250 word it's not enough!!!!

Some of my essays exceed 10-15 words this limit… I’m looking all the way around to lower it but it feels like It disrupts their flow :((

Has that happened to you?

Colleges want to know if you can synthesize, summarize, and adapt. You can do it!

I guarantee there’s a more concise way to say a couple things, and that should take you under the word limit. Have someone you trust look at it for you. Sometimes it’s hard to see things like wordiness in our own work.

Thanks for that suggestion

words* sorry hahah

@Mrduque find the sentence that you feel doesn’t really add much to the essay in terms of value, then remove it. That has sometimes happened to me…

I view the word limit as part of the “test”. Can one keep within the limit and still get their point across? And can someone play within the rules and not go over the limit?

250 words is more than enough. Find a way to say what you want to bring across within the limit.

I don’t know if MIT does this or not, but I have seen where some schools will either accept only 250 words for the essay or truncate any essay over the limit.

In the past, MIT has not been particularly pedantic about it. If you ended up at 255 words, it was not the end of the world. If you ended up at 280 words, then you could not follow instructions. Obviously rules from previous years may not apply to this year, but they are likely to.

Constraints are good.

@Mikalye thanks for your advice, I managed to stay below the limit anyways, It was hard though.