Sorry, I hadn’t understood the acronym “MM” - if that stands for Master of Music, yes, that’s 2 years. The Bachelors usually goes for four years (though it can be completed in three).

Thanks for everyone’s kindness about Curtis. Yes - I’m so grateful auditions were mostly done. In-person auditions bring out the best in many performers and this MAY be the only school which cancelled, so that is a silver lining. (Another silver lining - other schools won’t lose singers and cellists to Curtis this year.)

@baridad - thanks for your insight on Curtis. I know it’s a very small program so I’m still surprised at theIr late decision to cancel, especially given the multi-day format. I’m sure they considered ways to adjust the process - for example give a specific warm-up/audition time instead of the random draw to eliminate groups congregating. Or have auditionees wear hazmat suits as suggested by @songbirdmama ’s daughter!

My daughter was also affected by the Curtis auditions being cancelled. I did see on Curtis’ website that they have extended out their current spring break until March 22nd (Effectively closing their campus to their own students until that date.)

While I would like to be optimistic based on @baridad and his comments, the fact that they cancelled the cello auditions, which weren’t even scheduled until March 25th and 26th, doesn’t leave a ton of time. Everyone has to let their respective university that they want to attend, know of their decision by May 1st.

Here is what was posted on Curtis’ website: https://www.curtis.edu/covid-19/

Extension of Curtis spring break to Sunday, March 22

We have made the decision to extend our current spring vacation through Sunday, March 22. During this period, no school-sponsored activities — lessons, coachings, rehearsals, classes, etc. — will be scheduled. Dining services will continue to be closed. Students currently at home for spring vacation are urged to stay there, and students in Philadelphia — particularly those residing in Lenfest Hall — are encouraged to take this opportunity to return home if possible. The current understanding of COVID-19 suggests that less dense residential environments may prevent the spread of the virus.

Students needing travel assistance from Curtis should contact Dean Bryan. We will continue to support Lenfest Hall residents who are unable to leave Philadelphia; those students will receive a separate message with more details. Please check your curtis.edu e-mail frequently.

For those in our community remaining in Philadelphia during the extended break, access to Curtis’s campus facilities, such as practice rooms and rehearsal spaces, will remain open to Curtis students, faculty, and staff. We kindly ask that alumni who access Curtis facilities for personal use refrain from doing so until further notice.

Modification of remaining auditions

In an effort to minimize our community’s exposure to the coronavirus, we have made the difficult decision to cancel or alter the remaining departmental auditions. Voice/opera auditions scheduled for March 12–15 have been canceled as have those in violin (March 20–21) and cello (March 25–26). Composition interviews will be conducted by Skype. Should updated information on COVID-19 permit a discussion of rescheduling any of these auditions, affected applicants will be contacted. While this is no doubt extremely disappointing, Curtis will be in contact with the applicants about options to audition next year.

Very helpful @MezzoDadbynight. I see upon rereading this that Curtis is clear about canceling voice, violin and cello and altering composition interviews. No doubt there were some fantastic international auditionees that wouldn’t have been able to attend so Curtis is being very even-handed in their decision.

I’m happy that they are encouraging current students to reach out if help is needed for travel and accommodating international students with no place to go.

@songbirdmama and @bouyant - I’m so sorry. It really stinks. I don’t know what else to say about the loss of the Curtis opportunity…except its a loss and will require some “grieving”. Again I’m sorry.

I also feel for everyone with seniors (high school and college) with all the “finals” coming up and the potential loss of some of those experiences. I’m sure everyone will adjust in their own way to make the last year special…but still it’s all just a bummer.

My D starts a show tonight. I’ve been concerned if it will even open (pd per performance) but she is not in an area where the virus is known to be rampant (but who knows tomorrow, right). I’m just glad its actually opening in a mid-sized house (so maybe it will keep running as long as the cast stays healthy!). It’s a longish run with good pay…which now seems up in the air. The contract includes a 2 week extension as the show is a high demand one…which now…who knows. She is hired for a summer production as well…so we’ll see. Many performers and houses are going to hurt. The herd is going to be “thinned”. It’s just sad. Bc my D does have other income streams (thankfully) she should be fine if things settled down by fall. But even her commercial work is slowing down. So I guess we’re all in this boat together.

Hang in there everyone…and YES thank goodness the cancellations are now not a month earlier! I’m grateful for that.

@MezzoDadbynight - I missed you. Sorry for your D too.

Note decision deadline for MM: 4/15…making it even more difficult in the MM case.

@bridgenail - I am seeing a constant stream of performances delayed or closed so many, many hugs to the performing artists out there who will be impacted, especially family members of our very wise music major forum veterans.

My senior is completely sheltered at the moment given that she is in school and on our healthcare. She’ll be disappointed if she doesn’t get to perform for an audience in some upcoming events, but we’re all in this together now. ?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2021 Pre-Screen Thread