<p>Can you believe it? Were in the home stretch of less than 30 days? Excited? Anxious? Nervous? D. All of the above? Just remember that no matter what happens, life isn't over if you don't get accepted. But gosh, March 10th, hurry up!</p>
<p>Vent here about all your stress of apps, decisions, ect.</p>
<p>GRAWR. I hope I get accepted, because life in my school is quickly becoming unbearable. Even if I don’t, summer will be such a period of… deflation. I hate this time of year. Admissions makes it doubly stressful!</p>
<p>Haha, I bet the admission officers are twice as stressful with loads of applications…
<p>:P please don’t bring up days like 10 , 9 , 8… Those make it unbearable because days crawl by so sllllluggishly~</p>
<p>Man, why am I still on CC, I have tons of essays and problems and tests coming up that are piling on my desk and I’ve only done 1 assignment so far…</p>
Those are my emotions right now. And i’d say my stress level is at 160%. I have to get in !!! gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if i don’t I promised ymself i would just straight cry for 5 days. Then I would be over it and could move on…</p>
<p>Yeah to those that reapply, going through this process once again is even tougher… I really can’t get my head into studying these days exactly… :(</p>
<p>my school actually is giving alot of busywork now…but somehow through the procrastination i find myself on CC and looking over th school brochures and websites for the umpteenth time. next week i have off, and i definitely need to relax before i stress out too much >.<</p>
<p>Don’t you guys have work to do? I’m not being sarcastic in the least, I can’t spend any of my spare time for things I like, or else I have all-nighters and work to be done in school. And in school, I never get to hang out with my friends or anything because I’m always running around doing work and don’t eat lunch.</p>
<p>Sorry, just, I don’t get why schools aren’t lashing semester 2 workload onto you guys as fast as they did for us I didn’t even notice when the days since we were at like 40ish.</p>
<p>27 days…i just want to like be put into a coma and come out of it the night before…the wait is agonizing!!! someone punch my lights out please! lol totally joking</p>
<p>This wait is killing me. I go back and forth. One minute I think we got in, and another minute, we’re out. Does anyone here feel sure about your application? Can you all poke a hole? The more I think about it, the less confident I am.</p>
<p>i don’t think any of us feel absolutely sure about our applications, but I remember a thread somewhere that talked about how each of us felt about our chances (percentage wise)…</p>
<p>my gut feelings come and go, for example just 30 minutes ago I thought for a moment that i definitely got in, now i don’t think i will…it comes and goes…sometimes 99.9% sure then it drops down to 5%…</p>
<p>Feb break starts this Friday and ends on 23rd
a week and three days off from school=absence of homework
With no such thing to keep me busy, I can’t resist myself from thinking about March 10th, which will drive my crazy by the time school resumes.</p>