2023 Simons Summer Research Program SSRP

What does the acceptance / interview request email say? Because I got an email but have a bad feeling.

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What did everyone’s rejection letter say

It seems that all acceptances have been released and any email now more than likely will be a rejection.

Wait your last name begins with Z right? I think they are sending the rejections alphabetically. Have you received a rejection letter yet?

This was mine, what did yours say?

This year, we had approximately ~900 competitive applicants for the Simons Summer Research Program, each with unique strengths and talents. There were far more applications than positions available, and I regret to inform you that despite the high quality of your application, we are unable to offer you a place in our program this year.
The Simons applicants are preselected by their schools and include some of the best science students, from all over the country; your nomination by your high school for this program is in itself an honor and an indication of your exceptional promise. Choosing recipients from this elite group of applicants was an extremely difficult, daunting task for the faculty selection committee. Although we cannot offer you a place in our program this year, this does not mean that your application was deficient, or that you should be discouraged from pursuing research by other means.
We sincerely commend you for the quality of your application, and congratulate you on your many accomplishments. We encourage you to continue with your research pursuits, and wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

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I got in! The admission rate was only 4.5% this year! (40/900)

could someone please share the discord for 2023 simons students? thanks!

dm me if you got in. I can invite u on dm.

congrats :slight_smile:

Simons 23 is here, discord server link pls, thx so much!

There is a verification process in this server btw

hello, can someone resend the discord link?

that one was simons only. this one is simons+garcia+interns Stony Brook Acceptances

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Competitive Summer Programs Forum join this link too!