2022 Clark Scholars

Didn’t see a 2022 thread for this, so here we go!

Is anyone else applying? Share anything related to this program that you want on here

Good luck to everyone !!

My stats are

3.98 unweighted and 4.45 weighted , 1480 PSAT , 34 ACT, 5’s on AP human Geo and APUSH, 4’s on AP Bio, AP Chem

Currently taking AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, AP Euro, AP Comp, AP Stats

2 X ISEF 2nd place in category, Presented at ACS meeting for 4 years, 2 X JSHS regional qualifier, MIT THINK semi finalist, PVSA gold, A few other science related award’s

Essays for the most part were ok. I talked about science volunteering In my local area and related that to my personal story. I’d say it was maybe a 6-7/10, sufficient but could be improved.

Any one else want to share/compare stats

Yeah, I’d love to!

GPA 4.00 unweighted, 1590 SAT, 36 ACT (36 in all sections), 5’s on AP Stats, Phys 1, 2, and C (both parts) and 4 on Human Geography :’( (those dang frqs) (took all of these freshman and sophomore year)

Currently taking 9 AP classes, (self-studying two more)
USAMO camp qualifier, perfect AMC scorer, 12/15 on AIME. Took calc BC with local high school in 7th grade, perfect score on AP test. Gold medal on IPO. Represented Team USA in skiing at winter Olympics, won 2 gold medals.

Just finished and published research on string theory with MIT Professor (Robert Birgeneau). I lived in Boston during the summer to do this research, really amazing experience.

My essays were edited by Harvard AO’s, so I’m feeling pretty good about them.

Have you heard anything about when decisions will be released?

My essays were edited by Harvard AO’s, so I’m feeling pretty good about them.

How did you get in contact with harvard AO’s lol

No clue when they will be released, for now all they have said is that “Decisions will be made by the first part of May…”

damn lol this is impressive

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I look like a cave man compared to him lol

lmao, I was joking, guys.

lol…you had me worried for a while.

Did you apply to RSI??

Has anyone heard anything yet



I deadass thought you were fr until I saw the skiing lmaooo

Did anyone get in?

I have not heard anything yet :confused:

FAQ on their website says “first part of May” for results.

Prior threads indicate that results should begin to roll out around April 25th

Wait but the main page says, “Scholar Selections will be announced by mid-April 2022.” Also, I think someone mentioned on a different thread that they were accepted already?? I’m guessing that the “first part of May” is the latest that they will notify us.

I saw that thread as well and even reached to the guy (bookbutterfly8) who happened to get accepted already

When it comes to these programs, it really has a range when they expect results to come out. Heck, I had a program I applied to, HOPP, that delayed results for over a month a half.

We can start to expect results in the near future, with give or take 2 weeks early or after the expected range of April 20-25th

In any case, Good luck to everyone!!