2014 U. of Miami EA Decision Thread.

<p>Okay, I completely stole this from a Boston College thread - (he admitted taking it from somewhere else!) But here goes... PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING OTHER THAN DECISIONS IN THIS THREAD. </p>

<p>Sorry, Ghiigh33, but your thread has gone too far astray.</p>

<p>It really is helpful for prospective students to see the decisions that will begin to roll in. It really does help, so please post.</p>

<p>Good Luck to everyone</p>

<p>Copy and paste the following into the reply. Then fill in the answers. First decision, then SAT scores, etc.
Remove the spaces inside the brackets to make it work...</p>

<p>Let's make it a little more easier to read by making ACCEPTED green, REJECTED red, and WAITLIST yellow. Do this by by putting Red, Yellow, or Green in where the word "Red" is right now in the first line.</p>

<p>[ size=+1][ color=Red][ b]Decision:[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>


<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT:
[ *] SAT IIs:
[ *] ACT:
[ *] GPA:
[ *] Rank:
[ *] Other stats:
[ *]Subjective:
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Teacher Recs:
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *) Location/Person:
[ *] State or Country:
[ *] School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] major strength/weakness:
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered:
[ *] Other Factors:
[ *] going to attend?</p>

<p>Wow. Dude just no. </p>



<p>Not yet my son.</p>

<p>I guess I’ll start this off…</p>

<p>I don’t know how to do colors and fonts on this, but GREEN</p>


<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT: 1280/1600
[ *] SAT IIs: 740 Math I
[ *] ACT: 30
[ *] GPA: 3.83 UW
[ *] Rank: N/A</p>

<p>[ *] Essays: Wrote about my parents’ sacrifice for my brother and me to have a good education. They moved from ohio, giving up their lives their with their business and all of their friends, to new jersey where they don’t know anyone. Then I talked about the struggles of dealing with that burden and how I would not disappoint. I had my english teacher edit it many times and my counselor has helped as well.
[ *] Teacher Recs: From my chemistry and us history teachers. both know me well but idk what they said because I had my FERPA rights waived.
[ *] Counselor Rec: I’m hoping its good but once again, FERPA rights waived.
[ *] Hook (if any): first generation college student
[ *] State or Country: NJ, USA
[ *] School Type: competitive public school. 99.7% graduation rate with 97% seeking higher education.
[ *] Ethnicity: Chinese
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness: strengths were my essays and extracurriculars. I am a published poet, so creative writing is my thing. my extracurriculars were two varsity sports, 3 job experiences, 2 volunteering positions, NHS, community service club, CSH, published poet and finalist in a contest. weaknesses could include my SAT, ACT, and GPA. wished i could have gotten at least a 1350 on the SAT, 33 ACT, and 4.0 GPA.
[ *] why you think you were accepted: I was well rounded and UM really seems to like balance with school and afterschool activities. I also attended all of the UM meetings in my area and reached out to my admission counselor to show interest.
[ *] going to attend? MOST LIKELY!!! CANE 2018!!!</p>

<p>Accepted for Computer Engineering</p>

<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT: 2100 (730 CR, 640 M, 730 W)
[ *] SAT IIs: 740 Math I, 760 Math II, 670 Chem
[ *] ACT: 31 (34E, 33M, 32R, 25S)
[ *] GPA: 3.53 UW
[ *] Rank: 72/501</p>

<p>[ *] Essays: Wrote about online business I started.
[ *] Teacher Recs: I had four from my AP Lang, AP Chem, AP Calc, and AP US History teacher. I used Lang and Chem (both teachers loved me last year)
[ *] Counselor Rec: Really good even though I barely speak to the lady. She basically just rewrote my brag sheet info.
[ *] Hook (if any): URM
[ *] State or Country: FL
[ *] School Type: pretty okay public school.
[ *] Ethnicity: Black
[ *] Gender: I AM A MAN
[ *] major strength/weakness: Extracurriculars; president of one club, started online business, webmaster for a national student run organization with thousands of members, debate coach; essay was basically all about my business I started in 9th grade which grossed a few thousand.</p>

<p>Weakness: obviously my GPA.
[ *] why you think you were accepted: extracurriculars, black, eloquent essays, nerdy black boy swag
[ *] going to attend? I still have to hear from Cornell, CMU, JHU, and a few other top 10 engineering schools before I decide. I’m still really happy I got in! </p>


<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT: 670 CR, 660 M
[ *] SAT IIs:
[ *] ACT:
[ *] GPA: 3.7u/4.1w
[ *] Rank: Top 11-13%
[ *] Other stats:
[ *]Subjective:
[ *] Essays: Good enough
[ *] Teacher Recs: Good enough
[ *] Counselor Rec: Good enough
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *) Location/Person: Wasatch Back
[ *] State or Country: UT
[ *] School Type: Public Top 200
[ *] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[ *] Gender: F
[ *] major strength/weakness: science, writing, languages, patience, personality, athletics, co-ordination/strong-headed
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred: Full picture
[ *] Other Factors: The []_[] should have handled delay differently (e-mail notification)
[ *] going to attend: unknown at present (Top 3 for sure).</p>

<p>Hey Wasatch, Congrats.
So where you gonna be in the fall?</p>

<p>Either Northeastern, NYU or the []<em>[]. So far, I’m already into NEU and the []</em>[]. NYU is RD. I don’t have a clear favorite. I like all three for different reasons. I love Boston, Miami and Manhattan. All have the academics that I am looking for. NYU is located in the greatest city in the world, is home to the Yankees, the Met and Greenwich Village, and I plan on doing a year in Berlin. Boston is fun, ethnic, clean, close to the Cape (which is closer, and nicer than the Hamptons [to me]) full of young great minds, and, of course, the co-op. Miami has the best weather and beaches in the country (other than Maui), is full of fun people and there are sooo many healthy things to do. Actually, I hope that the []_[] gives me $20k/yr. That will make my decision easier.</p>

<p>What about you?</p>

<p>Waiting on Miami still. Will have a better idea after ||_|| comes out</p>

ACCEPTED. I’m doing this because I found them kind of helpful junior year.
[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT:1650
[ *] SAT IIs:N/A
[ *] ACT:24
[ *] GPA:3.5 uw 4.61 w
[ *] Rank:16/419
[ *] Other stats:
[ *] Essays: Great!i wrote about my home country which is in Africa.
Recs: Decent
[ *] Counselor Rec: Decent
[ *] Hook (if any):URM born in Africa
[ *] State or Country:Florida
[ *] School Type:Public (not so good )
[ *] Ethnicity:Black
[ *] Gender:Female
[ *] major strength/weakness:Extracurricular activities, leadership positions,ESSAY, grades, class rank. Weakness: Test scores!
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered: The UM representative visited my school twice and I made sure to show my interest in UM and stay after to ask questions. My essay was amazing.
[ *] Other Factors:My passion for medicine.
[ *] going to attend? idk. I need scholarships haha
I DIDN’T HAVE THE HIGHEST TEST SCORES BUT I STILL GOT IN . I made an account just to showcase that test scores are not everything!!! </p>

<p>Where exactly did you guys go to find your answer?</p>

<p>canelink. then Student Center. Then Completed Messages. Also, at the bottom of the Student Center there is a green check mark, if you are accepted.</p>


<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT: 1700 (1130/1600)
[ *] SAT IIs:
[ *] ACT: 26
[ *] GPA: 4.0 UW
[ *] Rank: Top 1%
[ *] Other stats:
[ *]Subjective:
[ *] Essays: Wrote it two days before deadline. Focused on an ordinary event and made it into a positive learning experience. Sprinkled it with cheesy Disney-like lessons. Turned out decent, I suppose, though I didn’t have time for review.
[ *] Teacher Recs: One teacher let me read it and it really had a personal touch. I’m assuming the other teacher is decent enough.
[ *] Counselor Rec: Decent, kind of impersonal
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *) Location/Person:
[ *] State or Country: FL
[ *] School Type: Typical public high school
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness: I guess my GPA, teacher rec, class rank. My weakness is definitely my test scores.
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred: I thought I was going to get rejected because of my below-average scores and last-minute essay, so I really don’t know why. I’m happy though!
[ *] Other Factors: Participated in two varsity sports in junior and senior year. I have a minor leadership position in a club. I did an internship program in the summer.
[ *] going to attend? I’ll decide later after I receive notifications from other schools.</p>


<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT: N/A
[ *] SAT IIs: N/A
[ *] ACT: 29 (31 SS)
[ *] GPA: 4.41 (Weighted)
[ *] Rank: N/A
[ *] Other stats:
[ *]Subjective:
[ *] Essays: Fairly strong, how my father’s job loss and subsequent job loss molded my character and personality- incorporated a lot of humor and shenanigans :wink:
[ *] Teacher Recs: Really good- history teacher was enthralled by me-- others were solid too
[ *] Counselor Rec: Great- she was mystified by my snake charming behaviors!
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *) Location/Person: Chicago, IL (NW Suburbs)
[ *] State or Country: Illinois
[ *] School Type: A nationally recognized high school known for academic excellence; one of the best in Illinois
[ *] Ethnicity: White
[ *] Gender: IM A BRO!
[ *] major strength/weakness: Strengths were in essays, recommendations, and GPA. Weaknesses in EC’s, test scores, and also that I am not yet able to levitate or yodel :frowning:
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered: Miami desired a bizarre, funky man such as myself- or perhaps it is that I am a smidge of American Inuit?
[ *] Other Factors:


<p>[ *]Stats: 3.4 unweighted (school does not weight); 32 ACT (33 superscore)
[ *] SAT:
[ *] SAT IIs:
[ *] ACT:
[ *] GPA:
[ *] Rank:
[ *] Other stats:
[ *]Subjective:
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Teacher Recs:
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *) Location/Person:
[ *] State or Country:
[ *] School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] major strength/weakness:
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered:
[ *] Other Factors:
[ *] going to attend?
Post edited by WasatchSk1er on Januar</p>

<p>Oops sorry first time posting! I’ll try again </p>

<p>DECISION: Accepted</p>

<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT:
[ *] SAT IIs:
[ *] ACT: 32 (33 superscore)
[ *] GPA: 3.4 unweighted
[ *] Rank: school does not weight
[ *] Other stats:
[ *]Subjective:
[ *] Essays: Excellent. Wrote about overcoming anxiety & depression, starting the first chapter of a national foundation in my state, and presenting to DCF, NAMI, other state organizations
[ *] Teacher Recs: Fabulous
[ *] Counselor Rec: Excellent
[ *] Hook (if any): URM (Hispanic); overcame adversity
[ *) Location/Person:
[ *] State or Country:CT
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Ethnicity: Hispanic
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness:Strength-- ACT, EC’s; Weakness-- GPA
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered: URM, EC’s
[ *] Other Factors:
[ *] going to attend? Not sure; depends on merit and/or need-based aid</p>


[</em>] SAT: N/A
[<em>] SAT IIs:
[</em>] ACT: 30
[<em>] GPA: 4.0W
[</em>] Rank:N/A
[<em>] Other stats: 38 IB Predicted Score
[<em>] Essays:
[</em>] Teacher Recs: ddnt read
[<em>] Counselor Rec: ddnt read
[</em>] Hook (if any): none
[<em>) Location/Person:
[</em>] State or Country: FL
[<em>] School Type: Private
[</em>] Ethnicity: White
[<em>] Gender: M
[</em>] major strength/weakness: Strengths: EC’s, Essays. Weakness: scores (!!)
[<em>] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered: school has good relation with UM
[</em>] Other Factors:
[*] going to attend? Idk </p>

<p>Accepted to School of Nursing & Health Sciences-RD
[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT: 1760 (1160/1600)
[ *] SAT IIs: 630 Literature, 620 Biology (Ecology)
[ *] ACT: 26
[ *] GPA: 4.0 UW
[ *] Rank: 2/105
[ *] Other stats:
[ *]Subjective:
[ *] Essays: I’m good at writing I guess
[ *] Teacher Recs: I waived my rights, I had my Spanish teacher I’ve had four 6 years write me one, and my AP Chem teacher from Jr. year write one
[ *] Counselor Rec: Personal and well written, I knew my counselor very well.
[ *] Hook (if any): I’m from an underrepresented state would be the only hook I could imagine
[ *) Location/Person: Rural
[ *] State or Country: N/A
[ *] School Type: Public - terrible school
[ *] Ethnicity: White
[ *] Gender: Male
[ *] major strength/weakness: Lots of EC’s that were fairly diverse, great transcript: 6 AP’s and 3 college classes, good at writing, high GPA, good rec’s.
Testing minus the SAT IIs was definitely my weakness.
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered: Coming from a fairly rural area, lots of interests, enthusiasm, probably all of these helped a little.
[ *] Other Factors:
[ *] going to attend? Maybe, need to hear back from USC, Tulane, Middlebury, Bowdoin, & some other schools first</p>