2021-2022 USC Transfer

How long ago did you send them out? If it has been over like 3 weeks, I would call admissions or email your admissions counselor.

At this point, yes.
You have to talk to someone in office.

Mine took very long but it verified in the end (around end of Feb). However, if yours weren’t verified yet, you should contact them.

Thank you, I sent them on the second week of January. I contacted my counselor already but still haven’t heard back. I will try calling the office on Monday

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Ok thank you, I will call the office asap, I sent mine in mid-Jan!

I am right there with you! I have literally been obsessed with reading college admission prediction articles, reading past forums, and stressing out, wondering if my best is even good enough for USC. The RED program I heard is highly competitive with only accepting 60 students (in 2020).

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Hey y’all, I got into umich but was rejected from Fordham. I guess it means that USC is a toss up. That’s how wild the admissions process is. Y’all never know.

congrats!! don’t worry, you got into a great school. fordham was probably just tryna protect their yield %. i’m sure usc decision will be in ur favor.

For me it’s watching YouTube videos from accepted students reading their essays and comparing my own. USC is by far my first choice and hopefully it all goes well. Good luck on getting into RED!

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Good luck to you as well!!!

Sorry for the late reply. Crazy week with midterms
 but, personally, I think that’s good! I had a recommended course in-progress at the time of my app too and a lower GPA than you. I think that’s really good and hopefully, that’s what they’re looking for and they accept you. It all depends on the admissions people though

Was looking for a chance me! My situation is a bit different from most:

I graduated hs in 2016 and then joined the army national guard. I don’t consider myself a veteran because the national guard is part time service while I had a full time job as a civilian at the same time. but I was honorably discharged and everything.

Applying for Dornsife for Economics
I’m a white female, first gen

HS Gpa: 3.95 W (top 13%)
College GPA: 3.86 and most likely going up after this semester

I am already in an upper level econ class as a freshman but idk if that’s a plus or if they don’t care.

I took the SAT in December 2019 and got a 1340. This was directly out of the military. I planned to retake it once I understood it’s expectations but that didn’t happen because of covid. I applied using this score as a freshman applicant and got denied admission. I expected that though because of my lack of academic history.

The activities and extracurriculars that I mentioned are: treasurer of first gen club at current school, member of women of economics club currently, tutoring currently, My military service, full time work history while in the military (retail security), fishing as a hobby and stocks as a hobby (in hindsight I feel I should not have mentioned stocks. I was dumb)

My awards are boring: I was chosen as the graduation speaker, honor roll, dean’s list, and honorable discharge

I got a great LOR from the econ chair at my current college. I wrote decent essays and I also attend a college right by USC currently. It’s a liberal arts college (very small, Im looking for more diversity and more opportunities in research and programs etc)

Usc has been an unattainable dream for me since 2014. Do you think I have a better chance now? Should I keep my expectations very low?

Do you think USC will look heavily at extracurricular activities with COVID and everything? I’m currently a freshman and my school didn’t really offer any so I only have two.

if yall wanna do posts like chance me or posting your stats, theres a thread for that USC 2021-2022 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY

if you had a recommended course in progress, did you receive a SGR? Do you think they’ll send an SGR if I completed all of the required and recommended courses for Marshall? I am 3.87 with 60+ units (Mostly A’s and few B’s)

i have a quick question; so when i upload my winter grades (unofficial) to the portal, can i just upload a screenshot of my grades? also, the screenshot doesn’t have my name or my student id #, it’s literally just the classes i’m taking and the grades i got in them because the grade portal is just like that for me. that is fine right? or do i need like an “official” unofficial transcript if that makes sense?

Im a freshman too and Im in a similar situation I only had maybe 3-4 total extra cirrics. But I will say this from what I’ve gathered on this thread. In general, the extra circulars don’t matter nearly as much as the school work. On top of that because of covid, freshmen especially won’t be expected to have a massive number of extracurriculars in the first place. Now I can’t speak for the admissions office but trust me when I say this, don’t worry about it. It’s not going to play a deciding role in the decision. this thread has made it clear that grades and GPA matter the most for a successful transfer

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Totally agree with above. EC’s hardly matter for transfers and matter even less during covid. It’s mainly about right classes, GPA and solid essays.

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Will having relevant EC’s still help? My GPA is below average (3.5) and I know EC’s won’t make up for that but will they still consider it?

ECs never hurt, and can certainly help as they can bring an application together, they just don’t matter as much for transfers as they do for the high schooler applying to college for the first time.

what should i do about my unofficial winter grades (explained above)?