23 ACT on first try with no prep?

<p>Hi! I took the ACT last month and was frankly disappointed in this score. My subscores were a 26 English, 26 Reading, 22 Science, and 19 Math. I was wondering if it is possible to increase my score to a 30-32 range with a tutor/class. I did not have enough time to finish any section other than English, let alone go over past questions. I guessed on 10 for reading, and only got 12 wrong to get a 26. I guessed on about 20 for science, and about 25 for math. Also, I am only taking geometry as of now so i probably got most, if not all of the geometry/trig questions. Any success stories? Am I screwed?</p>

<p>What grade are you in? If you are in your sophomore/junior year and are willing to put a LOT of work into it, you may have a chance. </p>

<p>You should take as many practice tests as you can get your hands on, especially recent ones (you can get these from people who have taken the ACT and ordered a copy) This should help you with the time pressure.</p>

<p>It seems to me like you are lacking some of the fundamental skills in math since you haven’t taken Algebra II. I recommend enrolling in a ACT math class to fill in some of those gaps.</p>

<p>It all depends on what colleges do you want to go to. A 23 is too low for most of the UC and more popular private colleges, but not for many state schools. Remember testing isn’t everything!</p>

<p>I can’t help with the success story part. I took it in October for the first after preparing for a few months and got a 34. Let me know if you want more study tips.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Hi Maria93101</p>

<p>I took my first ACT this October and scored only 22 and I am a junior. I am aiming to take one in February 2015. Can you please provide me some study tips. I would appreciate.</p>


<p>Maria, thanks I am a junior. I will be applying and auditioning for many different colleges because I want a BFA acting degree. I am going to enroll in a course, I think that besides the math, the low scores were due to poor time management.</p>