2019-20 Burnett Medical Scholars: chance me and advice

Hello, rising senior here who is looking to apply to Burnett’s BS/MD program.


  • GPA - 4.0 UW / 5.0 W out of 6.0 (top 10%)
  • ACT - 35
  • AP exams - 8 taken and passed so far; 8 more senior year
  • SAT IIs - Literature (710), US History (700), will take Math II and Chem
  • ECs - hospital volunteering, 2 leadership positions
    (vague for privacy, not worried about ECs)
  • Florida resident and Asian if that matters

From what I’ve gathered, because applications are considered on a rolling basis, applying early is the most ideal.

But I have a few concerns:
(1) Even if I apply (and hopefully) am accepted early, I still want to apply to around 20 other schools. According to UCF’s website, the best way to ensure I have a seat is to send in the deposit as soon as I’m sure I will attend. I’m worried that if I am accepted but don’t send the deposit, my seat will be filled before I can decide.
(2) My SAT subject tests are pretty weak. Does Burnett Medical place a heavy emphasis on subject tests?
(3) I’ve read the UCF official website, but I’m still not sure exactly what an “ideal candidate” for the program is.

Hi @shibakery ! I am a current Burnett Medical Scholar. No use worrying about the SAT subject tests because the school won’t even let you submit them! I had the same worries all for nothing. I’ve never heard of them taking your seat away if you don’t accept right away. ACT looks great; I’m unfamiliar with your GPA scale but I think it is good? Good that you are doing lots of AP but don’t feel like you absolutely have to- I only took 7 APs throughout all of my high school career and I was just fine. What matters is showing your passion and that you are really good/motivated at science. For example, are you getting 5s on your science APs (rhetorical question)? Are your letters of rec from science teachers? Building a science motivated application will do you good. Overall make yourself stand out. Don’t be a typical type A, cookie-cutter student. If that IS you, make sure you focus on something unique and personal in your essays. Best of luck to you and message me if you have any other questions!

@marie190 Thank you so much for the thorough reply; I feel much better about applying. I’ll keep your advice in mind definitely. :smiley:

Hello @marie190 can you please let me know what are my chances for getting accepted to Burnett honors college?

Gpa: w4.8 / uw 3.92
SAT: first time took in March with no studying 1220- will take again in August
EC: beta club, volunteer at a hospital, 120 hrs so far in beginning of senior year
Ap: took 10 classes got A’s on 9 and one B, but failed 3 Ap exams, passed 2 Ap exam with score 3, passed one with a score 4; there are 4 more Ap exams to take during senior year
How can I increase my chance for Burnett honors college acceptance?
When is the best time to apply to burnett honors college? My SAT score will not be here until mid-September and I’m not sure if I’ll score above 1400, what is the minimum SAT score that is helpful for my admission?
Which transcript do they consider for Burnett honors college admission (mid year, first quarter, second semester, etc)
Any advice from all those who can help is much appreciated.
Thank you.

Also can someone please let me know how to ask an independent question on this website other than replying?
Thank you.

With your numbers, a good chance. But its not frankly that important, more critical to just get into Barnett with scholarship money. You can track the courses for the medical scholars program exactly. The MCAT score, grades, AND research will determine your outcome. Only a handful of students go on of scholars to the UCF Med School. Most go on to other programs. Our son goes there. He wants to go to Johns Hopkins or NC. He chose UCF Barnett over many other top programs because of the full scholarship plus the opportunity to do a lot of research. UCF graduates have gone on to all the best medical schools in the country.

Join the student medical society, VERY important. Get research, plentiful even as a freshman. One student we know got a 525 MCAT and has the opportunity to go to a lot of top schools with all the research. Being a medical scholar only guarantees you a spot at UCF, but not much else. The staff their is great and will guide you anyhow. If you got a 35 on ACT, your odds of a MCAT of 511 or more are very high anyway. Also join the Leadership program there. A plus. UCF Barnett can ultimately give you the chance to go anywhere. They even have their own dorm. Great program, medical scholar a small plus, but not that critical.

@April64 To make your own post, you would go to the “FORUM” tab at the top and then click “New Discussion” which is located to the right of the page

@sipco100 Thank you for the reply, that helps me immensely!

Our child is also in this program and is not doing any one majoring track but just doing all the required subjects for graduation and having 120 credits, would that be sufficient to get into the Brunnett Medical college with required MCAT score of 512+?

Read my other posts… http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/t/re-uf-honors-program-vs-ucf-burnett-honors-college-and-medical-scholar-please-help/3518138

I was wondering if you’d be willing to look at my resume to estimate my chances for UCF Burnett Medical Scholars? It is my top program of choice and I am not sure if my stats qualify