2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Thank you-


Chapman today as well (yes)


Just updating that Chapman came today (yes)


Yes, submitted 9/16 and have not heard yet…

previous comment was regarding Michigan

Was that via email? When did you submit prescreen? Thanks

For Chapman

Yes it was via email. We applied August 29th.

Oh ok us too!l. We submitted 9/26 and have not heard a word from Mich

Ok School was the 29th. Prescreens were send September 15th.

Congratulations! Do you mean the audition for CMU or prescreen? For prescreen they were super quick. But the audition slots were available only Jan onwards.

Yes! Looks like Chapman released prescreen results in batch mode this a.m. Congrats!


Yes, no word from U Mich yet

Yes we heard from Chapman (yes) today as well.

For those wondering, having been through this with my older son, you will hear either way yes or no from almost all schools for prescreens and acceptances to the school (unlike in prof theater for instance). Sometimes “no’s” come out sooner than “yeses” and sometimes its reversed but you should hear from the school either way. I think some years there are rare occasions when someone says their kid never heard from a school but its rare.


I mean for audition slots. Audition slots were released November 1st for those who made it through. There are a total of 350 slots for the acting majors.

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We got a yes from Chapman today as well. It is for a Theatre callback. She applied for Screen Acting as well. Does anyone know if that means she was not given a callback for screen acting or if those are sent in a separate email? Thank you


Ok I am so glad we aren’t alone in this lol I actually emailed the school today to ask the same question. We are in the same boat. We couldn’t tell if she got redirected to theater, or if that was for screen acting.

How long ago did your child send the prescreen? Curious what the timeframe is?

How long from prescreen submission to the notification of the callback? Just curious.

Did your daughter hear back already from Chapman?