2021 Prep School Decision Charts for CC

I’ll double check later this morning! It def could be glitchy so I’ll double check the data and connections.

UPDATE: Yup, its off. The bars are right but the names are one or 2 off. I’ll correct that this morn.

UPDATE 2: It should be corrected now. Can someone do a sanity check to see if it looks correct?


I filled it out–Pomfret was there. Thanks!

I noticed it calculates an acceptance rate. The acceptance letter we got said how many applicants there were for how many spots. Do most schools do that (maybe there is a thread somewhere) it would be nice to compile that information, as the stats in our letter were pretty different from what is calculating on this graph, but maybe they accept way more than the openings because they know some will choose other schools? This is all new territory for me.

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I believe they give the spots vs applicants numbers on the letters becuase if you calculate it out it seems like a lower acceptance rate then the school actually has. Schools account for ‘yield’ when deciding how many applicants to admit, so they end up admitting more students than how many spots they need to fill. I’ve also noticed that the ‘acceptece rates’ calculated on here are slightly off from the actual ones, but I think these charts give a fairly accurate bigger picture. For example, Exeter is listed as 14.5% on the chart, when really AOs say it was 10.6%, Hotchkiss is listed as 23.4% when it was really 13%, and Lawrenceville is listed as 20.2% when it was actually 15%. Those are the only numbers from 2021 that I’m aware of, but I would also be curious to see the differences at other schools. It’s also been suggested a few times across this forum that results are skewed slightly higher on here than they actually are, becuase people are somewhat selective in which results they chose to share.

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There is a survivorship bias in the data presented in this thread. It results in higher than expected admit rates in these data. Students who have been admitted somewhere are more likely to enter their data (accepted, WL and rejected) than those who were admitted nowhere. Unfortunately, there are many of the latter in the actual complete data set.


It’s probably too late for this, but would there be a way to add an option for applicant grade breakdown?

Is this for HS only? or does it include the 7th/8th grade applicants as well?

This would really tell the tale for many especially those trying to enter in non-entry year.

For the non-entry year, I’ve been told the WL are much more narrower just because at most you’ll get 1 or 2 openings in April as the vast majority are varsity sport recruitments.

Hi, I entered my stats, but something weird happened.

I entered accepted at Andover (which did NOT show up), and rejected at Choate (which did show up).

Thank you for doing this! It’s a nice visual to show my son, who is really struggling with the notion of being WL at all 5 schools to which he applied.

Good point. I think there’s a glitch @CC_Mike. Andover acceptances have been stuck at 12 for a while.

Looks like it had stopped updating from the Survey. I fixed it - check it out and let me know if you see anything odd!


Thanks! Definitely looks more accurate!

Lawenceville had a 15% acceptance rate this year according to conference call last night.

This chart is wonderful and thanks for the Herculean task of putting this together.

There will of course be a skewinng of results towards “waitlists”. You will likely get a disproportionate number of waitlist because those waitlisted will wind up on this site trying to understand what it all means. Basically, that is what lead me here.


This is an interesting exercise (truly) but what is seems to indicate mostly is that those who post on CC are a particularly motived subset of an already motivated subset.


Agreed. From other stats posted on CC, the numbers on this chart are showing a higher acceptance (and probably waitlist) rate than the real number. This thread mentions Lawrenceville’s acceptance rate at 15% and another thread shared Thacher’s rate at 9%. The numbers on the chart indicate a and 1.5-2X higher. This year was absolutely bonkers.

Wondering if adding 2 more metrics would be interesting to see:
commited from the Accepted pool and accepted from the WL pool (as different shades on the Accepted, WL bar)