2019 Freshman Non-Greek Girl Update

I wanted to let this forum know that so far my daughter loves it! She’s from California on the Presidential Scholarship.

She is in one of the honors suites and she and her roommates did not rush. She and one roommate did Camp 1831 and they all did Alabama Action. She loves her roommates! They have made numerous friends. They have planned several movie nights/games with about 20 kids.

She’s still not sure what she is going to major in. She’s ruled out several majors after going to class (music therapy). I think the plan is to go to grad school to become a speech therapist. However, she keeps on talking about how interesting her psychology class. She loves her classes so far, bit it’s a relatively easy semester for her. She wanted to get used to college, and she has some medical issues that she needs to adjust to.

She’s an identical twin, and both girls are enjoying being apart. :frowning:

The only thing she really misses is her dog.

That’s a fantastic update. Keep letting us know because the Greek factor has been the only hesitation I’ve had for UA being a good future choice for my daughters.

Thanks for this. I also really appreciate hearing your experience.

My experience has been great. I’m an Aggie and my son is a senior at A&M, so I was hesitant about Alabama at first. I didn’t want my daughter only going because it was the cheapest option.

First, Bama parent programs have been excellent. I loved going to orientation. I gOT information and met lots of parents.

The parent facebook groups are unbelievably friendly and useful.

My biggest concern was how hard would it be for a non-Greek girl to fit in.

If I had a daughter not rushing, I would not want her living in Tutweiler. I think a girl could feel left out there. Also, I think it helped that none of my daughter’s roommates are rushing.

My daughter is in the honors college, and she is already doing a lot with it. I don’t know how hard it would be to not rush and not be in a sorority. I think kids in the band or in other groups at the beginning are probably going to make friends quickly.

Academically, time will tell. My daughter is more artsy than my son, so Alabama is a better fit. I also think the size is good for her. A&M has gotten too big (even for me).

We had a great time visiting the area for move in. It was the first time for my husband and other daughter to visit. They thought it was very pretty and friendly. We also drove up to Chattanooga and loved it. It’s moved to the top spot on our retirement list. We stayed in AtlLanta a few days and had fun there.

So far, I’m very happy with her choice!

Thanks @calibamabound . My older daughter is a 9th grader, so we have a lot of time still. But she has seen the super suite dorms and I’ve told her about the things I’ve read about UA and it’s become her dream school. She’s busy trying to convince her high achieving friends to make it theirs too.

My daughter also is not interested in going greek whatsoever. We already knew from a friend whose daughter is attending that it is in no big deal to be a non-greek at UA. It truly is a big and diverse enough campus for everyone to find “their tribe”. Obviously one has to venture out of the dorm room to meet like-minded people, but beyond that I see no obstacles to anyone finding friends at UA.

Sounds like she’s off to a great start. DS runs around with a group of girls. Some are/some aren’t Greek. Really no big deal. The girls will make the most of whatever they choose!

My daughter is a senior and she is not in a sorority. She lived in Ridgecrest West (agree that Tut isn’t the best choice for a girl who isn’t going through recruitment) and specifically looked for freshman-year roommates who were not planning to join sororities. She did Outdoor Action, and I would strongly recommend one of the Actions or Camp 1831 for girls who are not going through recruitment as it is a great way to meet people and get acclimated to campus before school starts. My daughter has had no problems whatsoever making friends or getting involved, and she was a quiet, shy girl in high school. I think hers is a different experience than girls in a sorority have, but she has loved her time at Bama.

I think Beth’s Mom has it right – different is just different and does not mean lesser.

My daughter is a freshman this year living in Ridgecrest West and not in a sorority. She did Camp 1831 and Outdoor Action. She said she has met friends and seems fine. None of her roommates are joining a sorority either. She is also in the orchestra.

Going to Outdoor Action or Alabama Action is GREAT for those who won’t be rushing. Since those activities occur during Rush Week, the students in OA and AA aren’t rushing…so great time to meet others who won’t be pledging.

Plus, they’re just great ice-breakers, particularly for OOS students.

She also signed up for 15 activities at Get on Board day. She said she won’t do all of them, but she wants to try some to see what she likes best.

She purposely has an easy semester so she has time to get involved and get used to college.

^^^That’s terrific, it is perfectly fine to try on clubs and activities to see what fits. Hope she finds a group or groups that she loves!

Thank you for this thread, @calibamabound. My daughter is a high school junior and is considering Alabama’s Honors College. The opportunities sound amazing, but I admit I’m a little concerned about the large Greek presence. Your thread is helping to ease my concerns a little.

I would love an update on how your daughter is doing.

@Mommertons My DD is finishing her freshman year at Alabama in the Honors College. She is Greek, her three roommates are not. They have all had a great time together. She has some obligations from her sorority, but they each have obligations from work, or clubs, etc. They spend Game Days at her sorority house for lunch, and are very welcome.

My point is…don’t be too concerned about the Greek presence. There are Greek and non-Greek honors students, and they peacefully co-exist. The only time I see large differences in the experience is Homecoming week where Greek students are slammed with obligations, and for formals in the Spring. Being Greek doesn’t define an Honors student, their academics are what they are at U of A for long term.

I’m a current sophomore non Greek! I am more than happy to answer any specific questions about managing while not being in Greek life. My advice to any incoming freshman is if any part of you wants to be involved, go through rush. At the end you don’t have to accept the bid. But you get a taste of what Greek life is. I regret not rushing but I don’t regret not being in Greek life. I have a nice group of friends who are all very successful whether Greek or not. There are also some wonderful alternatives to the traditional sororities like the Christian sorority. They are an amazing bunch of girls. I rushed the Christian sorority and pledged but ended up not finishing the process. I am hoping to go back but I’m at the point where I’m perfectly happy without being Greek. There is upsides and downsides like everything. But if your daughter doesn’t rush and later regrets it, she can always rush the next semester. But if she does attend Alabama and doesn’t rush, I suggest attending camp 1831 or Alabama/Outdoor Action. I made tons of friends in both of these. I admittedly was discouraged freshman year when all the Greeks had friends and I had acquiantances. However I learned friendships take time. If you’d like to PM me anything specific, I’d love to help (:

My DD is having second thoughts about Alabama due to costs for the sororities and the people in them. She feels that she would have to try to be someone she is not to earn the friendships of the sisters. I also heard there is a high rate of transfers for northern girls after first two years… Any insight? Thank you

high transfer rate for nothern girls after 2 years? Where are you hearing that?

“try to be someone she is not”?

That certainly is not necessary to find “your tribe” or “your house”. Each house has a different culture and different girls. There are many, many houses, so girls tend to land in the house that best fits them.

@scamp101 I sent you a message, check your inbox

I’m not aware that there is a high transfer rate for northern girls. I do know a couple girls who dropped their sorority after freshman year. They enjoyed the experience, made a lot of friends, but decided it wasn’t for them. I also know a couple girls who chose not to rush freshman year, changed their minds and joined a sorority sophomore year.

The sororities at Alabama are HUGE. With such large groups, you’re going to find a lot of variety. Even with girls going to the house that best fits them, that doesn’t mean the girls in any given house are all alike. I don’t think anyone is going to have to fundamentally change who she is to make friends with sorority sisters. The cost is another issue - sororities aren’t cheap at Bama.

There’s nothing wrong with your daughter going through recruitment to meet people and see if sorority life might be something she’d enjoy. If she finds a group she wants to join that gives her a bid, great. If not, she doesn’t have to pledge, and she’ll have met a lot of girls and made some friends in the process. And if she decides not to go through recruitment, she’ll be in good company as well more than half the girls at Bama aren’t Greek.