2021-2022 USC Transfer

Are u guys non ttp in state?

I am non-TTP, in-state, at CoC. I have not heard anything but in past years Price transfers heard in May.

so if we were to get spring grade request is our checklist updated to show the requested transcript?


Any marshall non ttp out of state got anything?


Do you guys know if (since transfer students are not eligible for the 80k waived tuition) the financial aid office is still good in terms of covering student needs based on their calculations?

I really hope so lol

Wait, transfer students arenā€™t eligible for 80k waived tuition???

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Only incoming freshman receive the 80k. As for the aid, USC claims that they are 100% need met however federal loans is part of the package. So basically COA minus EFC equals aid package. There is a calculator but Iā€™m not sure how accurate it is. There is a scholarship for transfers but only a small amount receive it.

Did you guys receive email about this or they inform you on the portal?

From reading others (so far only TTP seems to be getting anything right now) the portal is only getting updatedā€¦ no ā€œStatus Updateā€ email. Im sure alot will agree when I say that been ā€œperiodicallyā€ checking our portal M-F.

Sadly no

I received a email and I when I checked my portal the application checklist had the winter grade request, I am currently a freshman non ttp

guysssss usc posted on insta the timeline on when to expect your decisions by. whatā€™s the whole confusion on someone being accepted already?

what was ur gpa? how many units? what did you complete for your major? how many rec letters did u get?

yooo I got a winter grade request but I didnā€™t take classes during winter quarter which I explained in my app. Iā€™m non ttp. What does it mean?

This year, USC noticeably sent their admission decisions a week later compared to when decisions came out last year. There were also a few trolls in this thread before and the person who said they got in just recently made a CC account. Congrats to that person who got in a couple days ago but it looks like the rest of us are gonna have to wait the coming week or so for decisions to start rolling out.

I donā€™t think there is confusion on the acceptance itselfā€¦ I think the group was just on edge with someone who just joined the forum and comment that they were accepted after we had someone came on a few hours earlier that brought some negativityā€¦ they thought this person was trolling but s/he came on just to look for other transfers to communicate withā€¦ it was a huge misunderstanding.

I was always under the impression that USC covered all students under 80k a year. My family doesnā€™t make above 40k

If this is the case, if I am admitted, I sadly wonā€™t be able to attend due to the cost. Iā€™m probably gonna have to give them a call to see if thereā€™s a possibility of any other aid that doesnā€™t include a mass amount of loans, but I doubt thatā€™ll help my case. Thatā€™s genuinely heart breaking.