2021-2022 USC Transfer

i just email her with questions and any academic updates! it really depends on who your regional counselor is mine is just pretty responsive which is nice

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thank you and good luck to you and everybody else!!!

How do you do that?

hey guys! iā€™m a CC student from Illinois applying to transfer in as a junior to USC. my highschool stats are very poor so iā€™m afraid that may harm my chances of admission. Iā€™m majoring in Political Science and have completed my courses with a 3.9 GPA. I wish you guys all the best of luck! weā€™ve got this :))

hey guys! how do you check stats?

i did too! i actually had the same thoughts about my uc piqā€™s compared to my usc essays but now that weā€™re finally getting responses rolling iā€™m starting to think maybe i couldā€™ve worded things differently n suchā€¦ not fun :sweat: but nothing we can do now besides stand by what we put out^^

hopefully we both come out with a W so this wait can be worth it!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you have an iPhone:

First I would suggest creating a contact with any USC contact information in your contact list. After this,

Go to your Mail app
Upper Right Side should be blue ā€œeditā€ā€¦ click on it
Make sure to check mark ā€œVIPā€ and then click done. This should return you to the main mailbox page.
You will see VIP on the list and to the right is an ā€œIā€ icon click it.
Find your USC contact that you created.

Then go to VIP alerts and pick a sound that is not used on your phoneā€¦ I picked ā€œupliftā€ personally but it has to be a sound that you know if you hear it it could only be an update from your VIP list and customize the rest of the alert as you see fit.

Thatā€™s it. If you want to test it add your personal email to the vip list and send an email to yourself on another device. If you receive the email notification with the new alert then you set it up correctly.

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me too! grad HS last year but am a junior transfer. currently attending UCSD and COC. 4.0 gpa. soc major. got into UCLA yesterday but awaiting USC. Best of luck!!

Thank you! I hope we both come out with BIG FAT JUICY Wā€™s

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Donā€™t worry! If you completed over 30 units at a CC, they donā€™t factor high school grades into the final decision. However, they will still see them, so if you did better then it will only help you! I believe in you :slight_smile:

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Im in the same situation:
My high school gpa UW: 2.8 and weighted is 2.9
however I increased my GPA
so I hope my high school transcript doesnā€™t affect my app. :sweat_smile:

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has anyone who attends santa monica college heard back yet? whoā€™s non ttp- non legacy

I am!! Iā€™m sure your essays are great, itā€™s easy to have self-doubt while waiting for a decision trust me Iā€™m going through that too.


Does anyone know how similar the UCLA and USC admissions process is? I got into all my other UCs I applied to except UCLA and that completely shot my confidence down for USC lol

lolll nah my essays were doodoo I wrote them the day before :skull:

I believe USC is more holistic than UCLA. Because they usually receive less transfer applicants, they pay much closer attention to each application than UCLA- the most widely applied to public university in the US.

USC takes into consideration letters of recommendation, grade trends, # of units, and especially essays.

Even though I was rejected from UCLA as well, I have more faith in USC because more of my classes were transferrable- which means I have more units, a higher gpa, comprehensive recommendations, and I took a different approach to the essays. You should too. Good luck!

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Ahhh this was such a great reply, thanks for your reply and thanks for being so positive!

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Thatā€™s all we could really hope for in these times, Iā€™m waiting for a miracle :slight_smile:

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wellll letā€™s hope we both just come out of this with a W!!!

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Ah damn! Iā€™ve seen so many people with 4.0ā€™s apply to USC, itā€™s really daunting- you should have a fantastic chance though. My 3.79 pales in comparison (Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s going to be enough), but we will wait and seeā€¦

I got into UCI but got two consecutive rejections from UC Berkeley and UCLA. USC has always been my #1, I really hope my application stands a chance. Committed to UCI early in case USC rejects me.

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