2027 Columbia Waitlist Thread

Why do you think all WL decisions are made? Did they give any indication?

Any movement? I think if they are keeping you longer on waitlist, it means they are interested on you. Have they rejected anybody from waitlist?

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We emailed admission and heard back that they are sending out decisions 1st week of June.


do you guys think the decisions 1st week of june means that that is the waitlist having been filled and people will be taken off then or that that is when more people will be accepted?

From previous discussions in this thread, they have sent out a few offers already. So it’s possible that they are closing the waitlist soon after evaluating from the offers already sent.

If waitlisted students get rejected, will Columbia offer transfer option to some of them?

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Somebody told above that they will start sending decisions from June-1, but it seems no movement yet! I’m pretty sure they will still keep some folks in waitlist until August mid just in case somebody changes his/her mind and not attend!

I was really expecting some movement this week. It’s June already and they still haven’t closed the WL…

Any updates??
Has anyone gotten off the SEAS wait-list?
When should we expect a decision from the admission office?

Anything? It’s the first week of june

someone should call them

I called them today. They said they will release decisions in the next week.

Did they specify if it would by by this Friday or next week?

I have just emailed the admission office. Will let you know of the response I get and will update you here soon.

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Next week

I emailed them, they mentioned middle june and that they are very close to full. ;,( crying already

What email did you send your inquiry to?
Would you please share it?

The following is posted on the website:

" If you have questions, please contact Undergraduate Admissions at ugrad-ask@columbia.edu or (212) 854-2522."

I emailed them. AO said that we should expect some answers in late June/early July. The rep also said that there weren’t many spots available. This is basically a rejection at this point. Or almost an extended waitlist. Don’t know which one is worse.

Did you send a generic email to Columbia University or was it one of their specific colleges? I called two times this week and they stated that we should be hearing back from them next week. They actually did not mention anything regarding the number of spots or space availability.