2022 Regular Decision

Hey join in if you have any information/question about bennington

Hey, I applied Bennington under ED 2 and i was waitlisted. What about you?

I was waitlisted as well. I was expecting rejection, though, because I’m an international needing a lot of aid.

i need a lot of aid as well…I am from Nepal. Where are you from?

@karrayyy I’m from Malaysia. If not Bennington, I hope you get in somewhere great! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much. I am really scared about the decision #:-S . All the best, hope you get into a good college as well.

i’m from nepal and i got into bennington but i didn’t get nearly as much aid as i need:(

What are your stats?

@anxiousuoitibma do you mind sharing your aid package? And by the way do you know anyone else who got into Bennington from Nepal?

Thank you so much. I am really scared about the decisions #:-S All the best, hope you get into a good college as well.

Thank you so much. I am really scared about the decisions #:-S All the best, hope you get into a good college as well.

I got waitlisted , and havent heard from them since , did anybody get off the waitlist

@pratikgpt21 haven’t heard either

what are your stats?

Got a reply to my loci. Waitlist results should be out by the end of May. Nothing new hahaha

@pratikgpt21 I doubt that Bennington cares much for stats, but here you go

SAT 1430 (740 EBRW, 690 Math)
Homeschooled, so GPA is weird. About 3.6
Took IGCSE but not A Levels. 7A*, 1A
Intended main fields of study: politics, public action
Had interview. I think it went well, was about 45 minutes long. Spent time talking about aspirations and gushing about the Bennington curriculum
Essays: CA essay was meh, maybe 6/10. The supplements were better, maybe 7/10
Recommendations: pastor and science and maths teachers. Not much diversity there. 6/10
ECs are ok. 6/10? Writing published for literary festival showcase. Journalism camp. Heavy youth group involvement. MOOCs. Some MUN. public speaking a club leadership. That’s about it

Hey those stats are great and I too received an email about when they are gonna declare their decisions and they also metioned that they received positive responses from the admissions offers which doesn’t bode well for us waitlisted students but anyway let’s see how it turns out

@Daorys99 and whoever else asked me about my stats, I’m sorry to disappoint you guys, but I did not take a look at the transcript that was sent to Bennington. While of course I do know how my school reports are, I do not know which grades my school sent and which they didn’t, as the process is very unclear and sometimes it’s different for different batches. If my grades were consistent then I could give you guys an idea, but they’re not. It fluctuates a lot with me sometimes doing average, sometimes really well. However, over all, my grades do have an upward trend, I think. As for SAT scores, I did not submit them. I think I was admitted due to my essay and supplement, as they even quoted a line from my supplement in my acceptance letter. And of course, I had an interview which went very, very well.

By no means am I an extraordinary student, and by no means can I afford to pay a lot. I do have a few extracurriculars though, such as community service, internships, musical instruments and debating. @karrayyy to answer your question, I don’t mind sharing my package. I had asked for about a 90% award (Bennington’s fees are very high, about 70k a year), and initially received about a 57% award. Unless they increase my aid significantly again, I will not be attending, which is really upsetting because I really want to. And as for other Nepali students that were admitted, I know of two, one who is actually an acquaintance (his initial aid package much more generous than mine, but he is not attending as he committed somewhere else), and the other (who is attending) I saw in the admitted students group (she didn’t reply to my message so I have no idea what kind of a student she was like and how much aid she received).

Anyway, I wish everyone who was waitlisted good luck! Bennington is amazing, I really do hope they increase my aid further so I can attend this fall, and hopefully I’ll be seeing a few of you there then too!