2014 UW admissions numbers

<p><a href="http://apir.wisc.edu/admissions/New_Freshmen_Applicants.pdf"&gt;http://apir.wisc.edu/admissions/New_Freshmen_Applicants.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Interesting to look at. 20013-2014 more applicants, admission rate down, fewer admitted, fewer enrolled and yield up a bit. Overall similar to recent years. My conclusion- no huge differences in chances from recent years.</p>

<p>Well the admit rate dropped to 47.5%, which looks like an increase in selectivity. </p>

<p>But-who knows if the quality of the extra applicants changed enough that those with similar credentials as previous years were unable to get in. The statistics are not radically different from the previous year. The popularity of UW as a place to apply improved. Why? We don’t know- it could be realization that other schools may not have been sure choices. One can all sorts of things to manipulate the significance of statistics.</p>

<p>Best thing is improvement in yield. </p>