2016 Chancellor's and Powers-Knapp Scholarship

Hey just wanted to see if anyone has been notified yet of receiving either scholarship.

I applied and have not heard back anything. Did you get accepted? If so, I would imagine that the latest date of notification would be 15/April/2016.

@GeographySage Yea I got accepted to the university during the first wave but haven’t heard anything from the Chancellor and Power-Knapp Scholarship

D is waiting on the start of this notification process. Anybody heard anything yet?

@LLJewell nope haven’t heard anything here

I got the call tonight from Gloria, the director, letting me know that I have received the Chancellor’s scholarship! I’m assuming if you do receive it you’ll be hearing from them soon!

@cbadger2020 where are you from

I’m from Wisconsin

I received the call today, receiving the Powers-Knapp Scholarship. Congrats to all that received an award & good luck to everyone else! Have hope, life works in amazing ways.

@happybadger are you also a Wisconsin resident

Yes I am!

I emailed the Office of the Provost on Tuesday and told me that all applicants will be notified (both offers and regrets) before or during the week of April 11th.

@CheAr82 are they going to call or email if you don’t get the scholarship


@thelongshotkid I’m not sure. I assume you’ll get an email or a letter in the mail if you don’t receive the scholarship.

I doubt you’d get a phone call if it’s a “no”.

This may be a weird question but have any African Americans heard back? Ik weird question

About what time did they call you?

I got called at around 7:45pm but I’m assuming it varies a lot

@cbadger2020 where are you from