2021-2022 USC Transfer

Sorry guys, I have a stupid question to ask…

are the courses that do not show in the Transfer Planning Guide considered transferable?

because I found this in the usc website " Accredited courses: Coursework completed at, or degrees from, U.S. institutions accredited by the six regional accrediting agencies are generally accepted."

I am pretty sure that typically UC courses are accredited by the six regional accrediting agencies. So in this case would they use my UC gpa or calculate a new GPA according to the TPG.

Here https://admission.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/Transfer-profile.pdf is the transfer admission profile for Transfers, Fall 2020. It tells you what sending colleges are the most represented, information about applicants, accepted applicants, and those who decide to attend in terms of the middle 50th% of units, gpa, etc.

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Fellow Illinois incoming Trojan, good luck!

I’m wondering if the 6% of Annenberg is an indicator of a competitive application cycle or just that a small number of applicants were Annenberg applicants

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I think it may be because it provides fewer majors and the chance of people choosing that major may be more slim than say Dornsife- which has a lot more breadth and where most people are probably going to apply to (because it happens to have their major). Competitiveness is probably a factor too- like how Keck, Davis, and the school of Pharmacy are so low in terms of %. My guess is that it’s so low because of major distribution as well as demand.

This seems like a valid question to ask your admissions counselor/officer.

It depends. Accredited courses also include courses that may be transferable to CSU’s (which are alsoaccredited by the 6 regional accrediting agencies, I believe) but not UC’s, so unless your transcript was all strictly UC-transferrable, you will have to factor in those other classes too. So it might be different than your UC gpa.

I’m honestly in the dark with this too.

I think they both play a part. I notice Price averages about 4% of the transfer profile but I hardly hear many trying to transfer to Price (usually it’s Dornslife, Marshall are the popular schools)

does usc only send decisions at night typically?

Some people are reporting to have received acceptance packages in their mail today! Huuuuge news

Good luck to everyone


That’s awesome! Is it people who were already accepted on their portals?


when they say transferrable semeste unit on their profile do they mean courses only taken in college or does AP scores that are 4/5 count? and are these units after spring or fall on their website?

Wow really, what??? For Freshman admits or Transfers? Because that’s nuts, I read somewhere before that they couldn’t put in nearly as much effort into packaging them because of COVID

For transfer admits and freshman admits alike. Freshmen heard back on March 30th and USC said they would take awhile to send the admissions packages out after. Same goes for transfer admits

I can’t believe tomorrow is May already! I feel like just yesterday I was complaining that it is barely April and I can’t wait any longer for UC admissions to come out… hopefully time flies again.


Shhh don’t say that too loud it will slow down again lol


Man I just realized next weekend i shop for my bridal dress :flushed::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Update. Stepchild accepted the offer to BS in Music Industry that came on Wed. before even seeing the financial aid package. Whoops! Didn’t know to wait. Financial aid package came within 24 hours of accepting the admissions offer. Since the stepchild is over the age of 24, considered an independent. All tuition and fees are covered plus about 4K more. Will have to do work study and take out loan of about $11,000 each year for the next 3 years to offset living expenses etc. Sounds like a pretty good deal for a school like USC in this major!

Question: if the stepchild works in the summer does that income go toward reducing loans or what they call “Gift Aid” (not paid back) from the school?


aaaa that’s exciting! congrats

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