want you to actually know the math as opposed to what buttons to click.</p>
<p>Good Luck tomorrow guys!</p>
<p>@catchinginfinity - I’m sure you’ll do fine. There is an hour and a half for 40 multiple choice questions. I don’t think time will be of an issue.</p>
<p>Have fun with last minute review! 
Good luck everyone on the test tomorrow! </p>
<p>Anybody have any tips on calculator techniques?</p>
<p>Mom of a daughter taking the test tomorrow. She’s generally in good shape but a bit uncertain about when to use a t-test rather than a z-test. I’ve done some googling around and have gotten rather confused myself. Any help appreciated. Good luck to all!</p>
<p>T test for mean= population standard deviation (sigma) not given
Z test for mean= population standard deviation given. Also for proportions. </p>
<p>How do you all think you did? MC was pretty easy, FRQ was simple for the most part, but there were 2 or 3 parts I was confused about.</p>
<p>It was alright. What was the prob. of the women in the first free response?</p>
<p>apparently the probability was (3/9)(2/8)(1/7)= .012 since it was without replacement but I put (3/9)^3 to get .037 aghh, which also means I got the “is this trial simulation suitable?” question wrong too >.></p>
<p>i got it wrong to :S. thats true what you said</p>
<p>do you get 1 if you get a free response wrong?</p>