2018 Fall UW-Madison School of Business BBA Admission

Please chance my status. I am a non resident and I applied BBA with 3.25 GPA. I can’t expect my final grade of this semester. I think I submitted solid resume and essay. I transferred from a CC last year 2017 fall and the GPA at the previous institution was 3.79. How do you guys think? I am Asian but not an international student status due to green card.

The WSB application depends on the three components, GPA, Essays, & Resume. There is really no way someone could chance you without reading your essays and looking at your resume, knowing what the rubrics used to evaluate these contain, what the stats of the other students applying are, or how many spots the WSB is looking to fill.

And I believe there are fewer spots available now that bus sch is now accepting more direct admits so competition is tougher. Grades important, resume must follow their format to the tee, and essays IMO are most critical. Good luck but have a backup plan.