<p>What’s the matter with everybody?</p>
<p>Yes, it’s very possible to get in with a 2160, even as an unhooked international. No, it’s not “just as good” as a 2170, a 2180, or any other higher score. Acceptance rates go up substantially with SAT scores, even at the top end of the scale. (Whether this fact is a good thing or not is debatable, but its truth isn’t: 2300+ students get in so much more frequently than, say, 2150 - 2300 students that it’s clearly not all due to hidden variables.)</p>
<p>No SAT score will come close to guaranteeing you admission, but come on – we’re talking about a five-hour investment here. If you think you can do even slightly better on even one of the sections, there is no way to spend five hours that will produce better returns in terms of college admissions than retaking the SAT.</p>