2023 HOPP summer program acceptance

Starting the thread on Mskcc hopp 2023. Does anyone know the timeline?


March 24th notification starts.

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Is there a thread on BSSP Broad Institute’s Summer Scholar’s Program ?

Anybody got interview or any update from HOPP ?

No, they said March 24th. This Friday

Are the decisions emailed on the 24th final acceptance notifications for the program or is there another round you have to pass to get in the program?

Did anyone hear anything?


Today is almost over and they haven’t sent anything. Maybe Monday?

I emailed them and they said that acceptance notifications are on a rolling basis and they start coming out mid-April. The same thing happened last year and many people had to call them to receive any kind of feedback.

Also more than 1000 applicants this year and a 3% acceptance rate.

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Thank you for the update. Did you apply last year?

No, this is my first year applying.

I suggest reading the thread from last year to gather more information about acceptance notifications.

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Thanks for the info! Ill update here if there is any news. I suspect rejections come earlier than acceptances based on last years thread.

I heard acceptances started coming out for some people. Anyone get anything?

Where did you hear that from?

I haven’t gotten anything yet.

Were they direct acceptances to the program or invitation to another round?

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The girl told me that it was a direct acceptance but she is the first person I know to get any notice.