Didn’t know that the ACT recycled tests , pretty disappointing as it was a perk of ACT over SAT but oh well. Couldn’t find the curves from feb 2013 so if anyone has found it care to share?
English - Was pretty easy finished with 5mins remaining , normally my weakest section(28-29) but felt it was extremely easy so i’m not completely sure how i did ? Hopefully 33+?
Math - Was okay with a couple of tricky questions hoping for 35-36 (Normally scoring 33-36)
Reading - I do normally skip the prose and go back to it last ( Normally score about 32-33) but decided to shoot myself in the foot by doing it chronologically. Spent 14 minutes on the prose and apparently misinterpreted the sarcastic tone of the co-author hence rushing through the rest of section and guessing a couple. :/// Just hoping i don’t get <30
Science - Normally my best section with 35-36 but didn’t have time to finish it as i spent far too long on the conflicting view points , hopefully a lenient curve ?
Overall - Raped by the writer who didn’t want to write and banking on lenient curves for reading and science hoping for 33+
Oh , would beg to differ , the conflicting viewpoints was complex requiring evaluation of 4/5 viewpoints resulting in insufficient time. Ultimately , i just need a lenient reading curve which i doubt will happen so hopefully i can maximize scores on the other 3 sections
I screwed up. Got a 32C (30 E 31M 32R 36S). I have no idea how my Math was a 31… I was expecting a 36. Never gotten below a 36 on practice. I just signed up for June.