2014 SCEA hopefuls?

<p>Makes sense.</p>

<p>Duke of Edinburgh exists in Canada. I’ve never done it, though.</p>

<p>Edinburgh must be the most mispronounced name of all time.</p>

<p>How do you say it? I say it almost like Ed-in-burrow…but not quite burrow, it’s like a little more guttural</p>

<p>I’d also say that Djibouti has a fairly bad track record with pronunciations too</p>

<p>That’s right. I think the “burrow” is a bit more like “burrah” but most people say “berg”.</p>

<p>Iqaluit, the capital city of Nunavut, a Canadian territory, is also butchered a lot. But that’s because it’s simply ridiculous.</p>

<p>I’ve also heard Edenburg…like the garden of Eden…on an ice berg.</p>

<p>I wish I could live in the garden of Eden upon an ice berg.</p>

<p>Yo, we should all have a Beatles marathon if (Note: All instances of “if” are to be hereby replaced with “when,” regardless of contextual accuracy.) we get into Yale, but we shouldn’t watch that horrible movie because it ruined half of the songs.</p>

<p>Oh, darling! Dude! Rocker! I wanna hold your hand, you have such great marathon ideas. Well, hopefully we can all come together at Yale…although, when I move into my dorm suite I’ll come in through the bathroom window…screw that Phelps Gate tradition. I won’t be able to drive my car to Yale because I don’t have one, so I supposed I’ll have to get a ticket to ride the train. And if there’s any fixing of holes in the dorms (although I’ve heard they’re really pretty!) I would like to think that I’d get a little help from my friends—even though I won’t have many within the first 2 minutes of moving in—because otherwise my room will be all helter skelter, and who wants to start college like that!
I just hope my mom doesn’t cry out “She’s leaving home!”…because that would be embarrassing. </p>


<p>You… HOW DID YOU DO THAT? </p>

<p>Mad. Skillz.</p>

<p>I could have added one more, but I didn’t want to put my name on CC…if you know what song I’m talking about. </p>

<p>I am actually so proud of that post…I think that’s one of my best posts on CC :slight_smile: Let’s see if you caught them all…how many titles did I stick in there? (it’s like ISpy, but better!)</p>

<p>I caught 10. Are there more?</p>

<p>Close! There are 11.</p>

<p>Which is the 11th? I can only see 10!! I freakin’ LOVE The Beatles. This is going to bug me until I find the 11th.</p>

<p>And because you mentioned that you could have put your name in there I now know who you are from the FB club :D</p>

<p>Oh and it’s Edin-bruh ;)</p>

<p>Though some Scottish accents pronounce the “burrah” a little more, it’s mostly just “bruh” on the end.</p>

<p>I live in a place called Gloucestershire - Americans also have trouble with that one.</p>

<p>Who DOESN’T love the Beatles?!</p>

<p>It’s.been.real, totally awesome that you know your New Haven!
My interview is on Tuesday! I. am. SOOO. excited. A little anxious too, but in a good way? And then I’m probably going to linger because I always do that near Yale </p>

<p>Is it like gloss-ter and then “shire” as in the hobbit shire?</p>

<p>OMG you have an interview too?! EEK! Nervous for you. I hope they let me have an interview for October when I go visit.</p>

<p>Yep it’s Gloss-ter. Though the shire bit tends to be said just like “sher”. Well done you. 10 points.</p>

<p>duude, smile, thanks for the detailed explanation. no, i don’t have an interview, its just a campus visit. i thought the admissions asked you for an interview after you submitted the application.</p>

<p>awesome, beatles post. i love them.</p>

<p>At first I thought you meant Gloucestershire was pronounced “gloss-ter” and then I was all like “where’s the damn shire” but then it all made sense.</p>

<p>Yo, I thought it was gl-OW-cest-er-sher. But that… sounds like incest.</p>

<p>The Gloucestershire pronunciation I know because there’s a town by me called Gloucester…there’s also a Worcester near me too, anyone want to take a whack at that (think Worcestershire sauce…)? </p>

<p>I gave the New Haven explanation :frowning: haha
But I appreciate the compliments on my Beatle’s post :)</p>

<p>Rocker, I’ll give you a hint, because I’m pretty sure I know the one you’re missing. You used it in your post (although I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose!)</p>

<p>There’s a Gloucester in MA, is that the one you mean? Worcester is also a place near where I live. There is actually a college with the same name. Except they spell it the same way it’s pronounced. Which will probably not make any sense until you know how to pronounce it.</p>

<p>Worcestershire sauce is yummy though!</p>

<p>I know how to pronounce Worcestershire! I’m not entirely clueless.</p>

<p>That hint was essentially useless because I don’t know what post you were referring to.</p>

<p>Oh, darling! Dude! Rocker! I wanna hold your hand, you have such great marathon ideas. Well, hopefully we can all come together at Yale…although, when I move into my dorm suite I’ll come in through the bathroom window…screw that Phelps Gate tradition. I won’t be able to drive my car to Yale because I don’t have one, so I supposed I’ll have to get a ticket to ride the train. And if there’s any fixing of holes in the dorms (although I’ve heard they’re really pretty!) I would like to think that I’d get a little help from my friends—even though I won’t have many within the first 2 minutes of moving in—because otherwise my room will be all helter skelter, and who wants to start college like that!
I just hope my mom doesn’t cry out “She’s leaving home!”…because that would be embarrassing. </p>

<p>What did I miss?</p>