2021 Pre-Screen Thread

Keep the prescreen info coming! And good luck everyone!

2025Class - VP undergrad

BooMimiMommy (daughter) cello performance

  • 2/14 CIM (zoom audition/interview)
  • MSM
  • 2/13 SUNY Fredonia (zoom audition/interview)
  • 2/21 Aaron Copland Queens College (zoom audition)

catcatcatcat - violin

  • 12/5 UMiami
  • 1/23 UMich
  • 2/5 USC

chello93 BM cello performance

  • 1/22 UMich (zoom audition)
  • 1/22 Vanderbilt (recorded)
  • 2/1 IU Jacobs (recorded)
  • 2/1 Peabody (recorded)
  • 2/12 Northwestern Bienen (zoom audition)
  • 2/22 SMU Meadows (zoom audition)

Coffeymommy (daughter) BM composition

  • 1/30 Ithaca College
  • 2/1 Oberlin
  • 2/6 CU-Boulder
  • TBD Bard
  • week of 2/14-2/19 Peabody
  • TBD Purchase


  • 12/18 Juilliard
  • 2/1 Bard(recorded) BM Performance
  • 2/1 Peabody(recorded) BM Performance
  • TBD Peabody Composition
  • 2/10 SUNY Purchase(recorded) BM Performance
  • 2/19 Bard for BM Comp

goldilockspryor (daughter) MM Vocal Performance

  • 1/23 Boston Conservatory
  • Mannes (recorded)
  • TBA Roosevelt
  • TBA SF Conservatory

golf_guy (son) bassoon

  • 2/13 Eastman (zoom interview/audition)

Kamanuiu (son) jazz double bass

  • 1/21 The New School (interview)
  • 2/6 UCLA
  • 2/27 SFCM
  • 1/22 Duquesne
  • TBA SUNY Purchase


  • 1/6 Boston University (prerecorded, no prescreen)
  • 1/31 Boston Conservatory (zoom, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 Peabody (prerecorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 MSM (prerecorded)
  • 2/1 CIM (prerecorded)
  • 2/1 NEC (prerecorded)

mali1230 (son) BM violin (Dual Degree)

  • 1/4 CMU (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 Peabody (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 Jacob (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/6 Northwestern/Bienen (zoom audition)
  • 1/22 UMich (zoom audition)
  • 2/1 Boston University (recorded)
  • 2/1 Oberlin (recorded)
  • 2/1 MSM (recorded)
  • 2/1 NEC/Tufts (recorded)
  • 2/19 Eastman (zoom audition)

MathandSinging (daughter) BM VP soprano

  • 12/5 Miami/Frost
  • 12/11 CU Boulder (prerecorded audition this year)
  • 1/16 ASU
  • 1/22 BU

mezzothings - graduate VP

  • 2/12 Boston University
  • 1/30 Boston Conservatory
  • FSU (prerecorded audition this year)
  • 2/13 Northwestern/Bienen
    Yale Opera
    Eastman (recorded)
    Peabody (recorded)

mgpaul11 - cello performance

msitbvs - MM Voice

musicmom98 (son) oboe performance

overdone (daughter) VP

  • 1/16 NYU BM VP
  • 1/23 Berklee BM VP
  • 1/30 Ithaca BM Jazz Voice
  • 2/6 UDenver/Lamont BM Jazz Voice
  • 2/13 Columbia College Chicago BM CUPM

Pl1277 (daughter) VP Soprano / Education

  • 1/23 University North Carolina
  • 1/30 BOCO
  • 2/5 Boston University
  • 2/6 University Colorado - Boulder
  • 2/12 CCM
    2/15 NEC (zoom audition)
    2/19 Frost (zoom audition)
    3/13 University of Rhode Island (zoom audition)
  • LSU (prerecorded audition)
  • TBD Northwestern
    3/? Curtis (zoom audition)
    Peabody (prerecorded)
    Oberlin (prerecorded)
    Bard (prerecorded)
    Blair (prerecorded)
    McGill (prerecorded)
    Eastman (prerecorded)
    Longy (prerecorded)
    Ohio State (prerecorded)
    HARTT (prerecorded)

RachelParent (boy) BM voice

  • 1/16 or 1/23 CCM
  • Curtis
  • 2/5 Juilliard
  • 2/5 or 2/6 Rice

realname101 - classical piano

  • 11/13 Northwestern/Bienen (ED)
  • 2/11 or 2/12 Rice Shepherd

shecklhj - DMA Piano Performance

  • 1/8 Eastman (prerecorded)
  • 1/8 UMich (prerecorded)
  • 1/4 University of Iowa (prerecorded)
  • 1/4 University of Minnesota (prerecorded)
  • 2/1 Bard (prerecorded)
  • 2/5 University of Nebraska - Lincoln (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 University of Arizona (zoom audition)
  • 2/13 Shenandoah Conservatory (zoom audition)

soprano999 - MM Voice

  • 2/12 Northwestern/Bienen
  • 1/23 USC

stringbird (daughter) BM viola

  • 1/15 Lawrence University (prerecorded)
  • 12/1 FSU (prerecorded)
  • 1/30 AppState (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 Bard (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 University of Arizona (zoom audition)

TwinMom0419 (son) BM violin

  • 2/5 Michigan State
  • 2/1 Jacobs (prerecorded)
  • Gettysburg (1/23 interview 2/5 recording)
  • 1/16 ASU (zoom audition)
  • 1/15 UConn (prerecorded)
  • 1/15 U of Oregon (prerecorded)

woodstoc - MM violin

  • 1/15 Rice (recorded)

Congratulations to Pl1277’s daughter for passing Curtis pre-screening! It’s a long list of schools she has applied for. Hard work will truly pay off as she is going to have so many options to choose from. Keep us posted. My s is also waiting for Curtis to arrange for the next round for mid-March. He is enjoying a short break from all the previous auditions. Almost done :slight_smile: Best of luck everyone.


Nailbiting continues…

During one of the Indiana / Jacobs video sessions, they said that they were going to try to notify by 3/1, “rough date”. I would really like to know the results of that one because we are in NY and a visit would be in our future…hopefully, sometimes before 5/1.

Fredonia is a yes, Queens audition was great and there will be a practice lesson with each of the teachers.

CIM audition also went well and the teacher she chose did Zoom with her as a follow up, seemed positive and negative at the same time, “Not sure what’s going to happen, studio is full but some students are uncertain, two srs are looking to stay a 5th year due to Covid, don’t be discouraged, you did well and will get into a good school be it this one or one of the others you applied to.”

MSM went great, had practice lesson, loved it.
Peabody and Indiana - no clue, just a waiting game.

Good luck to all!!


Jacobs interview and playing for our students t is next weekend.

On 3/26 we will hear from Northwestern, CMU and Boston.

We attended an online event with Vanderbilt this week and that also seems promising.

But all said no campus tours and all buildings are locked

Thanks and Congrats to your son!

We figured since we couldn’t travel why not just go for the gusto and apply all over. We spent way less on app fees than traveling and got a bunch of waivers bc of other competitions/summer camps that she participated in (Youngarts/BUTI)

I’m glad your son is getting a bit of a respite before the Curtis audition. Is he sticking with the same rep as his videos? I believe I read they wanted 5 pieces.

It’s tough bc I know the sound quality of the home Zoom pieces isn’t as good as what we submitted from an acoustically pleasing room with a live accompanist.

Do you think it is worth it to try to plan for a better space? The one concern is that we hook up to ethernet at home for a better connection. There’s no way we could have arranged this for all the other auditions but seeing as this is the last, the thought crossed my mind.

So nice to see all the updates and cannot wait to finally hear about everyone’s final decisions in a few months!


Yes it seems that we have the same type of concerns. It is unusually challenging this year. Video audition via online app is far from ideal especially for the type that thrive in live accompaniment and real performance. I really wish we could just buy him a plane ticket and not worry about anything else :sweat_smile: But I think they will do fine regardless of the obstacles. Wish your daughter the very best of luck!

  • Schedule is released. Will do it at home with the same pieces :smiley:
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My S was accepted into the SUNY Purchase jazz program. Does anyone here have any insight into the program? It looks great, and he’s very excited.


At least they are auditioning this year. My D and all other vocalists had their Curtis auditions cancelled last year.

I remember that … that was heartbreaking!

Last one is tomorrow here thank goodness - Jacobs SOM.


I heard about it too. It must be heartbreaking. Those passed prescreen last year were allowed to try this year without prescreening. I don’t know how many kids decided to try again this year. I also heard about some legendary stories on how kids tried over and got accepted. It is such a long shot for anyone. Just pray that the kids all do their best without worrying about the outcome. It’s a miracle if they get in, but if not, it’s the norm.

I can’t really give great info on Jazz program but my D in the Purchase Opera program. I can help you navigate some of the quirks of the campus if you need it. I would highly recommend joining the Parents Page on FB as that is a great place to ask and get information. Congrats!



I think that there was a parent of a jazz bassist who was studying at SUNY-Purchase. It was in 2019 when I joined CC…I just can’t remember his / her screen name…A bassist may be graduating from Purchase this year. You can probably find her/him in CC back in 2019 and PM her/him for questions?

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I sent you a direct message

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I remember that. A girl my D went to BUTI with traveled to Curtis only to get notification the day of I believe. So unfortunate and heartbreaking. If I recall, it was similar for your daughter?

Right… I told my D not to stress it and to just perform and show what you’ve got. The chance is slim, but it’s ways good to be seen and heard!

D was “on the road” for grad school auditions in NYC was heading to Curtis for her last audition. Luckily, we live near Philly, so she came home for a few days in advance of the date and that is when it was cancelled. At the time, it was like her world imploded. Subsequently, school closed and she stayed home until May -with just one suitcase mostly filled with performance attire. Curtis gave them an automatic pass to audition again this year, but a MM is only 2 years and she wouldn’t have wanted to switch schools or take a gap. She was devastated at the time, but now is happily singing at IU Jacobs. IU has managed to keep performing during 2020-2021 when many of the other schools suspended in person lessons and performances (They have BIG spaces and can observe social distancing while performing). She just appeared as the soprano lead in their opera “Xerxes” and received an encouragement award from the Met Council in the district rounds. Her teacher and coaches are fabulous and honestly, the experience is probably a better approximation of “real world” than Curtis would have been - more exceptional students so more competition, but more opportunities to find your niche. I can’t say enough good things about IU for MM!!


My son was just accepted to JSOM for undergraduate oboe performance. I’m glad to hear how this worked out for your daughter and that she loves it.

He was looking at smaller schools but JSOM is hard to look away from. Can you tell me anything about life for a JSOM student ? What’s the community like there ?

Maybe it’s too different since your daughter is a grad student but thought I’d ask.


Sent PM

My D went to JSOM for undergrad. I’ll defer to others on the details of environment (besides the general comments below) bc it has been awhile ago. My D chose IU bc a day after her audition she got an email from a professor inviting her to her studio.

My D was also looking at small schools…however during the process she started getting concerned with the size of small schools (her high school was larger than some schools) and diversity issue/environments (she’s half Asian). So she was starting a shift right at that time.

Remember that it is a big school and big music school…but his class and studio will be smallish. There were 20ish VP majors. She spent 4 years with these 20 people in some capacity. Even when I would go and visit (she always lived in SE by the music school), I would recognize people walking around since it’s a small world. It is sometimes called the “Jacob’s Bubble”. But if you ever want to get out of the bubble, there is a LOT on campus and in town to do. Lots of good food!

It is a competitive school. There are a LOT of activities and high expectations. The level of performance (with grad students) can be intimating at first. But with a good teacher relationship, the student will be guided through the school and opportunities. They would not accept him if he didn’t belong there.

Of course there are other great choices in other schools…but congrats on Jacobs! Sounds like he already has an advocate at the school. He should use the contact to learn more and see if it’s the right fit. And while they can be quick to accept, they may be a bit pokey on the financial side if I remember correctly. I think it can depend a bit on instrument when you hear.

BTW my D is still in contact with her teacher…

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