@GalaOvsi hope MSM is a success today! How is the practice room availability? Not the reserved warm up rooms - the first come, first served rooms.

@ClassCompMom hop on over to the acceptance thread so I can add NEC with all the details. That’s amazing!


Congrat to your daughter. My daughter is also auditioning there today… pretty soon.
We just hope the school will be ok. My daughter is pretty stressed out about all the work she needs too makeup. But there is no way around it, at least in our school… unfortunately

Why I cannot edit my comments? Something about the vanilla comments?

@GalaOvsi and @tableforsix --we just got in from our MSM audition as well. There were first-come, first-serve practice rooms available when we were there at noon. My kid had to hang around because he has his precollege lesson on today. Looked like a nice group in the vocal area and I noticed a lot of cellists and bass and flute players wandering around. Good luck!

Back in December when we had all my Son’s auditions scheduled for January and February, we notified his school with the dates he would be out . They entered all of them on the school’s calendar as excused absences . Teachers are advised by that calendar that he’ll be out and enter in whatever work he needs to do or makeup into Schoology ( online system thingy) which he can access from anywhere . That’s it . He’s been keeping up somehow . In fact, during the audition seasons term, he got on the honor roll for the first time in high school . He works best under pressure I guess ? He DID have to do detention once for excessive lateness, because he was always tired when we got back late on Sunday, for instance , for Monday class . Other than that, hasn’t been a problem.

I think the key is to keep them in the loop. They were surprised that he showed up for school last Friday cause we had cancelled the rest of his auditions. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have to be on your way to an audition somewhere ?” ? Nope! I’m DONE :white_check_mark:

@GalaOvsi This depends on your school, I think. My S attends a public HS in New Jersey and there are very strict state laws about how many excused absences he is allowed, especially for gym of all things. We made it right under the wire but we do know people who had to make up gym during the summer! The best strategy is probably to speak with the guidance counselor, learn the policy, and keep careful track. Good luck!

@akapiratequeen I always thought that was ironic. They had to make up gym classes but not math or English. We are in PA and it’s the same deal.

@GalaOvsi - My daughter attends a public school, but it is a performing arts magnet. The absence policy is draconian. She is allowed two absences for college visits, and everything else is considered unexcused. Even though, as a student at a performing arts high school, these auditions are what she has been preparing for! She’s had to complete an online “class” about why attendance is important, but she is going to go way over the limit, especially if we make more college visits in the spring. My guess is that I will be called in to truancy court to explain the absences, and she is going to have to go to school early and stay late in order to make up hours.

@akapiratequeen and @songbirdmama That’s interesting that they have to make up gym !! Here in DE, the seniors and juniors don’t even HAVE gym . Out if curiosity , I WILL check if there is a number set for amount of absences they can take . Wondering if it’s possible that it’s cumulative over the four years and since he’s always had perfect attendance before, it’s not an issue now . Would be good to know since he IS taking a few more days off to attend accepted students days .

And yes @GalaOvsi , school systems are going to be different . Now that I think about it, it might even be different based on the school . My S attends a school of the Arts so I imagine they expect their seniors will be out auditioning and such . Never give it much thought, really .

Communication is key . As long as they know and you know what they should know … OY . Sounds like the Theraflu has kicked in and I’m getting loopy. My son told me this morning “Thanks for waiting til I was done to get sick ? “ ?

@shulad you can only edit the in the 15 minute window immediately after you post.

? That IS, in fact, extremely draconian. My son is also in a magnet school for arts and they get concerned if the kids AREN’T out somewhere auditioning or having lessons somewhere , seeing as that IS what they’re going to be doing? Only 2 excused ? That’s crazy for a performing arts school . All my son’s shadow days, lesson days and audition days were all excused . Even the time off needed on Friday to GET to a Saturday audition. The colleges always had an excuse slip at the ready too which he just turned in on return . I’m wondering what they do with all those excuse letters ? Would be fun to get back for a scrapbook .

Interesting. I guess it varies according to school. My D goes to a private school and they expect seniors to go on college visits and auditions. However- if a senior has more than 4 unexcused absences they have to take their final exams at exam time.

My daughter just got admitted into Chapman University. There was no notification of any financial aid. Her friend got the letter with a link to financial aid package (different department, non-music). I have emailed them asking whether we can expect anything… She also got admitted into UC Santa Barbara Music department (and now we are just waiting for regular admission into the university by March 17th). Very strange process…

@MezzoMama I’m sure Chapman will send details later on. That’s a pricey place to go for undergrad and not many people can make that happen. I agree the process seems rather fractured sometimes. I plan for my next kid to apply EA to a few schools so we can avoid the stress of the wait. I’ve been through it with two now and want to avoid it with the other two.

@tableforsix, you asked about availability of practice rooms at MSM… My D (violinist) had her audition on Wed afternoon. She had no problem getting rooms on the 3rd and 4th floors the evening before and just before her audition (before she moved to the reserved warm up room). Sorry for the delay. I’ve been busy driving from NYC to Bloomington for her last audition this afternoon at IU/Jacobs.

@IronCitEE Good luck at Jacobs!! Last audition, hurray!

D is in the home stretch! Mannes and Bard today and tomorrow (Bard audition in Opera America in NYC). Then it’s just Curtis next weekend. In some ways, the spread out schedule has been helpful as she isn’t merely anxiously waiting all these weeks. Hopefully, these later schools won’t take forever to communicate decisions! Good luck, everyone. Almost at the end of this marathon!

My daughter goes to the performing arts school so there are a lot of kids that go to auditions. What annoys me is that she gets 0 for each gym class she missed and did not make up.

Two comments:

1.) About missing classes and all that stress, yes I do remember that (annoying letters from the district saying something ominous…that I can no longer remember). But now it seems like just a bump on the road. So MISS those days, get those 0s…somehow it will work out and not matter. COLLEGE is what matters now…not gym class…obviously.

2.) Good luck @songbirdmama. She should know about Curtis that weekend (at least if she’s in contention or not). I have no idea about the other two…but one of them will probably drag it out, right? I know I said this before, my D was kicked to the curb at Curtis early…I think it was a morning audition (the BEST time for voice lol) and she wasn’t on the schedule to sing again posted at noon so she was out. Luckily a few friends were out too so they went shopping and that evening after all her friends were out…they went out drinking and celebrating the END of college auditions (they all had other choices). They all knew Curtis was a long shot so there weren’t any hurt feelings. No matter what…your D already has a great choice…so I hope she can celebrate the end of auditions too.

And I hope everyone takes time to CELEBRATE. Sometimes you get so focused on the acceptances and the money that you forget to celebrate the “hard work” of auditioning. I hope everyone can take some time to just be proud/happy about that…and not simply focus on the coming results (easier said than done, I know).

Oh boy, Missing school… those were times I cannot forget.

First it was missing class because of audition stress. Then it was missing class because of PTSD like symptoms post auditions. Then plain old senioritis leading to missing class.

Most teachers at my S’s school were very understanding. All they needed was for him to turn in his HW periodically, and take his exams when he could. We couldn’t have asked for more. There was one AP math class that he wasn’t able to make up properly, but since he’d already finished the requirement for math, he dropped it and switched out with “community service”. That was very cool of the school to do that. However what that meant though was that we had to explain why he was dropping the class to all the colleges he’d applied to. Luckily, it did not come in the way of admissions or graduation and he got through to his dream college. Phew.