2016 Official Prep School Stats/ECs

Accepted: Choate Rosemary Hall, Deerfield Academy, Hotchkiss School, Loomis Chaffee School, Milton Academy
Rejected: N/A
Wait listed: Phillips Academy, Taft School, Middlesex School
Likely Attending: Deerfield Academy, Choate Rosemary Hall, or Hotchkiss School.

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 97% (Verbal 90%, Quantitative 99%, Reading 97%)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 96.14 (4.0)
• Rank: Top 10%
• Other stats: N/A

• Interviews:
Choate Rosemary Hall - Skype Interview (The interview ran around thirty minutes, quite standard, nothing special.)
Deerfield Academy - On Campus Interview (The interview ran almost an hour. Interviewer wanted to know what book I had read recently and it happened to be on farming subsidies; we discussed this for over twenty minutes.My favorite interview by far.)
Hotchkiss School - On Campus Interview (I arrived twenty minutes late and was not provided a tour, the interview was quite short as well and ran twenty-five minutes at most, but went well.)
Loomis Chaffee School - On Campus Interview (The interview ran around fifty minutes, the interviewer was incredibly kind, interested in my debate career and assured me I was a perfect fit for the school.)
Middlesex School - On Campus Interview (The interview ran around thirty minutes, quite standard, nothing special, if I am to be honest I lost interest in the school during the tour, I did not feel like it was the school for me.)
Milton Academy - On Campus Interview (The interview ran over an hour, by far my longest interview. We talked a lot about economics and politics, as well as my debate career. The tour was quite similar to the tours I had taken of other schools, but the interview was really the peak of my day.)
Taft School - On Campus Interview (The interview ran around thirty minutes and was quite standard until the interviewer point blank told me I would be admitted immediately if I was willing to repeat tenth grade, I was not willing to do so and she assured me it didn’t kill my chances.)
Phillips Academy - One Campus Interview (I was not given a tour due to testing in the facility, the interview was quite standard, it wasn’t terrible, but by far my worst interview.)
• Essays:
Strong; spoke of my experiences, my passions, and my ambitions.
• Math Rec:
Not Disclosed; most likely a strong recommendation (9/10)
• English Rec:
Not Disclosed; most likely a decent recommendation (7/10)
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
Disclosed; very flattering and tremendous recommendation (10/10)
• Principal/Counselor Rec:
Not Disclosed; most likely a decent or strong recommendation, I am not very familiar with my principal, who filled out the recommendation.
• Sports (if any):
Novice at Sailing
Competitive in Martial Arts
• Instruments (if any):
Novice at Bass Guitar
• Other ECs (if any):
Debate: Junior Captain, School’s Highest Scorer, Top 60 In Texas, Dozens of Regional Awards
Model United Nations: Head Delegate, 3rd Place Regional
L-MIT Engineering Team: Junior Captain, Finalist
Entrepreneurs Club: Group Captain, Meeting Organizer
Ethics Bowl: Varsity
Republican Youth Club: Chairman
UNICEF: Veteran Level Member
Green Club: Veteran Level Member
• Hook: Strong debater with deep interest in economics and political affairs.

• State or Country: Texas
• Current School Type: Private (IB)
• Ethnicity: Indian
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 11th
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strong Debate Profile, Deep interest in Politics, Deep economic knowledge (One Year Honors, Two Years IB HL Level, Class at Local College.)

Not artistic at all. Although I take Art History and love it, I am not strong at visual art, music, or theater. Although I am decent at math at science, I am no genius in either.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/wait-listed?
I think I was accepted at Choate, Hotchkiss, Loomis, and Milton due to my debate hook and satisfactory scores/stats. I believe the reason I was accepted into Deerfield (considering it is the most selective school I was accepted into) because I told the admissions officer it was my first choice. (I meant it, I wasn’t throwing the phrase around, I didn’t say it at any other school. It was really an in the spur moment as I was really mesmerized by the great interview and tour, I think the interviewer knew I was really interested.) I believe I was wait-listed at Taft because I could not repeat tenth grade, wait-listed at Phillips Andover because my statistics were not competitive enough and the interview did not do me any favors, and wait-listed at Middlesex because I showed a subconscious disinterest during the interview (Admissions officers can really pick up on this stuff!).

General Comments:
I am really happy with the choices I have at this point, although kind of concerned about the difficulty at hand.

All I am reading about here is boarding schools, but I have applied to day schools in New York City :wink:

Accepted: The Spence School, Nightingale-Bamford, The Brearley School, Berkeley Carroll
Rejected: Dalton
Wait listed: LREI, Grace Church
Attending: The Spence School

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted (we have averages in my school where 100% is highest): around 98% - 99.5%
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: n/a

• Interviews: Felt very comfortable and confident
• Essays: Solid Essay about Feminism
• Math Rec: Very well
• English Rec: Very well
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Guitar, Math Team, Student Gov’t, etc.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Super well
• Sports (if any): n/a
• Instruments (if any): Guitar
• Other ECs (if any): n/a
• Hook: n/a

• State or Country: New York, U.S.A
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: 100% Financial Aid (it’s possible to get)

Strengths: confident and a big humanitarian

Weaknesses: write a lot (way more than necessary sometimes)

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I think that I have worked hard enough for the applications. I have tried and since I believe in luck I think that luck also helped me out because I was leaning towards going to an all-girls school.

General Comments: Surprised that I got into all of the three all-girls school that I applied to. But I am very lucky and honored to be in the Class of 2020 for The Spence School!

** Accepted: Phillips Academy Andover**
** Rejected: Deerfield Academy (DA)**
Wait listed:St. Paul’s School (SPS)
Will Attend: Phillips Academy Andover

] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8 (One B)
[] Interviews: All my interview went really well (at least I thought) I was really engaged with all of my interviewers. In all of them we actually went over in our allotted time. I feel like I connected with all of them really well.
] Math Rec: My math teacher wrote me the best recommendation; I know this for a fact because she showed it to me. The things she said about me went above and beyond than what I thought she was going to say.
[] English Rec: I think this was also a good recommendation.
] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: This was also a wonderful recommendation
[] Principal/Counselor Rec: I have a big freshman class and I didn’t really know him, since this is my first year having him.
] Sports (if any): Soccer, Track, Wrestling, and Golf
[] Instruments (if any): N/A
] Other ECs (if any): Model UN, Science Olympiad, Robotics, Chess Club, BASE (Black Awareness Society for Education), Politics Club
[] Hook: not really sure
] State or Country: Midwest
[] Current School Type: Private Day
] Ethnicity: African-American
[] Gender: Male
] Grade Applying For: 10
[] Age: 14
]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA
[/ul]**Strengths: Strong writer, avid reader, I pick up math quickly, friendly, and outgoing **
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Is the outcome what you expected?: I am really glad with the outcome. I honestly didn’t expect to get waitlisted at SPS I thought I would be accepted. And I’m surprised that I got into Andover, but grateful that I did. Since it was my 1st choice. I think I was waitlisted at SPS because I know they were cutting back on how many students they were admitting this year. I think I was accepted into Andover since I was reapplying. I honestly don’t know why I was rejected from Deerfield, I applied there last year and was waitlisted, but I’ve been hearing. This year they didn’t accept as many students and mainly on legacy kids.
General comments: Can’t wait to go to Andover.

Accepted: Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, Milton, NMH, St. Mark’s, Miss Porter’s
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Middlesex, Choate
Likely Attending: Andover or Exeter

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: N/A - A average
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: N/A

• Interviews:
The best ones I had were definitely Exeter, Middlesex, and NMH. All my interests seemed to match up perfectly with the positions Exeter was looking to fill. At NMH, I ended up getting my schedule for the next four years… Overall, my interviews were all super casual, except for Andover. Initially, I thought I completely BOMBED my interview, but I received a note after I was accepted and, apparently, it was the interview that did it for me.

• Essays: I was pretty confident in the two main essays that I just adapted to fit each prompt
• Math Rec: Presumably good
• English Rec: Presumably pretty good too
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: First rec was my advisor, which I think was quite good. My other rec was outside of school, from an artist who works at a nearby art museum I spent a lot of time at. This one I read, and was probably the best.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Good
• Sports (if any): Varsity tennis, #1 girl and captain on varsity squash
• Instruments (if any): Guitar, baritone horn
• Other ECs (if any): Visual art (submitted a portfolio), editor-in-chief of the school paper, founded a human rights club, 3rd grade Spanish TA, won a school-wide personal essay competition last spring (sent in copy)
• Hook: Journalism, human rights, contemporary issues, etc.

• State or Country: Massachusetts
• Current School Type: Private day
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Strengths: Interviews, independence, well-roundedness?

Weaknesses: Procrastination, APPLICANT POOL

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
With Middlesex, I think I got waitlisted because it was the first choice of a ton of other kids at my school who also applied while I didn’t show as much interest. For the rest of my schools, I have no idea, but I’m not asking any questions.

General Comments: hALLELUJAH

** Accepted: Exeter**
** Rejected:Andover**
Wait listed: None
Likely Attending: Exeter!

[] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 99th percentile SSAT
] How (and how much) did you prep for the test? How many times did you take it, and which scores did you send? Took actual test once, used princeton and kaplan ssat books… Never had the patience to actually finish one of those practice tests though…
[] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: No GPA, but all As
] Rank: no rank
[] Other stats: ?
] Interviews: In this section describe each interview, including the month and format of the visit (on-campus with admission rep, other teacher, alum, Skype…).

Exeter: AMAZING! Got a bubbly and enthusiastic AO and we talked for a long time… We seemed to share a lot of interests and she was really funny

Andover: the tour was kind of dull; I visited on a saturday and the campus felt really empty (even though exeter’s campus was also pretty empty during my tour, touring andover was a whole different level of “empty” for me…) That’s when I knew I didn’t want to go to andover, but I appled anyway because I didn’t want to apply to just exeter. The interview was also really flat… I was a little sick too, with a sore throat and I had to keep clearing my throat. I don’t think I left a very good impression. I was the only one talking and she didn’t seem engaged at all… I guess she was very nice but she barely smiled at my answers and just occasionally nodded. At first I thought that was just her character but I heard her joke around and laugh with another applicant after my interview was over. That’s when I kind of figured I wasn’t getting in.

[] Who helped with essays? How much did they help? Did my essays all by myself
] Describe your essays:
pretty good, I guess… But I didn’t have many people proofread them and I finished them in a day…
[] Math Rec: 10/10 blind, but I am one of the top students in my math class
] English Rec: 10/10 blind, but my english teacher likes me
[] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10 For both Exeter and Andover, I had my science mentor (not my teacher, my mentor who lets me use the school labs and helps me conduct experiments) fill it out and he let me see it.
] Principal/Counselor Rec: 9/10 blind, I don’t know my principal yet, so I had my counselor fill this out. We talked before a couple of times but I don’t know for sure exactly what she thinks of me…
[] Sports (if any): swimming, rowing, bit of track
] Instruments (if any): Piano (9 years, attends a precollege program, playing in lincoln center soon with my school chamber trio), violin (6 years, played with new york pops orchestra at carnegie hall in 6th grade), choir (3 years, I attend 2 choirs)
[] Other ECs (if any): Volunteering for the knitwits club (knit/crochet blankets/plushies/pillows/etc. for charity) and for the Daniel’s Music Foundation (helping handicapped and/or disabled children learn music), CTY (1 year), journalism (wrote 5 times for current school’s newspaper and founded my previous school’s weekly broadcast club)
] Hook: no hook (?)
[] Reapplicant? No
] State or Country: NY
[] Current School Type: Very Competitive public school
] Ethnicity: Asian
[] Gender: F
] Grade Applying For: 9
[] Age: 14
]Financial Aid/Full Pay: like 95% FA
[li]Connections? Where? (Alum rec, ABC, school ties, etc…) No connections[/li][/ul]Strengths: Grades, SSATs, pretty strong ECs, exeter interview, maybe some of my essays, recs

Weaknesses: ORM, financial aid, sports (not strong at them), over represented state, andover interview

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Is the outcome what you expected?: NO WAY I’m still in shock I thought I would be rejected from both andover and exeter, since, you know, I’m ORM and ORS and I need FA and I don’t really have any sports… I guess I was accepted because of my “passion” and my very independent and motivated nature.
What do you wish you had done differently? nothing… I’m happy.
General comments:
I know you are probably thinking why I only applied to 2 schools, and only exeter and andover at that, but my parents thought I was already in a very good school and so they restricted me :frowning: but still, GO EXETER!

Also, just wanted to emphasize, INTERVIEWS are VERY IMPORTANT!! They basically tell the school your personality and how well you would fit in socially. Perhaps in my case, the interviews “sealed the deal” at exeter and was the deal breaker for andover. Sometimes all they want is just a

“nice smart kid” /quote.

Accepted: Deerfield, Exeter, SPS, EHS, Thacher, local magnet
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Andover, Cate, SAS
Likely Attending: SPS

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: school doesn’t rank
• Other stats: SAT above 2000

• Interviews: All interviews were on campus with AO’s except for Exeter which was at a regional event but
still with AO. Do not live in NE so visiting every school was challenging time/work wise but
well worth it.
DD very good at interviews and speaking with adults. Most interviews went over 45 minutes.
Called to schedule interviews during August to make sure we could get the times we wanted
in the Fall. Prepped some- gave her a list of possible questions ahead of time and made sure
DD researched each school thoroughly BEFORE visit. Most of her interviews were less “tell
us about yourself” and more conversational.

• Essays: DD spent a LONG TIME on essays. She felt this was the best place to stand out as an
applicant. Strong writer. She used Gateway to Prep and tried not to reuse any essays.
Reworked some ideas in multiple essays but each was specific to the school. Tried to
illustrate not only her writing ability and EC’s but her personality/beliefs/character/humor…

• Math Rec: Strong, had teacher for 2 years. Strongest class
• English Rec: Strong
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Told DD she gushed
• Principal/Counselor Rec: strong
• Sports (if any): had tae kwon do instructor do it
• Instruments (if any): none
• Other ECs (if any): she did not ask her main EC to write a Rec. They were not supportive of her leaving for BS. We were worried how this might look but ultimately it allowed for some of her other EC to stand out- become more well rounded-
• Hook: pre-professional ballerina (30+ hours week)

• State or Country: south
• Current School Type: alternative private
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender: female
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13 ( 12 during interviews)
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA

Strengths: mature and independent child, well developed passion with many awards, proven
Academic record taking above level classes, strong interviewer

Weaknesses: AGE, no sports, FA

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? DD did a great job finding the right ‘fits’- she spent a lot of time looking at schools online and deciding what she wanted. Strong student but unique and varied passions helped. DD reached out to EC coaches/teachers in early fall introducing herself and set up meetings while interviewing. Kept in touch with them throughout the process. Went to every open house or local event. Wrote hand written notes every time they met in person- show interest! We feel the teacher recs were very important. Every acceptance letter mentioned them especially with so many of these schools looking for “nice, independent” kids….

General Comments: We are thrilled. Process was very long and arduous. DD was overwhelmed at times trying to juggle school, EC, testing, traveling for interviews… We feared that the need for FA would hurt her chances drastically. Planned for the worst and are grateful for the outcome. Never in all of our wildest dreams did we think that she would get in to so many wonderful schools with sig FA. Don’t let the process scare you. Work hard, show your passions, find ‘true fits’, don’t be afraid to be an individual and hope for the best!

Accepted: Hotchkiss, Choate
Rejected: N/A
Wait listed: Andover, Exeter, and Deerfield
Likely Attending: Hotchkiss (Go Bearcats!)

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 95th Percentile SSAT
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: N/A
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: Not sure what to put here

• Interviews:
Choate: Conversation very personable interview Overall (9/10) (September w/AO)
Deerfield: Another good conversation, after your interview they bring ur parent in with you and the interviewer talks with you and your parent Overall (9/10) (November w/AO)
Andover: Probably my least favorite, I felt out of place and instantly did not feel it. Overall 5/10) (December w/AO)
Exeter: This was a good one and I felt quite confident and everything was smooth; however, not as good as first two Overall (8/10) (December w/AO)
Hotchkiss: Another great interview, rivaled the first two, I liked it, tour was easily the best Overall (9/10) (January w/Teacher)
• Essays: Did them all, were all good I felt, Exeter, Deerfield, Choate, and Andover had about three or four questions each, should write about a paragraph for two/three of the questions and about a page for one of them. Hotchkiss’ questions were unique in that six or so were one sentence and then the rest of the questions were similar to the other four schools.
• Math Rec: She doesn’t know me very well as we had only known each other for 2-3 months at the time she wrote the rec. Probably Not very good, I don’t think she liked me very much then and I still don’t think she likes me so (5/10)
• English Rec: Same, only knew me for 2-3 months; however; she likes me much more than math so (8/10)
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: (10/10)
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Assume it was good, but I don’t really have any relations with the Principal nor guidance counselor (7/10)
• Sports (if any):Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country/ Track and Field
• Instruments (if any): Trumpet and Saxophone
• Other ECs (if any): Student Government, School Radio, Other things (Don’t want to get too specific)
• Hook: No true hook

• State or Country: MA
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Half-White Half-Hispanic
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Some F/A

Strengths: Diverse interests, good interviews, good speaking ability

Weaknesses: No defined passion, overrepresented area

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:
Waitlist: No true hook or passion
Acceptance: Good connections with the interviewers, loved the schools showed that,

General Comments:
I going to Hotchkiss, and I am pretty happy by the March 10th results.

Accepted: Hotchkiss, Taft and Loomis Chaffee
Rejected: N/A
Wait listed: Deerfield, Choate Rosemary Hall and Middlesex
Likely Attending: Hotchkiss (Go Bearcats!!)

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT: 92%ile (2200)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.85
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: Re-applicant to Choate, Middlesex and Deerfield

• Interviews:

Hotchkiss: AO was very warm and inviting. Though concise, it was a dense and thorough interview. 9.5/10

Choate: Rushed and frankly cold. Was not offered a tour due to the school’s scheduling issues. Truly changed how I viewed Choate. 7/10

Middlesex: Very positive. Left feeling confident though I was never strongly considering MX. 9/10

Taft: Since Taft was my first interview of this year’s cycle, I was a bit rusty. Overall, It was an average interview. (8/10)

Loomis: Though not my best interview, the AO was very kind and kept in contact with me long after I submitted my application. If I hadn’t gotten into Hotchkiss, I would have loved to attend Loomis. (9/10)

Deerfield: Visiting the bucolic DA campus was great. AO was warm and acknowledged my replication. Despite being turned down both cycles, I appreciate the class and respect Deerfield has shown me over the years. Roll Doors!

• Essays: Original, edited, refined. (9/10)

• Math Rec: Blind
• English Rec: 10/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Blind
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind
• Sports (if any): Lacrosse (very experienced)
• Instruments (if any): Guitar
• Other ECs (if any) N/A to remain anon. (Competitive)
• Hook: Full Pay, Repeat 9th, Lacrosse

• State or Country: East Coast
• Current School Type: Very competitive public school
• Ethnicity: Biracial
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 9th (repeat)
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Strengths: Interviews, EC, Lax, FP

Weaknesses: GPA, SSAT, ORM (region) only play lax

General Comments: I am stoked by the outcome and ecstatic to be studying at Hotchkiss in the fall. Go Bearcats!

Though it may seem like it now, to all applicants who didn’t get the results they hoped for, remember that M10 does not define you. After getting rejected last cycle and spending a year at the LPS, I have matured immensely and have had an opportunity to explore what I truly value for my high school experience and beyond. I was also able to refine and strengthen my application, contributing to the success I was so fortunate to have this M10. To quote philosopher Albert Schweitzer, “Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know that everything happens for a reason.”

Accepted: Madeira
Rejected: N/A
Wait listed: N/A
Likely Attending: Madeira

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Unweighted 3.86
• Rank: school doesn’t rank
• Other stats: N/A

• Interviews: It went OK
• Essays: Great
• Math Rec: Unsure
• English Rec: Unsure
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: N/A
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Unsure
• Sports (if any): Volleyball, Softball
• Instruments (if any): Piano, Guitar
• Other ECs (if any): Philosophy, Literature
• Hook: I love history/philosophy/literature

• State or Country: Shanghai, China
• Current School Type: international school
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 10th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA

Strengths: I’m a strong writer and I love history and philosophy.

Weaknesses: My math is not very strong (my SSAT scores were OK, though).

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Madeira was the only school I applied to… I really wanted to go and I’m pretty sure it showed.

General Comments: I’m really excited for boarding school! Slightly nervous, though. :slight_smile:

Accepted: St.Andrews, St.Paul’s, The Webb school, Wesstown, Asheville
Rejected:The Hill
Wait listed: Mccallie,Trinity-Pawling, Andover
Likely Attending: St.Paul’s
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: N/A

• Interviews: Impressive, congenial, comported, strong eye contact, very humorous and comfortable,
• Essays: Clear, compelling, and concise; error-free, unique
• Math Rec: Great
• English Rec: Exceptional
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:Great
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Great
• Sports (if any): N/A
• Instruments (if any): Drums
• Other ECs (if any): N/A
• Hook: N/A

• State or Country: GA
• Current School Type: Private
• Ethnicity: African-American
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 10th
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Almost FP

Strengths: Speaking, austere appearance, great writer,

Weaknesses: SSAT scores

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? In each interview I was very impressive and protuberant. I think I got rejected to Andover due to my SSAT score. Shocked though, thought I would get in off of my Interview alone.

General Comments: If you want to ultimately end up at an elite boarding school, you are going to have to work for it. No one is going to give you anything. There is alot of talent out there. What makes you special?