2015-2016 Applications

Our recruiter (back in May) told us that applications go live on July 1, but my son says the application still says Fall 2015. Does anyone know when the applications are up and can we go ahead and start sending in transcripts and test (ACT and AP) scores without submitting an application first?

Application opened up today, apparently.

^ I think you mean the 2016-2017 application. Rising HS seniors this year will enter the 2016-17 school year at UA.

Oops, I did mean 2016-2017. Thanks aeromom!

Another thread suggests the application is open, but be sure it is for 2016-2017 as aeromom suggests. While it may be, the print application is still showing entering fall 2015-2016. I’d hate for anyone to pay for the application for the wrong year. Good luck!

The online app is definitely open for Fall 2016 (and other, earlier semesters as well).

Yes, I see! Let the fun begin!

I thought S would need EC’s, GPA and next year’s schedule to apply. Is it really as easy as name, address, HS information, demographics, and fee?

Yes, it is that simple. Bama will use his transcript and scores to determine acceptance.

Thanks @mom2collegekids! I guess he will use the EC’s for scholarship opportunities.