2023 HOPP summer program acceptance

Hi Cinnamon, would you mind sharing your details in terms of your stats and ECs? It may help those of us who would like to apply to this program again next year, Thank you!

Congratulations! Good luck.

GPA: 4.0 UW/4.6W
SAT: 1500 (700 ERW, 800 M)

Volunteer Research Assistant for Leukemia research
Research Intern for Astrophysics research (for Science Fair)
Research on Neurodiversity Awareness Survey (this is a group research project)
Intern for an In-Progress Calculus Textbook
Founder + President of a school club dedicated to raising awareness about Childhood Blood Cancers
Blood Bank Volunteer
Science Olympiad Participant + Volunteer

My LORs were most likely really strong, one was from the professor I did research with for Astrophysics, and another was from my Chemistry teacher I had last year.

These were all the ECs I put on my resume I submitted to HOPP, hope that helps! : )


Thank you!!

Thank you so much. This was so helpful.

Me and 5 close friends from school in NYC all made it to Round 2 - I’m guessing a large number of applicants make that first cut.

Congratulations! what grade are you in?

11th grade

My daughter made it to round two. The email she received said that 9% of the 1,000+ applicants made it to round two. She hasn’t been contacted for an interview yet. Good luck to everyone.

which grade is your daughter in? I wonder if any 9th or 10th grade is accepted?

She is in 11th

my DD also got the 9% of 10XX email last friday. it said in the coming week you may be contacted

she hasn’t been contacted about an interview yet. has anyone else in round two heard anything further?

Nothing yet. Hoping to hear something this week either way! Good luck!

I got the 9% email about 10 days ago and got accepted around 5 days ago.

Congratulations CKelly12!! Would you mind sharing your details in terms of your stats and ECs? It may help those who would like to apply to this program again next year, Thank you!

I am a current junior, gpa unweighted 3.9 and no research experience. Last summer I did pre-college comp bio at carnige Mellon, was on some physics team this year and am proficient in a couple programming languages and sign langauge. I also felt I had extremely strong responses to the questions. If anyone wants more specifics feel free to send me message.

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Hi Ckelly12, thank you for sharing this info. Congrats - I hope you have a great experience this summer!

FYI: my DD was just notified by email (Mon 4/17) that she wasn’t selected

My daughter also got an email today 4/17 saying she wasn’t offered a spot. Congrats to those who got it and best of luck.