2023 Simons Summer Research Program SSRP

Yes, 100% true. I have a question: are some mentors easier to apply than the others? My stats are really mediocre (no major awards other than barely qual aime) but the prof said mine is one of the best ones he has seen… My direction is physics quantum material characterization btw

Hi everyone! I’ve also applied…which professors have already sent out interview requests?

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theres a thread on reddit in r/summerprogramresults , anyone who has received an interview please update them there.


Does anyone know typically how many student each mentor take?


Which professor?

Dr. Mengkun Liu

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I chose Dr. Brian Colle. How about you?

I applied for Brian Colle. How about you? Let’s compare stats

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Yea he was my 3rd choice… did you get an email for an interview yet?

Who was your first choice? No, I have not got an email for interview yet.


this was my first choice too… did you get an interview request?

me neither but it looks like someone got one on reddit

so sad :(((((((((((((

How hard is it to get in without prior research experience? I applied to Dr. Colle first choice in atmospheric sciences. Anyone else?

I don’t have previous research experience but my stats and essays are very solid.

Does anyone mind sharing their stats? Just wondering where I am in this applicant pool. Or we can dm. Thank you very much in advance!

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So, I was accepted yesterday, but they want us to commit by April 7th, before SSP comes out. Any advice?

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its out?

which professor?

Many professors’ decisions are out.

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