2018 Stamps/Singer/Weeks Scholarship Weekend

I hope every student enjoyed the scholarship weekend. I wish each of you much success.

It was a really well done weekend, and definitely left my S18 ready to attend Miami! Hope there is some good news for posters coming soon.

Has anyone received any updates regarding the scholarships? At the weekend we were told that information would be sent out by mid-March.

@soon2BeClass2022 nothing here yet! at the march weekend they told us to give them 2 weeks from the end of our weekend…that would put us to getting notifications anytime between this friday and next monday

Unfortunately, Canelink is being taken down for maintenance Friday (3/16) at 8:30 pm until Sunday (3/19) so we may not see any updates until Monday.

Email came in, got the scholarship!

Just got the email, too!! Singer scholarship YAY

My D just received her email. She was awarded the Singer scholarship.

Congrats to all of you

S18 is also a Singer recipient! Go Canes!

Got the Singer Scholarship!! So excited!

I received the Singer scholarship and a Foote Fellows invitation! Super excited!

I received an email stating that I was awarded the Presidential Scholarship as well. I was still invited to Scholarship Weekend. They just sent out notifications to those that went. I received the Bashevis Scholarship which pays for tuition in full. I am so excited.

Congrats everyone! For those of you that received the Singer scholarship, do you guys see it anywhere on CaneLink? I received the singer scholarship notification through email, but now I’m wondering do we have to sign something to accept it or anything of that sort.

@chasesog Canelink hasn’t updated with it for me either… I’m calling their fin aid later today to figure out is any of my former scholarships can still be applied to room and board.

No update on Canelink here either. I just called FA to inquire as to whether the National Merit Benacquisto money from the state would stack on top of Singer, to cover things like room and board. The young lady I spoke with checked with her supervisor, and advised that Benacquisto and other scholarships do not stack on top of Singer. @cams18, you should certainly ask your question as well, as your scholarships may prove an exception. Let us know.

@cams18 I just called the undergraduate admissions office and they said that the Singer Scholarship should appear in CaneLink within the next few days and that when it does there will be a process to accept it

When I was at the Scholarship weekend, I spoke with some Foote Fellows who didn’t receive one of the full tuition Premier Scholarships, however still received a slight increase in their merit award as a result of attending the weekend. Does anyone else know any information about this or when this might occur?

Any of you Singer scholarship winners also National Merit Finalists?

Did anyone hear about Stamps?

@Mom2208 I think everyone heard on the same day about the Stamps, Singer, and Weeks scholarships…but I may be wrong