2027 Columbia Waitlist Thread

Do y’all think the SEAS WL is full? I have not heard anything ab a SEAS acceptance and it is already May 17th?

Who knows

If it isn’t full there might be some movement in next cpl weeks otherwise gg

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i just called the admissions office a few minutes ago. their exact words were “at this time, our incoming class if very close to full, and we expect very little waitlist activity this year”
the representative didn’t give an exact date for notifications but did seem to indicate there will be an extended waitlist similar to past years.

What! I called the admissions office yesterday and the rep said nothing but well hear back jun 30 at the latest

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Do you know anything about SEAS, Is the class full? I know CC has made waitlist offers

they didn’t say anything about SEAS or CC specifically. they also kind of made it seem like there haven’t been waitlist offers made yet??

They have made WL offers for CC. I know 2 people personally that have gotten off WL last friday. Did they say if there is an update coming today? i know the people from last week have until today to respond to offers

i don’t want to dig into their words too much, but she said “we will be giving updates very soon”
i would hope that means today. possibly later in the evening?

I think that means they are taking everyone off the WL bc the class is full. :sob:

probably that and then having some people on an “extended waitlist”

Any idea how much was their yield last year? If their class is almost full then wondering what is different this year.

I don’t understand why they made us wait this long.

They did tell us in their waitlist letter that we won’t hear anything from them before April-15.

Typo, before May-15

kysmth, can you share which state these 2 people who got off WL last Friday are in? Thanks!

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Any updates

Visited admissions yesterday. Rep was polite , but cold and impersonal. I think all WL decisions are made. Sigh.

Visited in person? What did he say?

Nothing of importance. Just answered some of my questions.

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