Don’t be surprised if you hear rumors of a rare new talent on the scene; that’s just @arkham’s son, @bonfigleo’s son, @ClassCompMom’s son, @Doransa’s son, @drummermom2020’s son, @flutyMcFluteface’s daughter, @GalaOvsi’s daughter, @jazz2020mom’s son, @JoHollywood’s son, @lexjen, @MezzoMama’s daughter, @MomOfSingers’ son, @OrangeJacket’s daughter, @Racingfan53, @rubypiano’s son, and @teewhy’s daughter auditioning and interviewing this week! Best of luck, all!

Yay!!! Good luck everyone! Thanks @tableforsix !!!

Good luck to everyone!

I just talked to the Bienen admissions office and they evaluate audition and academics at the same time. Decisions will come out at the end of March. It’s a different process than at UMich SMTD. S got his acceptance to UMich yesterday. UMich and Northwestern are his top two choices. Good luck to all!!

thanks for the consistent encouragement @tableforsix!

Some updates - BoCo (done), Peabody (done), and CIM (done). Apparently CIM only invited 20 Comp students of over 100 applicants to interview :slight_smile: This weekend - SF Con Regionals in NYC.

Finally some good news - S was accepted to Curtis Summerfest! No on regular year, but this is still great - and he’s very excited. Also Curtis said his app had special merit and asked him apply again next year. I think he’ll wait for Masters unless he gets a no everywhere else.

No word from NEC, which I’m hoping is good for Comp.

Great news on Curtis Summerfest, @ClassCompMom! Our “real life” composition friend just heard back positively as well. I’ll bet it’s going to be amazing.

Safe travels to all who might be on the road during this snowstorm!

@ClassCompMom Congrats on Curtisfest acceptance! How did you get notified? I bet he will have such a fantastic time!

My D applied to the voice portion but we havent heard back yet. There were early decision acceptances that went out the second week of February. She applied within the second window…so idk. We arent holding our breath as they take a very limited number of students. PLUS since acceptances went out even before she applied, I wondered if any spots remained? Since the app fee was $150, I sent an email to ask if it was at capacity or spots remained. They told me they would conduct a second round of audition reviews the end of this month. The deadline for apps is March 6…so we wait!

I hope this is the right place to ask but…
S had an audition and an interview with the professor. The Professor offered to give him a lesson. We took him up on his offer a few weeks later.

Another professor at a different school that my S applied to… in a totally unrelated situation the professor gave a masters class. During the class, the professor recognized my S’s name as a perspective student - reached out to him during the masters class and offered him a lesson prior to his audition for the school…

My question is… is the offer of a lesson a sign of interest? Or is this a courtesy that some professors offer? What is the thought process behind it?


@BigPapi2 It is pretty standard for professors to offer lessons, either before or after an audition. If the professor is offering before the audition, and if there was no prescreen, it’s just standard operating procedure (If there was a prescreen, it could be a courtesy or it could show interest – there’s no real way to know.) However, in my experience, every school where the professor reached out to my S after the audition ended up making him an offer. So for us, at least, the post-audition lessons were a clear sign of interest.

@akapiratequeen Thanks for your response. I can tell you that when I talked to my son after the post audition - lesson, the professor did ask my son if he was interested in going to school there. The professor then told him that the school was interested in him. (I want to be vague on naming school for now).

Hopefully the acceptance letter will be forthcoming :smile:

Do not fret about the academics at NU. First, your child sounds like academics is not a problem. Second, the standards are significantly lower at Bienen than at the rest of NU - think of a music major like a recruited athlete. If the school wants a music major the university will really try to accommodate in the same way they do for athletes with less than stellar academic stats.

@BigPapi2 : Been there - almost the same scenario. My S was asked by a prof a few hours after the audition, to a trial lesson, and also of his interest in going there. In our case, as it seems to be in your S, it was more than a courtesy. I would treat it as a positive sign, but with the caution that nothing is certain till it is in writing.

Remember the trial lesson goes both ways. It is for you to gauge how you will fare with that teacher, and it is for the teacher to gauge if you will be the kind of student that s/he can teach.

With that, congratulations to your son on making such a great impression on this professor and school.

p.s., My S was accepted at this college, but subsequently declined coz he got his dream professor at a different school. The prof was very gracious and offered him free tix for performances to a chamber group that he was part of.

@gram22 Thanks for the info. There are two schools he has as his top schools and this is one of them. He seems very positive about it, as do I, but true, once it is in writing, that will be a huge sigh of relief :slight_smile:

Update for Son, MM Voice/Opera (tenor):

USC - completed audition, awaiting results on 3/15 (went very well)
NEC - completed audition, awaiting results TBD (ouch, it was a rough one*)
SFCM - completed audition, awaiting results on 3/15 (went great)
IU - scheduled for 3/7 if his flights aren’t cancelled…
BoCo - changed to video audition for VP instead of opera, awaiting decision
UBC - video audition, ADMITTED! (received phone call from head of dept., awaiting official notification.) He had done 2 summer programs, so they knew him well

*He is was in an opera production in February, his show wrapped on a Sunday matinee, the next morning 5AM he was on plane to Boston from CA and the next day he had his audition. It was a good lesson in not piling on too much at once and… preparation!!! He loved the school, though. Still hoping, but he was not at his best.

Thrilled to have one yes in the column and its a wonderful school. + Vancouver!
Very impressed with all of the updates from fellow CC folks.

@JoHollywood Congrats to your son. UBC - British Columbia?

Yes, UBC University of British Columbia, Vancouver campus

We are back from Eastman. It was a whole day audition / interview. His schedule was full. He managed to meet with some friends. I enjoyed visiting Sibley Library and Javas.
Next week he will go to Mizzou for his last audition with his dad and I am getting some rest. I am very proud that he could get this far and survived :smiley: . After March 10th waiting starts.

Popping this up here so we can see it on this page. I’ve seen some date or format changes mentioned on other threads and have tried to incorporate them here. If anyone needs a correction please speak up.

2427Mom (daughter) MM Piano Performance
1/24 UCLA

angelcatcher (Son) BM Jazz Studies Bass
1/10 Wayne State
1/31 Univ Michigan SMTD
2/6 Northwestern/Bienen
2/7 MSU

arkham (son) BM Jazz Voice
11/25 Berklee - BM Performance: Voice
2/14 UNT (skype audition)
2/16 Temple
2/21 SUNY Purchase
3/1 The New School
3/7 City College of NY
Video Audition Univ of North Texas
Video Audition Loyola New Orleans
Audio Audition William Paterson

Bassdadjazz (son) Jazz Bass
1/25 SCFM
2/2 NEC
2/7 Frost
2/19 Peabody
2/23 DePaul
3/6 MSM

BenniesMom1 (Son) Clarinet Performance
1/25 - Lebanon Valley College
1/26 - Rowan University
1/31 - School of Music/University of Delaware
2/4 - Wells School of Music/West Chester University of Pennsylvania
2/8 - WVU
2/11 - Tell School of Music/Millersville University of Pennsylvania
2/14 - Mary Pappert School of Music/Duquense
2/16 - Boyer/Temple
2/28 - William Paterson University of NJ

BigPapi2 (son) Viola Music Ed
1/25 Ball State
2/7-8 IU/Jacobs

bonfigleo (son) BM Horn Performance
1/25 Madison/Mead Witter
2/3 Rice/Shepherd
2/8 IU/Jacobs
2/24 Curtis
3/2-3 Juilliard
TBA Northwestern/Bienen

ClassCompMom (son) BM Composition
2/9 BoCo Interview
2/16 CIM
2/16 Peabody
2/29 SFCM (regional NYC)

coloraturagirl (daughter) BM VP Soprano
1/6 Oberlin (LA Regional)
1/17 Boston University
1/18 CCM
1/25 UC Irvine
1/25 UCLA
2/7 CMU Regional Audition LA
2/7-8 Vanderbilt/Blair
2/15 Northwestern/Bienen
2/17 University of Houston
2/21 Eastman
2/23 NEC/Tufts Dual BA
video audition: Univ of North Texas

Compgrad1 (daughter) MM Composition

delynnel (son) BM Viola Performance
2/6-8 Northwestern/Bienen
2/10 Rice/Shepherd
2/13 Glenn Gould School
2/16 CIM

Doransa (son) BM Composition
1/17 IU/Jacobs
1/25 Univ of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM)
2/2 CIM
2/7-8 Vanderbilt/Blair
2/16 Peabody
2/22 Oberlin
2/28 Eastman
3/9 University of Missouri

drummermom2020 (son) Drums Jazz Studies
1/25 Western Michigan
2/7 Berklee
2/8 Columbia College - Chicago
2/24 New School

Elegie17 BM Vocal Performance Soprano
1/17 NYU
1/24 UMich
1/31 Univ Miami/Frost (regional NY audition)
2/17 SUNY Purchase
2/21 Eastman School of Music
3/2 Mannes/The New School
3/6 IU/Jacobs School of Music
video audition: Syracuse

flutyMcFluteface (daughter) BM Jazz Sax and/or Flute Performance
1/11 Berklee Jazz Sax
1/19 BoCo Flute
1/20 NEC Flute
1/25 USC Flute
2/1 Oberlin Flute
2/3 Ithaca Jazz Sax and Flute
2/9 USC Jazz
2/21 Oberlin Jazz Sax
3/1 Mannes Flute

GalaOvsi (daughter) BM VP
2/17 SUNY Purchase
Aaron Copland School of Music

IronCitEE (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/31 Duquesne
3/4 MSM
3/6 IU/Jacobs

jazz2020mom (son) BM Jazz Studies Trombone
2/1 UNT
2/8 Mason Gross/Rutgers
2/17 UMKC
2/28 Eastman
3/1 New School
3/5 MSM

JoHollywood (son) MM VP Opera Tenor
Video audition Univ of British Columbia
Video Audition BoCo VP
1/26 USC
2/23 NEC
2/26 SFCM
3/7 IU/Jacobs

khill87 (daughter) BM vocal performance Soprano
12/7 University of Miami
1/27 Peabody (regional audition)
2/15 Oberlin

lexjen VP Soprano and English
Capital and WVU
Baldwin Wallace
1/20 Denison
1/24 U-M SMTD
1/31 Central Michigan
2/2 CIM
2/12 Olivet
2/17 Peabody
2/29 Oberlin
video audition: Case Western

MezzoDadbynight (daughter) BM VP Mezzo
11/9 Pepperdine EA
12/6 Baylor Univ EA
12/7 Southern Methodist University/Meadows EA
1/18 Rice/Shepherd
1/25 Carnegie Mellon University
1/31 Eastman
2/8 DePauw EA
2/22 Oberlin
3/6 Juilliard
3/12 Curtis

MezzoMama (daughter) BM Classical Vocal Performance Mezzo-Soprano
1/25 UCLA
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/07 CMU (regional LA)
2/9 USC
2/15 NEC
2/23 SFCM
2/29 Chapman University

mom2clarinetobsessedkid BM Clarinet Performance
Shenandoah Conservatory
University of Michigan SMTD

mom2jw (son) Contemporary VP
12/7 University of Miami M.A.D.E. Program
1/20 Berklee
2/9 USC/Thornton

MomOfSingers (son) VP Bass-Baritone
1/17 UMich
1/21 Royal College of Music UK (regional)
1/23 Lawrence Conservatory (regional)
1/31 Eastman
2/15 Oberlin
2/23 Aaron Copland School of Music
2/26 Royal Academy of Music UK (regional)
3/04 MSM

Momofviolinboy (son) BM Violin Performance
2/2 McDuffie Center for Strings at Mercer University
2/8 JMU
2/14 NEC
2/22 Oberlin

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich SMTD
2/8 FSU - BM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
11/1 Video Audition ELON for MRPA
12/7 University of Miami
1/18 Clemson
2/8 Univ Al @ Huntsville

OrangeJacket (daughter) Mezzo Soprano
11/16 Oklahoma City University for double major MT and VP
12/07 Baylor University for VP
1/18 UT Austin VP
2/29 UNT—Music Ed

Pocket22 BM Popular Music Keyboard/Piano
2/8 USC

Racingfan53 Classical Mezzo-Soprano
11/11 Azusa Pacific University BA Music
1/26 USC BM Choral Music
2/8 FSU BM Music Ed
2/29 UNT BM Music Ed
Video Audition - University of Kansas

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee
1/25 USC
2/7 University of Miami/Frost

rubypiano (son) Piano/Keyboards Commercial Music and Jazz
1/11 - Belmont
1/25 - Berklee
2/2 - Cal Arts
2/14 - Frost
2/29 - New School
3/5 - NYU Steinhardt
3/21 - U Arts (Philadelphia)

rudydog66 (daughter) BM VP Soprano
1/17 NYU/Steinhardt
1/25 UT Austin
1/26 UF
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/7 U Michigan SMTD
2/9 USC

runninglate (daughter) BM VP Mezzo Soprano
1/18 NYU
1/24 CCM
1/26 Carnegie Mellon
2/1 UT Austin
2/7 Indiana/Jacobs
2/22 Oberlin
Video Audition SFCM
Video Audition Peabody
Video Audition Loyola

seemsfamiliar BM Composition
2/16 Peabody
3/4 MSM
3/6 Mannes

1/31 Univ of Michigan SMTD
TBA IU/Jacobs
TBA Yale

songbirdmama (daughter) MM Vocal Performance/Opera Soprano
1/18 IU/Jacobs
1/25 Univ of Maryland Opera Studio
3/6 Mannes
3/7 Bard
3/13-15 Curtis

SongStress2024 (daughter) Soprano VP and Neuroscience
Duquesne (early/direct admit Pre-med, audition invite for VP)
1/25 GW Corcoran Scholars
2/7-8 Boston University
2/17 Peabody
2/21-22 Vanderbilt/Blair
Video audition: Syracuse/Setnor
video audition: Case Western

studentcomposer1 BM Composition
2/1 Rice/Shepherd
2/7 IU/Jacobs
TBD Univ Michigan SMTD
TBD Oberlin (currently Skype interview - may change)
?? USC Thornton

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/23 Univ Michigan SMTD
1/24-25 Vanderbilt/Blair
2/1 Oberlin
2/7 Eastman
2/14 University of Miami/Frost
2/21 Lynn Conservatory
2/22 CMU
3/3 Manhattan School of Music
video audition: University of Florida
video audition: Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
University of Michigan SMTD

teewhy (daughter) BM VP Soprano
1/25 West Virginia
2/1 Memphis
2/7 - 2/8 Vanderbilt
2/15 University of Tennessee Knoxville
2/22 Texas Christian Univ
2/29 University of North Texas
3/6 IU/Jacobs

tubamama (son) BM Tuba Performance
1/18 UT Austin
1/25 Vanderbilt/Blair
1/26 USC Thornton
2/7 Univ Michigan SMTD
2/8 Northwestern/Bienen
2/14 University of Miami/Frost

Violin87 (son) BM Violin
2/7 Eastman
2/19 Peabody

yfgntf123 BM Violin performance
1/18 Indiana University/Jacobs
2/14 Eastman
3/1 CIM
March MSM