<p>I'm 23 going on 24 years old in september. I don't really feel older or more mature than my younger 18 year old counter-parts, although I am conscious about my age and in some ways I think I am a little more mature, but that's only as far as responsibilities go, like I'm a good student and care about my grades, and I try to eat healthy and excersize, keep my life in order as best as I can. But honestly overall, I really don't feel a whole lot different than some of my 19/20 year old friends. In fact I have a 32 year old cousin who went away to acting school when he was 26! He got a long great there and he's been doing a lot with his life. I think he's overall pretty happy about his choice. I just actually want to hear from other people who went away to college later than normal. No horror stories about attempts ending in failure unless you think there's something positive to draw out of it.</p>
<p>Also another concern is that although I'm 23, my personality is not really well defined.. which is part of the reason why I want to go away to college. Like for example, I only have some vague ideas about what kind of person I am, where as other people could rattle off a paragraph or two to explain who they are. What I can say is that I'm pretty much an introvert and don't like to make a big scene at parties and draw attention to myself, but I also don't like to not be around people. I actually hate when I'm by myself but I care more about quality than quantity. Also if it's worth mentioning, I'm actually really attractive, and I would say that I'm smart in a sort of logical, linear thinking way, but I don't think I've really mastered the other half of my brain, and like being social, and I actually have some trouble around people, I get paranoid easily about what I'm doing and saying and who I'm talking to and I always fear that I'm walking into a situation that might lead me to a bad place etc. I tend to think more negatively than positively, and I have trouble just like.. letting go. Hence why I want to go away to college. I'm hoping maybe I can just make up for some lost time and try to make friends and be independent or whatever. My goal honestly if I go away to college is to continue to get good grades which I think I can but also make friends because I'm not really doing that right now. I'm applying to SUNY New Paltz and Binghampton. New Paltz because it's pretty and I like the vibe up there.</p>
<p>Right now my major is computer science. I'm not really crazy about it, although I like the fact that I'm learning it because I think it's pretty useful, plus I get A's in all my classes, but I want to make that a minor I think and study something different, something along the lines of like, self-improvement. I've been thinking about a Nutrition degree or a Psych degree.</p>
<p>Yeah so that's the deal. Thanks.</p>