Yay! Good luck everyone… almost there!

Update - Boston Con was actually 2/9 and S said it went well - thanks for good wishes.

We heard from Curtis - they announced Comp Interview day - 3/28 and decision about interview coming out tomorrow 2/12 for all

We have Peabody this coming weekend and CIM on 2/16.

Good luck everyone!

Thanks for the update, @ClassCompMom! I knew your BoCo date was wrong (after the accidental trial run), but wasn’t sure how the CIM conflict was going to shake down. Glad you got it all straightened out. Busy weekend…

YAY on a positive interview at Boco! Hoping good things come out of it.

Update: S had his audition at IU JSOM last Saturday. There was quite a difference between his post audition disposition vs Ball State.

S was not very happy after his audition. When things settled down and I asked him about it, he was concerned the two people who practiced and auditioned before him were more accomplished. He was really hard on himself but did acknowledge that he played his two pieces without any mistakes.

Two weeks prior, At Ball State, he was very excited coming out of his audition. After his audition, he was equally excited that he “aced” the Piano and Music theory placements.

I wonder if he put more pressure on himself for the JSOM audition, especially since he has two friends who have already been accepted. I’ll just be glad when we can put all the offers on the table and make the decision! :slight_smile:

@BigPapi2 This is where it gets so hard…for the parents as well as the kids! It’s just impossible to know. We all (parents and kids) have to do our best and shrug it off afterwards, but that is so much easier said than done.

For what it’s worth, three years of poking around on this board have shown me that there is little connection between the kids’ assessment of their auditions and the probability of acceptance. My son thought he really bobbled a couple of auditions, and maybe he did, but he also felt he killed a couple where he didn’t get a lot of enthusiasm. As for his final choice, Eastman has a PUBLIC jam for all jazz applicants and he came out of there completely freaked out that so many people were better than him. Yet he got a great offer! Either he was better than he thought; the better players went to other schools; and/or the faculty recognized his potential rather than his current level of play. (I’m guessing maybe all three, but we will never know.) So onward! Hug that kid and recognize the terror and wonder of really putting yourself out there for auditions. I couldn’t do it if my life depended on it.

Bienen tomorrow and University of Houston Monday. D is about 90% voice now, so hope it’s enough to impress.
She was offered admission to U of Houston a few months ago (a few days after applying) but we obviously are waiting for the music audition to see what comes after that.
The following weekend is Eastman and NEC/Tufts and then we are done with travel. Remaining schools will send videos. Whew!

That’s great @coloraturagirl! This probably isn’t the best time to note that the waiting after auditions is the hardest part of this whole process! :open_mouth:

@BigPapi2 - Kids are much too harsh on themselves - I don’t know if it is a musician thing, or if it is kids these days. I never saw my son come out of an audition happy, always feeling he missed something, and then found that he got accepted at pretty much everyone he cared about (not NEC or NW-Bienen). I don’t believe I was ever like that, but then, I trained to be an engineer.

@akapiratequeen - lol! Yes we know the waiting game is upon us, but truthfully that’s ok because I can be home with my other kids and back to some normalcy. D has been missing so much school and been so intently focused on these auditions, that it will be a relief to get back to a routine. She has worked extremely hard academically and auditioned as so many schools; we have to have faith that something will work out. I want her to enjoy the rest of her senior year, poor kid has been all business for so long. She hasn’t even gotten her senior photos done yet…

@coloraturagirl you are almost there. We still have 4 more. Best of luck.

@Doransa thank you! Same to you :slight_smile:
We did live auditions for 11 of the 15, so I think it’s ok that we do the video submissions for the rest. I would imagine for composition that isn’t possible? Or it certainly is harder because the interview process must be more involved. At Vanderbilt, UCI, and CMU, D was asked a lot of questions by interested faculty. Others were a bit shorter, but we’ll see what this weekend brings. May the weather gods smile upon all travelers this weekend!

Hey, families! I see a lot of mentions here and on other threads about dropping schools or switching to video auditions. Let me know if something needs to be deleted/changed on the list. PM when possible.

In the winner’s circle this week (including a few who went today!) we have:

@arkham’s son
@bassdadjazz’s son
@coloraturagirl’s daughter
@Doransa’s son
@flutyMcFluteface’s daughter
@GalaOvsi’s daughter
@IronCitEE’s daughter
@jazz2020mom’s son
@JoHollywood’s son
@MezzoDadbynight’s daughter
@MezzoMama’s daughter
@MomOfSingers’ son
@Momofviolinboy’s son
@runninglate’s daughter
@SongStress2024’s daughter
@SweetStrings’s daughter
@tableforsix’s son
@teewhy’s daughter
@Violin87’s son

I hope the audition/interview panels can hear you over us cheering you on!

Thank you for always cheering us on, @tableforsix!

?:heart:? I’ll tell my kid something regarding his audition, and he’ll say… "Who told you that Mom? Your Friends on CC? " ? On Friday (at Duquesne) when he was having pre-audition jitters and sending me texts about getting him a banana, I told him when he went upstairs to the panel room for his audition, to just imagine all my “CC Friends” behind the panel in the room cheering him on. It made him smile AND it worked !! He nailed it!! He plays MUCH better when he has an audience (he detests doing recordings of himself) and his virtual CC audience got him playing his best. I wish I had thought of that before. Thanks all for cheering him on. He’s 7 for 7 acceptances into the Music Schools so he definitely heard the cheers. Now we just wait for official notification from the universities… the downside to the Music Schools within a university.? Congratulations - you nailed your audition and you’re in, doesn’t really mean you’re IN !! But, it’s certainly good to know what you thought would get you in, actually DID get you in, though you’re not really IN… I’m rambling out of frustration. ?The waiting SUCKS, to put it mildly ! But, he did get notified today for getting IN to #3. Sending update.

Mentioned on the Journey thread but a quick repeat here: D had a terrific audition at Northwestern; accompanist was complimentary as was the teacher she had a lesson with the next morning. Very impressed by program and facilities.

U of Houston audition also went well; D had sight reading and a wonderful lesson with teacher in the afternoon. The new opera house is very impressive. Everyone was very friendly- just have to weigh the academic offerings and environment in with all the schools. The vibe was casual at UH and very formal at NW.

We got back late last night and leave early am again Thursday for Eastman and NEC/Tufts. This weekend will be the hardest. We both are feeling the travel and my other kids and dog are not happy with me. The guilt is rough :frowning:

We will do a video submission for UNT and the state schools. After next weekend we can’t travel anymore. Out of money, out of time, out of patience. D even feels it’s hard to sing the same songs at this stage of the game. It’s tough to be inspired when you’re tired (hey- I can still rhyme!)

Home stretch, everyone! You got this!

@tableforsix, D dropped Peabody so that can be removed from the list. Thanks!

@coloraturagirl That sounds like a very grueling schedule! I can only imagine how she must feel singing the same things over and over! I’ve watched Master classes in the past where the participants say they’ve been working on an aria for 6-9 months!!!

@BenniesMom1 I can totally relate to the video vs audience thing. My D hates making videos and there’s so much more feeling and energy in a live audition/performance. She’s def gotten better at it, but I imagine it feels so boring and flat, esp for someone who thrives off energy and loves an audience.

I give all of you so much credit. You’re so close to the finish!

@coloraturagirl you are almost there. We are so tired from our Baltimore drive, seems like we have not had a proper weekend since we started the whole interview and audition. Thankfully Oberlin is only 2 hrs. away by car. He will fly to Eastman and Mizzou. Then we will start waiting. I have been taking my younger kid with me and it is also getting to him. He is tired and grumpy.

Best of luck to all.