Jazz studies:
UNT: Audition 2/1
Eastman: Audition 2/28
Rutgers: Audition 2/8

Welcome @jazz2020mom! What does your son/daughter play? My son auditioned for the class of 2023 at Eastman and Rutgers, among others – sounds like your student is on the same track. Feel free to reach out with questions.

He plays Jazz Trombone! We will see what will happen :slight_smile:

Everything crossed for him!! Good luck!

Does anyone know whether any notifications might be sent over the weekend or we just have to wait til Monday?

My son just heard from Rice (Shepherd)
BM Horn

We got an email from Rice about a status change on portal but did not see any changes on portal. Where did you see the information for your son? Thanks.

My son (23) is applying for MM in VP/Opera (tenor) – he applied to 7 schools 6 in US, 1 International. Very new here, if you discover any additional helpful music grad threads, let me know! He will graduate UG in May 2020 with a MMus in VP.

Just heard back today for 2 live audition invites! What a relief to know he’s a step closer to learning his next adventure. Phew.

Check out all the great things we have going on!

@bonfigleo, oh my gosh, horn at Rice. What a win for your son!

MM on the board @2427Mom!

@flutyMcFluteface winner for best username!

@akapiratequeen, you’re my favorite cheerleader.

arkham (son) BM Jazz Voice
11/25 Berklee - BM Performance: Voice

bonfigleo (son) BM Horn Performance
2/3 Rice/Shepherd

ClassCompMom (son) BM Composition
1/26 BoCo Interview

Doransa (son) BM Composition
3/9 University of Missouri

jazz2020mom (son) BM Jazz Studies Trombone
2/1 UNT
2/8 Rutgers
2/28 Eastman

khill87 (daughter) BM vocal performance Soprano
12/7 University of Miami

MezzoMama (daughter) BM Classical Performance Mezzo-Soprano
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/29 Chapman University

mom2clarinetobsessedkid BM Clarinet Performance
Shenandoah Conservatory

12/7 University of Miami M.A.D.E. Program

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich
2/8 FSU - BM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7 University of Miami
1/18 Clemson
2/8 Univ Al @ Huntsville

OrangeJacket (daughter) Mezzo
11/16 Oklahoma City University for double major MT and VP
12/07 Baylor University for VP
2/29 UNT—Music Ed

Racingfan53 Classical Mezzo-Soprano
11/11 Azusa Pacific University BA Music
1/25 FSU BM Music Ed
2/29 UNT BM Music Ed
Video Audition - University of Kansas

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

songbirdmama (daughter) MM Vocal Performance/Opera Soprano
TBD IU/Jacobs

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/21 Lynn Conservatory
2/22 Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
2/15 Oberlin

yfgntf123 BM Violin performance
TBA Indiana University/Jacobs

@JoHollywood, want to add your son’s confirmed auditions to the list? Congrats on the encouraging news!

@bridgenail, you “mess up” the thread any time. Love the insight and reassurances.

Rudydog66, It came via email.

Thank you. May have been an error. Emailed Rice but they are closed.

Daughter is auditioning for Voice - Soprano
NYU Steinhardt 1/17
U Texas Austin 1/25
UF 1/26
UC Santa Barbara 2/1
U Michigan 2/7

My daughter is finally hearing from some schools. YAY! We’ll take what we can get and hope that the ball has started rolling…

Daughter, BM, VP, Mezzo Soprano
UT Austin - 2/1
Indiana University - TBD
Video auditions: SFCM, Peabody, Loyola

@runninglate exciting!

My son is waiting to hear from SFCM and Peabody, BM, Composition. Hope that means we’ll hear soon! Break a leg!

MM Voice applicant here. I see some other Indiana applicants already heard about pre-screenings - if we didn’t hear anything yet, does that mean we didn’t pass pre-screening?

@Senior2016M I am no expert, but would not make assumptions. Good luck!

Boston Conservatory just emailed D about Piano Performance prescreen today. YAY!

@Senior2016M I wouldn’t read anything into it. We heard about acceptance into IU several weeks ago, but that’s separate from Jacobs and only one step in the process. No prescreen for our instrument, so that’s why we were able to list it. We’re waiting for prescreen results too. Trying not to worry, but I think it’s still somewhat early, depends on the instrument, etc. etc. etc.

New message from Get Acceptd this AM: D20 passed prescreen at UT Austin for VP (mezzo soprano). Audition will be on Jan. 18–1 week after her audition for All State Choir (last round audition)! We’ve now heard (re: auditions) from all 5 places she has applied. Still in the process of doing the TCU application…

I applied to Rice, Juilliard, USC, Oberlin, UMich and IU for BM composition. Just heard from Rice today and they will send details for my audition later.