<p>Yeah, how to solve them.</p>
<p>Why is it .2? Because it’s 20%? So if I was finding 40% it would be .4?</p>
<p>So I need to get X on a side by itself so put the .2 on the side with the 7.43 and because it’s going on the other side it turns from a x to a divide?</p>
<p>So that would beeeee… £37.15? No that doesn’t make sense.</p>
<p>What did I do wrong?</p>
<p>(it’s a pound sign :))</p>
<p>Hahahah wow yall wrote a lot.</p>
<p>I love algebra but I can’t STAND geometry or trig. Not bad at trig but geometry is like my weakest math subject. =/ Hahah. I think all the problems I miss on SAT math have to do with geometry. Or I was just being plain stupid.</p>
<p>My Why Yale short answer is like 3 times too long. Crap. </p>
<p>I’ll be happy to read anything if anyone needs it. So jealous of everyone that finished haha I have A LOT of editing to do :)</p>
<p>Ohhh I wish I could help yall with these SAT math questions…but they kinda make my brain hurt. </p>
<p>WELCOME Biggie Smalls!! </p>
<p>I’ll be back tonight because…I’M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING (…this could take a while).
<p>oh crap, you’re right. wow my math has died over the summer. I didn’t read that right xD </p>
<p>hokay. you know it’s been reduced 20% right? which means you’re now paying 80% of the original price (80%+20% = 100%!) so it’s actually X x .8 = 7.43, so then you divide the 7.43 by .8 and you get 9.29, which makes more sense. </p>
<p>and yes 40% would be .4, 90% .9 and so on. look at it this way, 90% is basically 90/100, which if u convert to decimal form, would be .9. does that make sense?</p>
<p>And yes, when you want to move something to the other side of an equation (usually so u can solve for X, or get it as an quadratic equation) you do the opposite of the current action. multiply turns to divide, add to subtract.</p>
<p>am I confusing you? ><</p>
<p>I don’t really know the difference between the math types, we don’t have different classes like that, we just have straight up maths lessons. Y’all are much more advanced than we learn!</p>
<p>I love back to school shopping! I miss that most about school. I love the first day, getting my uniform all neat with my new school shoes… aw. Happy days.</p>
<p>Lana - I understaaaaand!! :D</p>
<p>OK so let me try another one…</p>
<p>“A designer hat is on sale, costing £243.50. It has been reduced by 12%. What was the original price?”</p>
<p><em>works out</em></p>
<p>What would the decimal be for that then if it’s 12%?</p>
<p>…if it’s been reduced by 12% you’re paying 88% of the original price.</p>
<p>so 0.88 x X = 243.50</p>
<p>so I do 243.50 / 0.88?</p>
<p>so the original price would be £276.70?</p>
<p>the way you do it portugueseninja seems so much easier than what I do lol. for some reason I always do proportions for those problems. it’s just the simplest way my brain can put it. so I’ll be like 243.5/x is equal to 88/100 and then cross multiply.</p>
<p>I think this way Lana just showed me is easier than I was taught in school, I’m going to stick with this one!</p>
<p>Thanks Lana :D</p>
<p>It amazes me how some people just <em>get</em> mathematics. It confuses the hell out of me, I really struggle to understand most things
If I can get over 600 on the SAT test I will be absolutely thrilled. Properly aiming for 650. Oh lord.</p>
<p>Yay! =D 270.76 it is!</p>
<p>I was taught some weird way in school too, the proportions method I think. but then my good ol’ physics professor father showed me this way xD and I was like coo’. 12% would be .12, just like you made 88% –> .88, just like 100% would be 1.00 and 200% would be 2.00</p>
<p>which makes sense cause if you have $1, and you want 200% of it, then you just multiply it by 2.00, which makes $2. I think that’s how I sort figured everything out xD</p>
<p>and no problem portugueseninja! math is too evil a thing not to unite against.</p>
<p>Yeah, it does make more sense. I don’t even remember how I was shown to do it. But I know it wasn’t like that.</p>
<p>My feet hurt, I got new shoes and I always get blisters on my heels from new shoes :(</p>
<p>Quadratic equations aren’t on the SAT, sooo, no worries!
As for trigonometry, you don’t need to know any trig functions (sine, cosine, tangent, etc.), you just need to know little facts (The sum of the angles in a square is 360, in a triangle is 180, etc.). You’ll be okay, don’t worry too much.</p>
<p>Are you sure they’re not?! They’re on the Sparknotes study guide…?</p>
<p>You may be looking at one of the math subject tests. There are definitely, without a doubt, no quadratic equations on the reasoning test.</p>
<p>Wow crazy math tangent! I love math. Whoever said they love the math II test - I’m with you! I did better on that than the regular SAT math (thought math II has an awesome curve so you can’t really compare them). And I hate geometry. One question wrong on the SAT - it was geometry. Ugh. </p>
<p>I’m so jealous of those of you who have things actually done for your applications. Me = WAY behind. So much to do, so little time. (Or rather so little focus.)</p>
<p>I’m so thankful to have all of my SATs done now. I’m taking Math II in October, but the knowledge that I don’t need to take it makes me extremely happy.</p>
<p>I’m jealous. I have to take it in October for stupid critical reading and writing. Being a math person sometimes sucks. But, on the other hand, I have all my SAT IIs done and good SAT I scores in case something happens, so that’s good I guess.</p>
<p>I envy you!
…I am not a math person D: But algebra can be fine sometimes, I suppose!
My whole family is math/science oriented except for me. Might make for a good college essay?
One of my friends is also applying to Yale SCEA, and the issue is that he was supposed to take his SATs in June, but he got there late because of sleeping in duringprom weekend and forgot his ID (but he had his yearbook and was begging the proctors to accept it lol…who would forge ID in a chunky yearbook just to take the SATs, btw?) so now he has to take them in October, no room for mistakes, since November he needs to take his SAT IIs. Poor little guy :(</p>
<p>I just got a kickass idea for my Why Yale essay. </p>
<p>PS, I finally read your essay, Demi. Check your PMs :)</p>
<p>That’s exciting!</p>
<p>And super thanks! :D</p>
<p>Sooo my brother has a violin tomorrow in Hamden, which means we pass New Haven, which means I might be able to spend tomorrow afternoon at Yale and take more pictures for you all! Because right now my collection of photos is a little pathetic. It’s.been.real’s are far better. I miss her and her corny muffin jokes. Also, I keep writing all of your real names and then realizing I need to type your usernames! Gahh.</p>