Just heard from Eastman - they’re announcing pre-screen results before Xmas.

If any one is interested in CCM will email on 12/24. At least this is what they told us.

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@Doransa can you clarify what is CCM? sorry, I guess I am just curious, because my daughter did not apply there.

@MezzoMama it is Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. We live in Ohio. :smile:

I thought that was CIM - I think CCM is the College Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati.

I got an email literally 1 minute ago from Eastman. Audition is on 2/14 (violin undergrad). Haven’t got the date and time from IU yet.

@Senior2016 you are right CIM is Cleveland Conservatory of Music. CCM = Cincinnati Conservatory of Music.

@yfgntf123 woo hoo!

Here’s the info so far for my daughter, BM Violin Performance:

TBA IU/Jacobs

Btw, CIM = Cleveland Institute of Music

Wait @IronCitEE you heard from CIM?

@IronCitEE yes you are right. CIM = Cleveland Institute of Music I am not sure what happened to me today. We just heard from Eastman and it is a yes. I am just very excited I guess.

@yfgntf123 I believe @IronCitEE was correcting me. :smile:

Right, I was only clarifying the name of the school. ?

haha okay good. Scared me for a second.’

2427Mom (daughter) Piano Performance

arkham (son) BM Jazz Voice
11/25 Berklee - BM Performance: Voice
Video Audition Univ of North Texas
Video Audition Loyola New Orleans
Audio Audition William Patterson

bonfigleo (son) BM Horn Performance
2/3 Rice/Shepherd

ClassCompMom (son) BM Composition
1/26 BoCo Interview

Doransa (son) BM Composition
2/28 Eastman
3/9 University of Missouri

flutyMcFluteface (daughter) BM Jazz Sax and/or Flute Performance
1/11 Berklee Jazz Sax
1/19 BoCo Flute
2/3 Ithaca Jazz Sax and Flute
3/1 Mannes Flute

IronCitEE (daughter) BM Violin Performance
TBA IU/Jacobs

jazz2020mom (son) BM Jazz Studies Trombone
2/1 UNT
2/8 Rutgers
2/28 Eastman

JoHollywood (son) MM VP Opera Tenor
TBA IU/Jacobs
1/25 BoCo

khill87 (daughter) BM vocal performance Soprano
12/7 University of Miami

MezzoDadbynight (daughter) BM VP Mezzo
11/9 Pepperdine EA
12/6 Baylor Univ EA (accepted 12/16!)
12/7 Southern Methodist University/Meadows EA (accepted 12/14!)
TBA DePauw EA (prescreen waived)
TBA Rice/Shepherd

MezzoMama (daughter) BM Classical Performance Mezzo-Soprano
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/29 Chapman University

mom2clarinetobsessedkid BM Clarinet Performance
Shenandoah Conservatory
University of Michigan SMTD

12/7 University of Miami M.A.D.E. Program

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich SMTD
2/8 FSU - BM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7 University of Miami
1/18 Clemson
2/8 Univ Al @ Huntsville

OrangeJacket (daughter) Mezzo Soprano
11/16 Oklahoma City University for double major MT and VP
12/07 Baylor University for VP
1/18 UT Austin VP
2/29 UNT—Music Ed

Racingfan53 Classical Mezzo-Soprano
11/11 Azusa Pacific University BA Music
1/25 FSU BM Music Ed
2/29 UNT BM Music Ed
Video Audition - University of Kansas

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

rudydog66 (daughter) VP Soprano
1/17 NYU/Steinhardt
1/25 UT Austin
1/26 UF
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/7 U Michigan SMTD

runninglate (daughter) BM VP Mezzo Soprano
2/1 UT Austin
TBA Indiana/Jacobs
Video Audition SFCM
Video Audition Peabody
Video Audition Loyola

songbirdmama (daughter) MM Vocal Performance/Opera Soprano
TBA IU/Jacobs
TBA Mannes

studentcomposer1 BM Composition
TBA Rice/Shepherd

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/21 Lynn Conservatory
2/22 Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
University of Michigan SMTD

yfgntf123 BM Violin performance
TBA Indiana University/Jacobs
2/14 Eastman

@MezzoDadbynight, my daughter is at Baylor. Absolutely loves the place. She also got in at SMU. It was a tough call! We’re only putting confirmed audition/interview dates on the calendar - ones where prescreen was passed or not required. I look forward to adding the good news on the rest of your daughter’s results as they roll in!

D just got her email from Oberlin. She passed her prescreen!! I’m so surprised that they sent the emails so late at night. It’s 9pm here.

My daughter just heard from Oberlin that she has an audition on 2/22. I guess it’s time to invest in those cold weather boots. :smile:

And thank you, @Doransa, for the CCM info!!

Oberlin - Audition 2/22

@tableforsix Thank you for the great information! That is very good to know about Baylor.

Congrats @runninglate I am sure that we will see you on audition day as my daughter has that same date!

Congratulations Oberlin and Eastman prescreeners! Such an exciting day!