2014 Computer Based Honors Program (CBHP)

<p>“Do not be like the young man in my DD’s group who thought this was the perfect opportunity to garner phone #'s from the good looking ladies in attendance.”</p>

<p>oh gag! That would have gone over like a lead balloon with Dr. S and Mrs. B.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the replies. DS’s stats are not at the level of @oneoffive . The majority of his ECs are in sports, fine arts, honors societies, and church-related volunteer commitments.</p>

<p>Adding to my list of rules…</p>

<p>Wear a watch. It’s better to check a watch for time, then to use your phone. </p>

<p>@mom2collegekids - please check your private messages. I sent you a couple of questions. Thanks</p>



<p>Got it and replied! </p>


<p>Saw my email earlier today and very excited to be a finalist! </p>

<p>Has anyone called or email to clarify about the wording in the email? The “orientation” makes it sound more final than in the past.</p>

<p>I agree. it’s still unknown. I’m hoping that someone will email Mrs. B and diplomatically ask. Maybe not directly, but something along the lines of:</p>

<p>I’m very happy to be a finalist. Letting you know that I will be attending the CBH weekend. Looking forward to the Orientation and meeting the other CBH students, faculty and staff.</p>

<p>After the weekend, how long will it take for the finalists to learn if they’ve been accepted as CBH members?</p>

<p>Congrats! We have not contacted them- assuming it is as stated in the FAQ section. </p>

Right now, I wouldn’t assume anything. It may be as the FAQ, and it may not be. The wording in the letters is so vastly different from the past. The wording strongly hints that these students are interviewing for fellowships…and the competition for the 40 spots WAS tough.</p>

<p>Congratulations to the finalists! The weather has been crazy in Tuscaloosa lately. So pack a little of everything: raincoat, umbrella, gloves, warm coat, jacket, etc. Have fun and Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Additions to …Some rules:</p>

<p>Do not discuss other schools that you’re considering…that’s bad form.</p>

<p>do not be seen texting others or checking your phone or playing games. If you have to call/text someone, go to the bathroom or somewhere private.</p>

<p>Be courteous to everyone…other CBH students, staff, secretaries, faculty…etc. ALL those folks will have a say in whether you get selected. Each candidate will have a file and any of those folks can write a note in your file if you were rude/impatient with them.</p>

<p>Give good eye contact.</p>

<p>This is the South. That means you greet professionals with a hand shake, eye contact, a pleasant expression and a greeting. (practice this with your parents if this isn’t something that you’re used to doing…do it over and over til it seems second nature.)</p>

<p>People open doors for each other…especially males for females. If you see someone carrying a load, you offer to help. You offer to help really no matter what.</p>

<p>Wear a watch so you don’t have to use your cell phone to know what time it is.</p>

<p>PRACTICE saying, “yes, ma’am,” “no sir,” …and you’ll say that to everyone who is older than you by 10+ years. And, when you need to get an adult’s attention, “excuse me, ma’am/sir…”</p>

<p>Practice introducing others. You address the older or ranked person first: “Dr. Sharpe, I’d like you to meet ______” (and include who that person is…parent, sibling, classmate, etc.)</p>

<p>NEVER walk between two people who are having a conversation. If you HAVE to, pause, say
“please excuse me”, wait for them to acknowledge you and then walk.</p>

<p>If you HAVE to interrupt a conversation for a very important reason, stand a decent distance away so you don’t appear to be eavesdropping, wait for the people to acknowledge you, then apologize for the interruption and say what you need to say.</p>

<p>Be decently groomed at all times. Clean clothes, clean bodies, clean hair.</p>

<p>Dean Sharpe and Mrs Batson want members who they can trust to behave professionally. CBHers are high profile students who often travel and represent the school/CBH program. Good manners are req’d. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea of how many are put in the reserve pool? and what are odds of being selected out of the reserve pool? </p>

<p>Are students who are selected out of the reserve pool also eligible for fellowship scholarship? If so, how much is the fellowship scholarship and how the recipients determined? </p>

<p>This “fellowship scholarship” as part of the CBH weekend is new. </p>

<p>In the past few years, when NMF students were given 4 years of housing, some of the non-NMF CBHers were given small scholarships to help with housing. I think the awards were $2k-4k per year. </p>

<p>This year things seem to be different (interviews for fellowships), so no one knows how recipients will be determined. </p>

<p>No one seems to know how many are in the reserve pool. As with all waitlists, they are generally a good-sized group because some won’t be attending Bama and therefore won’t be in the reserve pool after May 1st. </p>

<p>Of those who remain in the RP after May 1st, there seems to be a good chance to getting into CBH. It seems like every year about 5-7 come out of the RP. </p>

<p>We don’t know if those coming out of the RP would be awarded a fellowship. I guess that could depend on what funds are available at that point and whether the person that they’re replacing had a fellowship. But, even if the person had a fellowship, that wouldn’t necessarily mean the money would go to his replacement.</p>

<p>there just seems to be some new unknowns this year.</p>

<p>I found this description in a search. Is this a new description compared to yrs past?
<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;

<p>A number of full- or partial-tuition fellowships are available to selected students in the program, who are chosen during their senior year in high school. The Computer-Based Honors Program is a suitable minor for students enrolled in all undergraduate degree-granting colleges on campus.</p>

<p>Computer-Based Honors Fellowship. Recipients chosen from students who demonstrate high academic potential as indicated by high-school grades (average 3.9 GPA on a 4.0 scale) and standardized test scores (average 32 ACT, 1350 SAT). Entering freshmen are given priority consideration.</p>

<p>Jerry C. Pruett Memorial Endowed Scholarship. Awarded to an outstanding student in the Computer-Based Honors Program who has completed CBH 101 and CBH 102 or the equivalent and who has not previously been awarded any CBHP scholarship support.</p>

<p>Henry Pettus Randall Jr. Scholarship. Awarded to an outstanding junior in the Computer-Based Honors Program who has conducted exemplary research.</p>

<p>Dr. Charles L. Seebeck Memorial Endowed Scholarship. Awarded to an outstanding junior in the Computer-Based Honors Program.</p>

<p>Wonder what this means for NMFs. Since they already have full tuition+ for five years, I would expect that there would be no other money involved. Are there other benefits to receiving a fellowship (other than what CBHP already offers)? </p>

<p>Room and board are not covered for 4 yrs. I would assume the scholarship $$ could be used toward that, books, etc.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what types of questions will be asked? Or is it more casual ( a meet & greet thing)?</p>


<p>That is the description from years past. However, that’s when NMFs had 4 years of housing and weren’t given those awards.</p>

<p>And, the interviews during the weekend, weren’t “fellowship interviews”…they were interviews for membership down-selection. </p>

<p>it was rather easy to award those extra schollies in the past because a large number of CBHers are NMFs. The awards went to the non-NMFs. </p>

<p>Now, it may be more complicated since NMFs only have housing for one year. Everyone (it seems) is now competing for a fellowship (which I don’t recall that word being used in the past. )</p>

<p>ohgagirl…during the interview it’s a real interview with a couple of people asking questions. the meet and greet is for the social times…meals, reception, etc. </p>

<p>I think they’ve called them fellowships for a while. The “scholarship” my D got for CBH was called a fellowship. She came out of the reserve pool and still got a fellowship. I know of at least 2 others from the reserve pool who got fellowships as well. Everyone might have - I just don’t know the others as well. Of course, it sounds like things are different this year than they were a couple years ago; NMFs in my D’s class have 4 years of housing scholarship.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that the word “fellowship” for awhile. And glad to hear that those who come out of the reserve pool have also gotten it. </p>

<p>But, with the change in NMF scholarship, it’s really unknown how the awards are going to go.</p>