2026 BFA Prescreen Results

As promised, I sat in on the information session yesterday with Alex and though I’m trying to curb my enthusiasm, the program sounds pretty, pretty, pretty good and a wonderful opportunity, too. Mention was made that the interview would be short and indeed it was. She met with one of the professors and he asked four questions. Among other things, she talked about her passion for baking, chance meetings and her place in the world. He was personable and engaged, and she felt it went well. He ended their time together with, “I’ll be thinking about your cookies,” so he was definitely listening. I’m praying he’ll be thinking about her and her place at TFT, too! Anyway, whether she gets accepted in March, after hearing the department head tell everyone in that time slot to pat themselves on the back for making the cut to be invited to interview (and he said there were many, many cuts) it’s an accomplishment in itself and our actors each deserve a Bruin 8-clap :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clapper:


Wonderful! Thank you for sharing. It sounds like she did terrific and that she had a wonderful interviewer. My sons wasn’t great, but oh well they made it this far which is extremely impressive. Keep me posted and I will as well. Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers::heart:


Oh my goodness; I’m so sorry!! My D is a sophomore MT major and after her first semester she told me “mom, I have a theory about what they mean when they say “right fit”. It can be type, looks, etc, but I think it’s really about how you interpret music, monologues, etc”. Her evidence is purely anecdotal, but her junior and senior year she did intensives that involved working with several well know program directors. She said they were all very kind and friendly, but one of the sessions was frustrating because while she was trying very hard to take their redirects, she just wasn’t doing what they wanted. They would tell her to be natural and act whatever comes to you, then when she did, they would tell her to do the opposite, then when she did that, they would tell her “it looks forced, do what comes naturally” :exploding_head::exploding_head:. Fast forward to senior year and she did not pass that particular schools prescreen but passed others that were of equal caliber (or higher). While the individuals from those schools had given notes in her past sessions, they were easy for her to correct and she had enjoyed them. She ended up with an offer from one of those schools and an offer from where she landed. Anyway, her theory is that because it’s so subjective type also comes down to the program’s faculty and staff’s own natural interpretations/instincts for how monologues, songs, etc should be done. Probably what happened in your D’s interview; although it sounds like the interviewer could have been kinder about it.


Sounds pretty, pretty nice!

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It was nice to be interviewed and at the very least, a memorable experience :performing_arts:


Well, My D came down from her UCLA interview and said. "Huh, that was odd, he closed with ‘I’m good if you’re good.’ "

I told her about your post and it gave her comfort that perhaps this is just his calling card. :grin: Hopefully it can do the same for your son.

Do you have any idea when they are notified? Or is it when all of the UC decisions come out?

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Ok so now I feel better. They must have had the same interviewer. This is how he closes. lol. I think mid March is when they will be released, but not positive. Whatever happens it’s a huge honor to make it to the interview process. Lots of cuts along the way!!! Hope all goes well and your D has some good news. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::heart:


Sorry this is a tangent, but my D just got waitlisted from the Michigan MPulse summer MT program. I’m wondering if any of you know the likelihood of a spot potentially opening. :disappointed:

Thank you for these kind words! It’s always wonderful hearing others stories, and the similarities/differences among other candidates! What a grueling/emotional roller coaster this process has been! Our daughter got all the way down to the top 200 for Carnegie to be told she didn’t make the final cut. The tears we had that day were huge! Wake up the next day and she’s fine, ready to tackle the world with what remains! Talk about a roller coaster!! These kids are amazing!


Ugh!!! So sorry! I think it’s harder on us than them; they seem to just roll with it (which is good because this process doesn’t end with college auditions). This entire process is totally worth it in the end. I live for the videos my daughter sends me when she performs for studio and seminar; I never got those when she lived at home. And, it’s so fun to visit her; we just landed in Nashville for the long weekend. So there are some perks! :joy::joy:

BAL as you finish this process!!


Awe how fun!!! It’s so fun watching them grow! Have fun in Nashville!!!

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Did anyone receive the UCLA Alumni Scholarship Application email today? My son just received it. Wondering if there is a meeting that he needs to attend. I noticed on the UCLA thread it says there’s a zoom link that’s attached for some meeting.

I live in California. UC decisions begin March 1 and thru the month of March


UC’s notify artistic/adademic admit together and at the same time as all the other admissions. Decisions are posted in the portal. There are different dates for each campus in March and they’re announced ahead of time on social media. It’s very buzzy, so you’ll know! UCLA’s might be around 3/18 - don’t hold me to it - that’s just an educated guess based on past years. Don’t break your fingers refreshing your screen on announcement day!


We got it but there is no mention of a meeting in the email. Just seems to be a reminder to submit the application. (I think the meeting was for something else.)


Looks as if those who started working on the application received an email this week inviting them to an zoom event this weekend (see below).

“The Outreach Committee of the Alumni Scholars Club (ASC) has put together a Prospective Scholars Day for any students interested in applying for the Alumni Scholarships. If you have already registered we look forward to seeing you this weekend. By attending this event, you will be able to meet current ASC students who will introduce the benefits of receiving the scholarship beyond the monetary award. You will also have the opportunity to hear from a student panel and ask our current scholars any questions you may have about the scholarship and ASC.”

Three sessions, limited capacity and first come first served basis.

And highlighted at the bottom was *The receipt of this message is in no way based on your admissions status. You are receiving this message because you have either started or submitted an Alumni Scholarship Application.


BTW if you haven’t already joined the FB group “BFA Acting Dreams,” please do. I just became a member two weeks ago and have gleaned a wealth of information from seasoned parents regarding UCLA TFT. Understand this is a BFA thread, but there’s very little information on this platform regarding its BA program and acceptance process. I was (still am) pretty green when my daughter started this journey last fall and appreciate reading the shared experiences both here and there. And one of the biggest take-aways from that group historically is that an audition/interview does not guarantee acceptance and not all those accepted were required to audition/interview. :crossed_fingers: :performing_arts:


Duh…. It’s a FB page. :joy::joy:

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Just trying to be helpful. The parents are very supportive of each other on the page and there are some interesting threads on the TFT program, especially from last year.


I found it!! Thank you. Much appreciated.

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