2014 Computer Based Honors Program (CBHP)

<p>What is the percentage of in-state vs. out-of-state in the cbh program? Off topic- but will it hurt if we wait to go to Bama Bound in July? Will there still be class openings with good professors left that late in the summer?</p>

I’m not sure if the OOS / Instate numbers are kept/published. There isn’t an attempt for the numbers to be any particular way. One year could be 50/50, another year could be 25/75, another year could be 70/30and so forth. There isn’t a guideline. </p>

<p>And I know this because my son was once on the panel that helped with the downselection. There was no mention of “make sure X% are instate and Y% are OOS”. It didn’t matter.</p>

<p>Can a student still do study abroad while doing CBH or will being in this program affect participation in study abroad?</p>

<p>Thanks mom2collegekids. We were just curious since it looks like the kids posting on here that they are CBH finalists are from all over.</p>


<p>there have been kids who’ve done study abroad or co-ops. They just skip that semester, and do one their senior year. </p>

<p>CBH is normally for 3 years, altho students can opt to do a 4th year.</p>

<p>FWIW, there will be students from across the country in any given year of CBH, but it’s also possible to have two students from the same high school who are accepted the same year.</p>

<p>^^ Very true. In my D’s class there is a set of twins as well as two students who came from the same high school (a high school that had never had a CBH student before). </p>

<p>For those attending the interview weekend, are you going down alone or with parents?</p>

<p>This is an excellent opportunity for the student to travel on their own. Very specific arrangements are made so that students are met promptly at the airport and then taken in vans to the university. Our experience was very positive and this experience so valuable our student’s gaining independence. The Honors College staff, and Mrs. Batson, do an excellent job making sure students are prepared and informed for this trip.</p>

<p>My son will be traveling on his own. I would have loved for me and / or my husband to go with him since none of us have seen the school, but it didn’t seem like the appropriate time. </p>

<p>Sometimes parents do go, but they aren’t “seen”. They spend their time doing other things…visiting the campus, checking out the town, perhaps even looking at off-campus housing for later years. </p>

<p>I did fly with my son when he was selected to attend finalists’ weekend, because he had never been on a plane alone. In fact, he had only been on a plane one time – when he was five and we went to Disney. So while it is great to send your student alone, do make sure he or she has some previous flight time. And just to add, Mrs. Batson is an awesome lady.</p>

<p>I’ll be going alone. Over the past few months I’ve been going to these sorts of things solo and it’s been a great experience. My parents aren’t as informed about my college options but I’ve grown much more from it.</p>

<p>Just to let everyone know, I (a current CBHer) just talked to Mrs. Batson, who confirmed Finalist Weekend is the same as always - you are interviewing for a spot in the program, not a fellowship (although CBH scholarships are sometimes offered at Finalist Weekend).</p>

<p>Congrats to all of you who were invited (as well as the waitlisters)! Best of luck, and I hope to see you here on Sunday!</p>

<p>Each family has to make their own decisions based on comfort level and the student’s previous experiences. My son has flown several times with us, as part of groups, and alone. We lived abroad when he was young, so he has been flying as long as he’s been walking. As a mom, I always feel better when I get the text that he has arrived safely though! I agree that Mrs. Batson is certainly an amazing lady who has organized everything incredibly well for the students to get where they need to be. I am very impressed by UA! </p>

<p>ETA - Thanks for the information, @TNTide5!</p>


<p>Thank you for the clarification. The letter to the finalists was very unclear…</p>

<p>"You and the other finalists are scheduled for CBHP orientation and fellowship interviews on Sunday, February 23rd, and Monday, February 24th. "</p>

<p>Dropped DS off at the airport for his flight to Birmingham this morning; coming from CA, he needed to fly in today for the CBHP weekend. Apparently, quite a few other kids also needed to come in early, so they will have dinner together tonight.</p>

<p>Mrs. Batson seems to have everything incredibly organized, and the weather is mild this weekend, so I sent DS off worry-free. I asked him to text us when he arrives, and try to touch base before he leaves on Monday. Other than that, I don’t expect to hear from him since I passed along M2CK’s advice to stow the cellphone (and wear a watch).</p>

<p>Anyway, I’m hoping all the kids headed to Tuscaloosa this weekend have a fantastic experience! I am also hoping DS finds some potential roomies :). Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I want to wish all the prospective CBHP students the best of luck this weekend. A word of advise: Be yourselves, engage in conversation but don’t dominate the conversation, and most of all have fun… Enjoy the nice weather.</p>

<p>@ westcoastmomof2 - I dropped my DD off for a flight to Birmingham today for the CBH interviews, also! Good luck to your DS!
Roll Tide</p>

<p>Thanks, ohgagirl! Best of luck to your DD as well!</p>