<p>Oh, one more thing I meant to mention</p>
<p>5) Demiitasse, about gender studies, I’m reading this book called “The Female Brain” and it’s definitely geared more toward the neuroscience aspect of things, but you might find it really interesting. I do at least! It’s all about the fact that there’s only a 1% difference in genetic codes between men and women, but how much that affects the brain, hormones, EVERYTHING</p>
<p>there are probably no more campus interviews (think about it, there are about 25,000 people applying…), but they’ll have alumni interviews after we submit our applications.</p>
<p>Yeah, but Harvard, let’s face it man, you’re a shoo-in. Don’t even need an interview. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>No seriously though, an interview is really only helpful as an extra little push, which you don’t need, so don’t worry about it ;)</p>
<p>Eh…not so crazy…this really happens all the time, especially when it’s Yale you’re dealing with.</p>
<p>Pretty crazy…</p>
<p>It’s really funny because every single scientist/science teacher I’ve ever met has absolutely hated CSI. It collectively annoys probably every scientist in North America. It’s actually kind of ridiculous.</p>
<p>…that was SO unbelievably random!</p>
<p>Yeah, but that was awhile ago. </p>
<p>It’s kind of like the 5 second rule. If you drop a piece of food on the floor and leave it there for more than 5 seconds then you don’t pick it up again and eat it. </p>
<p>If a topic of conversation has been out for long enough, you don’t pick it up again.</p>
<p>Oooh look at all these messages while I was sleeping. And now you guys are sleeping. Booo.</p>
<p>Nutella is delicious! Smile, you MUST try some!</p>
<p>I should really get dressed and do something. I think I might go to the library today and find some Calculus For Dummies and algebra books. <em>is SO not getting math</em> stupid SAT!!</p>
<p>Do they offer the ACTs in England? They’re better, especially if you’re more of an English person. </p>
<p>ALSO, I am not sleeping, I WANT to be sleeping (It’s 7 am), but I have my road test at 8 so I’m AWAKE. :(</p>
<p>hahahahaha and by English person I meant someone who’s more inclined toward that subject, not someone of that nationality, such as yourself. LOL</p>
<p>Road test, is that what you have to do to get a drivers license? Good luck!!!</p>
<p>I don’t know about ACTs. But I already registered for the SAT now anyway and have submerged myself in US History despite no prior knowledge (which may prove to have been a bad choice!)</p>
<p>HOLY CRAP. It’s.been.real, YOU are so freakin’ cool!!! The Female Brain was the book that really got me hooked on gender studies! By Louann Brizendine, right? Okay, I have to put it out there that her writing isn’t great and it’s totally bias against men (which is pretty funny), but the book has so much interesting information, I forgive her haha!
Best thing is? She graduated from Yale School of Medicine. Instant coolness. Lol.
Oh, and yes, I sort of have an obsession with brains after her lol.
We dissected fetal pigs this year in AP bio and the only thing I REALLY, REALLY wanted to do was get to the brain, which was the optional part of the lab! It was fun. And my partner was just into the whole “ooh let’s cut this part yay” thing so he was all for it haha?</p>
<p>Hmm, on a Yale-related note, who else is taking forever on the short takes?
Mine are too long. I guess it’s kind of fun to play around with words and trying to make a sentence concise yet somewhat eloquent, but it’s kind of aggravating too lol!!!</p>
<p>Demiitasse! ME TOO. Except I wasn’t in AP Bio, I was in Honors Bio, but still…we did fetal pigs and the brain was optional and that’s ALL I wanted to do. </p>
<p>Luckily, I’m taking Honors Neurobiology next year though, so I’ll be doing lots of brain stuff :)</p>
<p>I LOVE CSI. It’s just cool how they figure things out…even if it’s totally fake. IT MAKES ME FEEL SMART WATCHING IT. And I’m totally not a science person…hahah so it doesnt bug me at all. :)</p>
<p>Yeahhhh I don’t even know where in the world to start looking for Nutella. And hahaha I haven’t had those chocolate things you guys were talking about either. Is this like a northern thing??? </p>
<p>portugueseninja–I totally despise SAT math right now. I allllways have to make some stupid mistake or the other. ALWAYS. </p>
<p>HEYYY i dissected a fetal pig toooo. and it makes me really really proud saying it since I’m not a science/anatomy kinda person at all. But we had to do it in the 7th grade and me and my partner were like freaking out. Hahha so our teacher came to help because we would NOT touch that thing and he got to the brain…THAT was pretty cool. hahah. And it made us really sad because we had the only girl pig…and it had eyelashes…and was all cute…and we had to cut it up.
We named it. (I can see like everyone here rolling their eyes at this point. hahahah)</p>
<p>Demiitasse-MEEEE. I’ve been cutting down my short takes for like ever. Now I just have 1 to cut down from 35 words to 25 (SO HARD). and then the last short take about the question. I can’t figure out which one I want to use. I have like 3 I really like…and I just can’t decide. Why can’t they just say 2-3 sentences?? I’m like the queen of long sentences!</p>
<p>aha, i miss another great conversation…can we talk about music again…pleaseeee?
lol, jk. i’ll just say i looove music, im into indie, obscure music, and of course, all the old music. oldies rock and pop are the best.</p>
<p>i second smile and demiitasse-- totally having trouble with the short answers. are they supposed to be like mechanical, like “the moment i felt most proud was blah blah blah” or can it be narrative-ish? like “it was a summer evening and i was blah blah blah”?</p>
<p>omg. my school stinks big time. we were supposed to dissect frogs but then we had to go and be poor so we didn’t do it. we had to dissect owl pellets instead (ew). i’ve never dissected anything before, im upset, man. i always wanted to.</p>
<p>I’ve dissected a pig heart.</p>