2022 Summer Academy for Math and Science At Carnegie Mellon University (CMU SAMS)

Didn’t see a 2022 thread for this, so here we go!

Is anyone else applying? Share anything related to this program that you want on here

Good luck to everyone !!

I applied RD for CMU SAMS…Results should start to come out tmrw or April 7th

yeah i applied pretty excited

what were your stats, if you don mind sharing?

My stats are

3.98 unweighted and 4.45 weighted , 1480 PSAT , 34 ACT, 5’s on AP human Geo and APUSH, 4’s on AP Bio, AP Chem

Currently taking AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, AP Euro, AP Comp, AP Stats

2 X ISEF 2nd place in category, Presented at ACS meeting for 4 years, 2 X JSHS regional qualifier, MIT THINK semi finalist, PVSA gold, A few other science related award’s

Essays for the most part were ok. I talked about science volunteering In my local area and related that to my personal story. I’d say it was maybe a 6-7/10, sufficient but could be improved.

Any one else want to share/compare stats


My son just texted me that he made it!! 4.0 GPA / 1560 SAT and rigorous courses. Hispanic. Good luck to everyone. He is waiting on Governor’s school too! it will be a hard decision if he makes it to both but he really loves the SAMS program. He is so excited.


I got in!

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Im african american…thats why i applied to Sams

I just got rejected :confused:

I just have horrible luck…this is the 4th summer program rejection :frowning:

Congrats to everyone who made it in…it is an amazing summer program

How did you get rejected bruh :sob:

Are you FGLI?

Not first generation, but low income

In my essays talked about how I was passionate about science and pursued research opportunities by myself and built up a science demonstration club for my community that I am passionate about

Maybe my essays are bad and my teachers might have submitted generic reccs

20-30 other people from my school also applied. None of us got in. Same with all the other summer programs so far, except one person who got into simons ssrp online.

whatever the problem is, I NEED to fix it so when college apps come around I don’t have to deal with this as much

this is dumb lol

I’m def getting rejected from MOSTEC next Friday.

Perhaps they think you’re too good for the program and won’t benefit from it much

Wait… how do you know that MOSTEC is coming out next week. Did they post it?

idk about “too good” im pretty average at my high school.We have 3 AIME qualifiers, 10 people who go to ISEF, and 4 people in USNCO

I think my essays could have been better now that I am thinking about it. BUt I spent way like 2.5 weeks writing them anyways.

Wait… how do you know that MOSTEC is coming out next week. Did they post it?

It’s been the week of April 15th/16th pretty much every year except 2020 due to COVID delays.

idk about “too good” im pretty average at my high school.

Too good with regards to the rest of the applicant pool. Also if you attended a known feeder school they know you already have a lot of resources.

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idk about feeder school tbh, I go to a sketchy urban public school has a few hundred kids <600 per grade, average sized

Plus low income…since so many other people applied from my school maybe they thought it was a feeder idk

I got in!

ohh makes sense yeah

your school sounds like a feeder with the crazy amount of accolades you listed too.

I got in! Did anyone else on here?

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I got in after being on the wait list