<p>Haha funny</p>
<p>hahahah i really enjoyed this.
there are really bad non-D1 school mascots too</p>
<p>What is captain cane supposed to be?</p>
<p>I heard that Evergreen State’s mascot is the geoduck. If you don’t know want a geoduck is, google image it.</p>
<p>Banana Slug…wow…lol</p>
<p>Ha! I giggled for awhile when I saw WSU’s WuShock. That mascot scared me so badly when I was younger.</p>
<p>Glad to see the Buckeyes made the cut! hehe!</p>
<p>Ha! Glad to see 'furd made top of the worst list. However, in this Bear’s opinion, the Tree is quite an interesting character. My alma mater’s mascot, Oski, is screaming for a makeover IMHO:
<a href=“http://i47.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/f200/Pab2222/oski.jpg[/url]”>http://i47.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/f200/Pab2222/oski.jpg</a></p>
<p>When I read the author’s take on UF’s Albert E. Gator, you could easily substitute Oski in the description.</p>
<p>i thought of banana slugs too!
all the people one are creepy</p>
<p>haha…sadly, gt is on there.</p>
<p>Not that the author was biased or anything against tOSU…:rolleyes: ;)</p>
<p>“Not that the author was biased or anything against tOSU”</p>
<p>I resent that comment UCBChem. I am not biased against Southern Michigan Uni…errr…I mean the OhIo State UnIversIty (not dotted I’s!). </p>
<p>I genuinely care for our little brothers down South! hehe!</p>
<p>^ Awww. Dotting the ‘i’ is such an honor for that band member… don’t make fun of 'em. :D</p>
<p>I enjoy the Oberlin Yeomen.</p>
<p>I was never particularly thrilled with our Indiana Hoosier!</p>
<p>The Demon Deacon’s a little dorky, but he does lead the football team onto the field riding a tricked-out chopper. That’s pretty cool.</p>
<p>The Yellow Jackets? The Owls? The Riptide? The Gators? The Commodores? The Demon Deacons? Unbelievably uninformed article. These are some of America’s most treasured and beloved and creative mascots. </p>
<p>Who voted on this? I demand a recount!</p>
<p>The article is clearly referring to the actual costumed guy on the field, not other representations of the mascot or the general idea.</p>
<p>The Commodore up close really is a little scary.</p>